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Last week when down to a 1/4 of a tank, my fuel completely cut out when i was making a right hand turn. Oce i brought the car to a safe stop. I turned the ignition off and let it sit. It started back up first time, and i got it to a petrol station where i re filled the car. That seemed to fix the problem.

However today when i was taking a large right hand bend on a freewy with 1/3 of tank left the car did the same thing however it kicked back in without any safety issues.

I have also up untill recently had a fuel gage that was playing up and would say that i have an empty tank, despite the tank nearly being full.

I have a 1999 Series 2 Rs4 auto, it is completely stock. I have just had a major service done to the car. I always fill it up with 98ron petrol.

Just trying to find out peoples opinions on what they think the issue could be?


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fix what you know is broken first, then look at maybe problem second unitl then keep car full and guess fuel level from kms on trip meter, don't rely on a gauge you know is playing up.

if you are sure it only does it when fuel is low could be loose pump intank and when you go around right turn it sways out of the fuel

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The fuel pickup is on the right hand side so when you turn right the fuel goes left away from the pickup. This should not normally be a problen unless the tank is quite empty so there are two things that come to mind... the pickup is not fitted correctly to the pump so that it doesn't sit right on the bottom of the tank or maybe the sock and or the tank is clogged with dirt. Either way it could be a good idea to pull the pump out and if it is the original not a bad idea to put in a new one at this stage and anyway change the fuel filter in the engine bay if you haven't already. BTW I have a fuel guage sender unit if you think you need one although it might be easier to get one locally if someone is wrecking a Stagea near you.

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Had same problem on corners, did the constant 12v wiring mod, hasnt happened since. My theory is that the fuel pump was stalling internaly somehow under g load, related to the low voltage from the stock wiring setup.

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you sure it's completely stock? if you haven't changed the fuel pump i'm guessing someone else replaced the fuel pump, check it out. The stock sock for the fuel pump was probably replaced. (stock sock is obviously longer compared to the walbro ones aftermarket/etc.) Also, see if the fuel pump cradle is placed properly on the bracket where it was originally hanging onto. I've had this problem before as well but now i've fixed it.


Edited by JnJ
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As i have very little knowledge about my car.

If it is the fuel tank intake, how much would it cost to replace?

Also i just had a major service completed on my car so i'm assuming the filters would have been replaced.

Will an auto-electrician be able to fix the problem with my fuel gage?

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It is a fairly straightforward job to have a look in the tank and fuel pump assembly. I would bet there is something that is fairly simple wrong with a pump being reinstalled incorrectly and that might account for both issues.

A mechanic should have no trouble checking this but by the same token it is possible to DIY this and/or get some help locally from a forum member.

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So I parked my car, and now it wont start. It was 10.30 at night so I called the RACV. He said, that there was very little pressure in the fuel line, he was struggling to hear the fuel pump as well. There was like 40 litres of Premium petrol in the tank when it didn't start.

Looks like i am getting it towed, but i am still unsure on where to take the car. It is parked in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne.


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A fella I worked with, had a weird issue with his car, when it had less than 1/4 of a tank, it would just stop after a while. Really random but always with low fuel.

Turned out his fuel pump was knackered (500,000kms!) and when the tank was low, the heatsoak in the smaller volume of fuel being recirculated, would cause it to nip up, and stop.

With a full tank, it would cool the pump ok, but eventually it died completely. Also had the low fuel pressure issue that you're describing, but when left for an hour or so, it would start, & run flawlessly. Drove me bloody mad!

Check the pump.

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Just get a new pump anyway if its the original you need a new (not second hand unless you're broke) pump. Walbro will be fine or Bosch 040 or more expensive if you want. Try also to get it direcxtly wired for full battery voltage (several how tos on this site or a sparky should be able to sort it easily).

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Had same problem on corners, did the constant 12v wiring mod, hasnt happened since. My theory is that the fuel pump was stalling internaly somehow under g load, related to the low voltage from the stock wiring setup.

How do I find out what this wiring mod is????

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