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Autobarn Elizabeth Two Day Sale : 20 & 21 Of November

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Hey guys and girls, have been asked by my mate that works at Autobarn if we as a club would be interested in putting on a display on Sunday the 21st of November at Autobarn Elizabeth. This is to help support and draw attention to their two day sale, and hopefully act as a fund raiser for the club. I have spoken to Ben the floor manager, and they are happy for us to treat it as a fund raiser bbq for the club and seek no monies in return. Set-up would be from around 8:30-9am before they open. Even if you can only put in a few hours for the display it would be most appreciated.

Please lodge your interest here so i can let Ben know rough numbers so he can allocate space for us.

they just ran one at the Noarlunga stoor with option audio demo car , and ran a mini sound off /test and tune on your stereo.

guess it was on farcebook but the free stuff was decent, 12 buck Meg's car soap, and a yellow autobarn hat..promptly donated to a local kid..hahah

got the volume turned down after Goodguys complained about the noise.. shaking the tiles out of the roof ..lol

gotta love the BASS..lol

shame Elizabeth is so friggan far away.

let me know before that weekend, and i'll make sure i lug the bitch out north and stay at the missus's place haha. then i can sleep in instead of having to be up at the crack of dawn to come across town hahaha

  • 2 weeks later...

Still going ahead mate, scrapped the BBQ idea but will still be good to catch up with a few familiar faces. Probably be there around 9-9:30am, fre to leave whenever.

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