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Datsun Day - 31 Oct 2010 Prospect Hotel Sydney

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Just thought I'd throw this up in case anyone is keen, short notice I know but anyway :worship:

I'm still chasing the bonnet and guard trims for the C210 if anyone is going and has spares for sale.


Cheers Dan

also: anyone going to Datnats in Goulburn over the 2011 easter long weekend?

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Show postponed till 14th next month due to shit weather.

D- apparently accommodation fills up fast. I've already booked in and they said there filling up fast.

Still undecided on the track day, need more power/better brakes/better suspension. Might invest in a cam and a die grinder.

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Ahh good!

I was going to go to the swap meet, but the bad weather turned me off.

Will pencil in the 14th then, see how that goes. (bring the Hatch, along with a boot load of stuffs)

Definitly on for Goulburn too, will be staying at home (canberra) as its not that far away.

as for head work and a cam.... go for it. Makes a hell of a difference. I drove a R30 L24e 5 speed the other week that had a Stewart Wilkins cam in it, felt totally different. even sounded different! more like an RB30e.

Get a few spare heads and have one as a practice/test dummy, then go for real on the good one.

I suggest getting the cam and all that done by a workshop, matching p the cam towers and the shimms is a pain in the arse.

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I am not sure if Andrew is refering to my car, but I also have a 72 degree camshaft by Stewart Wilkins in my car which he drove a few months ago. Does go pretty hard, especially now I have advanced the ignition timing a bit.

Just a word of caution though, since I have put in the new cam I have been having troubles with low manifold vacuum screwing with the brakes. I am trying to sort a vacuum canister atm to try and fix my problem. Will post results when I get it sorted if anyone is interested?

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Yeah, I think a mild cam and some port work/skim of the head would liven it up a bit with the new headers and E30 manifold. Wouldn't mind a decent down draught webber instead of the 300 Holly. Shimming the cam towers should be fairly straight forward lift the towers buy whatever you take off the head? or am I missing something?

Have a C110 sedan lined up for cheap. all thats left is running gear and suspension. So a spare head to rebuild if it's still good, spare struts to do the hilux calliper/coilover? conversion on as well as a spare box/diff. Hopefully my new shed will be built early next year so I've got somewhere to keep it all.

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Why do we talk Holley & Weber down draught when twin 1.75" SU's are really cheap of 2500TC Triumphs. Is it the balance tuning issues, because it couldn't be such a big performance issue? I would think the twin carb manifold off 240/260Z's would be relatively easy to get, or aren't they??


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Yep, sobeks car was a ripper

Wilkins lists 3x cams on his website, 68, 72, 74 (all FIA) regrinds. I have head of a 76 deg too for race use only

Got all the guts!

The degree number is what the japs do to rate cams and it's the number of degrees past bottom dead centre that the valves close at. Upwards to 300 degrees duration I'm told, so no good for turbo applications.


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