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make Redbull and Vodka your friend!

lol close mate.

Fast flu relief is easy.

1x 400ml glass

Pour in 350ml Jagermeister

Pour in 50ml Redbull

Drink over a maximum of 5mins.

Wait 10mins

Repeat until unaware of flu :thumbsup:

lol i knew someone would say that

however, im not saying im being unfairly punished. i just dont want to pay if i dont have to.

if i dont do MY job properly, i dont get paid

Yeah, not having a go Iain; but I do more than I get caught for; so I tend to cop it if I was doing the wrong thing.

The rules seem to be pretty different for the Police though; I was handed a fine that listed my Missus car with an incorrect plate, incorrect vehicle and the wrong offence. I queried it with a traffic law specialist; and none of the faults were considered "Fatal errors" (details that would make the ticket void), because they handed the ticket to me.

I was "caught" overtaking on an unbroken centreline, by a police car following at a distance of at least 600 metres. Supposedly they had me "Dead to rights" on the incar footage.

I flat out denied the charge (NOT recommended) as I had completed my overtake before the unbroken line had ended; which he would have known if he'd been in the same suburb as me.:rolleyes:

He went off his brain when I requested a viewing of said footage; knowing full well there was no way it would show me committing the offence. He refused at the scene (what a shock!) and I had to request an appointment to view it at Green Valley HWP headquarters.

I subsequently attended and met several very accomodating HWP officers who showed me around their HQ while they found the footage of the "incident".

They have walls COVERED in photographs of of "illegal" modifications to all manner of performance cars; so they can spot them at a glance, which is why I always laugh when people do the old "nah mate, it's all stock" and are then shocked when the Police give them a defect.

If you want to fly under the radar; don't own a WRX, S13, S14, S15, R32,R33 or R34 Skyline; 90% of the pics I saw were of mods to these cars.

Aaanyway, when we viewed the footage; you couldn't see a farkin' thing! My missus car was a tiny speck in the distance, and they followed me for a further 7 km before doing anything. Then, they performed an overtake across an unbroken centreline :whistling: and took off after me with lights and sirens going 240km/h (according to the speed data on the tape), and pulled me up. The officers watching, said they wouldn't have even bothered, and when told who the issuing officer was; they all exchanged a knowing glance and informed me he was quite "overzealous".

When it became obvious that there was no "evidence" of my illegal overtake on the tape, I told them I'd be contesting the ticket.

They then told me that it still didn't matter as it would be my word against two Police officers; guess how that ends.:spank:

So basically; They would stand up in court; effectively lie, and I'd be found guilty. Left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth; but meeting some normal HWP officers (actually all drove some kind of performance car, and didn't treat me like a crim) allowed me to see that they're not all like that one.

As an aside; the tape shows me doing 102km/h in a 100km/h zone, for a few seconds; and if viewed in court; would be added to the list.

If you've ever wondered why officers reduce (round down) the speed on a speeding ticket; it's not because they're being nice. It's so they can have a few other goodies in the bag if you do decide to take it to court. All they have to do is refer to their notes (and trust me, they write down the actual speed); it becomes fact.

I paid the ticket, and moved on.

Edited by Daleo

So, i recieved a ticket in Coffs Harbour for performing an illegal U-Turn.

The officer didnt fill out the ticket correctly.

Should I dispute this?

Perhaps the wrong question; what can I do to dispute this? Do I need to take it to court? Or will a letter suffice?

Its not a spelling mistake, he has incorrectly filled out some essential fields to do with the date and the fine code. IMO, making the ticket null and void as these are fairly important.

cant get out of it that way they just ammend the fine to the correct details :(

Too many Chubbys over cameras on here. Got to try to save topic...

So, the thermo fans stopped working in my shopping trolley. So I check if the fan works- yep, bridged the gap over the relay and sure enough the fan comes on. That makes me think, OK, the relay must be a bit sus. Zip down the auto store - "no nothing like that here" over to mazda and shock/horror /almost fall over at the price- LA10 - bascially a 4 pin 10A relay (like the size of a 50c coin!) $68 or $73 from Ford parts. Not a lot of choice in the matter - so I get one in. Plug in, doesn't fix the problem. Fan don't work.

Turns out its the Coolant / fan temp sensor- $35 from the auto store. My next guess was right. Fit it, works perfect- change /flush coolant- everything a source of joy.tongue.gif

Which leads me too- What is the most ridiculous price that you have had to pay for a tiny/cheap part?

Too many Chubbys over cameras on here. Got to try to save topic...

So, the thermo fans stopped working in my shopping trolley. So I check if the fan works- yep, bridged the gap over the relay and sure enough the fan comes on. That makes me think, OK, the relay must be a bit sus. Zip down the auto store - "no nothing like that here" over to mazda and shock/horror /almost fall over at the price- LA10 - bascially a 4 pin 10A relay (like the size of a 50c coin!) $68 or $73 from Ford parts. Not a lot of choice in the matter - so I get one in. Plug in, doesn't fix the problem. Fan don't work.

Turns out its the Coolant / fan temp sensor- $35 from the auto store. My next guess was right. Fit it, works perfect- change /flush coolant- everything a source of joy.tongue.gif

Which leads me too- What is the most ridiculous price that you have had to pay for a tiny/cheap part?


made mine for under $20 of materials :P

Stole (sorry; appropriated) my materials from work, used their TIG, and got paid cos I did it on their time!

Like a baws...

Edited by Daleo

$340 for an OEM Mazda engine mount. If I purchased the set of four; total cost would've been over $1200...

Probably should clarify; these are prices I've refused to pay...

:stupid: :Not only but also...On the back of a Driving School car

"I apologise for driving too close to the front of your car"

Edited by 66yostagea

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