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Hicas - Im Very New To This Car And Would Love Some Input

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Hi again, i know this topic has been covered abit in the past and ive been doing my best reading through old posts hoping to find my answer but had know luck yet so i figured i might aswell just straight out ask, i bought my R34 gtt about 2 months ago, when i was testdriving it i even asked the salesman why the HICAS light on the dash was lit up and what it was for, and he just said its to tell you its working properly and then changed the subject, now all my life ive wanted a nice skyline but that doesnt mean i know a thing about them, i know this is gana sound silly but yeah i dont really even know what the HICAS does properly. I soon figured the light must be on for a reason other then what the lier salesman said but there doesnt seem to be anything wrong with the car, i dont know what i should be thinking may be wrong either, could i be causing my car damage driving it with this light on ?? I would love all the help and ideas i could possibly get on this topic, it would be greatly appreciated... Thankyou so much for taking the time to read this...... Cheers

Elle.. :-)

It could be a problem with the Hicas unit or it may have been replaced with a "lock bar" and deactivated.

As you come from Nowra I would suggest that you contact a local forum member "Humbla". Genelle also resides in Nowra and is an experienced Skyline owner who could advise you about the problem and where you could have the car serviced by someone who knows Skylines.

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