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Adelaide Stagea Cruise/get Together November 2010


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Might bring the laurel out if I can swing the day off

No taxis allowed Rod!!! :) Just jokes mate - not for me to say. But if I end up going you could jump in with me if you want, I'll probably see you before then anyways.

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Im on night shifts :D

....... Ah screw it, IM IN :P

Thata boy! :happy:

Will have route panned out by weekend. Will PM the meet spot by end of week. ;)

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Righto ... planned the route out. Looking at a meet time of 10.00am with a departure for 10.30am at the latest. Its a 250km round trip taking some 4 hours and 20 minutes, not including stops.

Lunch will be a stop at Victor Harbor, where you can head straight home after, or continue for a more scenic way home (total 250km). The short route (those wanting the quick route home) will be 186km and 3 hours 40 minutes.

PMs will be sent off in the next few days.


EDIT: meet and departure times altered ... please note.

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ah damn mines going to be out of action then, would have been good to catch up with all the adelaide stag crew, oh well next time!

Come to the meet point anyway.

I'm sending out PMs now for the meet spot.


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250kms?? Hope there's a few petrol stations along the way for me :) haha

250kms is half a tank for me :) But I guess you have two turbos, so twice the consumption. :rofl2:

There are opportunities to grab fuel along the way, but I'd still advise everyone to get their fuel before the meet point.

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