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Just wondering if anyone uses them. How well do they work? Ever been fined for using them?

im thinking about getting the Whistler PRO 78SE. reasonably priced and is only detected by radar detector detectors at very short distances, if at all.

would love to get the invisible detectors however they cost around $1000 and i cant afford it.

Edited by Peter89
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Yes, legal in WA.

But let me tell you a story > even exposing my own hypocrisy > back in 1970 when I got my 1st car > brand spanking new Datsun 1600...

I bought yes, a radar detector.

With that little machine, I learnt how to skirt around the law > to speed > which in turn conditioned me to watch out for police and only then, slow down > which caused me to think I was bullet-proof > which caused me to think that speed limits were for others.

Yeah yeah, we rationalise away and think...

it's only there to help me to watch the speedo should I inadvertently creep over the limit.

Well I'm the last person to ever call you a liar.

For me though, I just couldn't help myself. And then they outlawed those machines. But that was long after I'd got rid of my radar detector.

End of story.

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In my province in Canada shokongly enough I am legally allowed to install a radar/laser jammer which scrambles cops speed detectors. Unortubatly they cost around $2000 cad and are illigal in most other provinces and the USA but they work great. I have a belltronics 9500i blue and it works great but you must remember they only work if someone ahead of you is currently getting laser/checked. If your driving by yourself on an open road it won't detect the cop until he scans your speed

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Illegal except WA as stated and the cheapest option is DON'T SPEED!!!! And that goes for road works ARRGGH that S*#ts me all the idiots that speed in road works to save no more then 2 min but risk killing someone.... But i guess no worse or should i say funnier then all the idiots speeding to get to work, come on if you get caught just to save time then you may as well have had the day off, because after you pay the fine then you have gone to work for free.....

Makes me laugh.. lol Yes the speeds on highways is to slow and we all know that speed doesn't kill but they are the rules and in this nanny country we have to obey...

Edited by 99 GTT
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Illegal except WA as stated and the cheapest option is DON'T SPEED!!!! And that goes for road works ARRGGH that S*#ts me all the idiots that speed in road works to save no more then 2 min but risk killing someone.... But i guess no worse or should i say funnier then all the idiots speeding to get to work, come on if you get caught just to save time then you may as well have had the day off, because after you pay the fine then you have gone to work for free.....

Makes me laugh.. lol Yes the speeds on highways is to slow and we all know that speed doesn't kill but they are the rules and in this nanny country we have to obey...

That's right, lie down and take it.. the Australian way.

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id say to many people on these forums wouldnt have the balls to install a radar detector in their car so u wont get much help here. Id rekon you would be better off visiting a truck forum as every truckie and their dog has one installed for those long highway trips. + im pretty sure u can get ones that are linked to gps which tell u when u approach speed camera's etc. If u get one please post where u got and how much =D

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id say to many people on these forums wouldnt have the balls to admit installing a radar detector in their car so u wont get much help here. Id rekon you would be better off visiting a truck forum as every truckie and their dog has one installed for those long highway trips. + im pretty sure u can get ones that are linked to gps which tell u when u approach speed camera's etc. If u get one please post where u got and how much =D

fixed for accuracy. I know of several cars with them in there and they are well aware of the legalities.

in QLD is a $1000 fine per offence (so if you have two of them $2k) and loss of the devive. if its buried in the car then loss of car.

a lot of taxi drivers have them btw.

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fixed for accuracy.

Agreed :P

Might as well have posted up a question asking where you can get some good crack or where the drags will be on Friday night. If you want to know specific information about them, maybe ask in the WA forums or do some searching on American car forums. They tend to know alot about the technical side of things, i.e. what types of radar they detect and what they can be detected by.

Be warned though, they have radar detector detectors nowadays...and the thing will turn you into a paranoid individual. Every service station you pass will have it's automatic doors set off the green lights which isn't so different to the reaction from someone else being targeted with police radar. It's when the oh-shit meter turns red that you have a proper lock on...enter thoughts about throwing the thing out the window. Ahhh memories :P

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just want to stop the ridiculous 3-10 over fines. it's a lapse in concentration on the limit not actually attempting to do it. plus id rather pay attention to the road not my speed every minute.

I didnt think cops bothered pulling people over for less than 10 over anyway. Its more the fixed speed cameras that will get your for 3-10 over and the radar detector wont help for those. You are better off getting a list of the fixed cameras and memorising or loading them as points of interest into a sat nav.

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There are gps enabled detectors which will cancel put false signals such as automatic doors. As for which signals they pick up it depends on which detector you get. Mine covers all current signals and came with a gaurentee that when new laser or radar bands come out I can give it to the manufacturer and they will install another sensors or reprogram the current ones to adapt and detect the new bands. The gps ones also come with an option to input red light and traffic cam locations. If all you want it for is because you don't want to slip over the speed limit can't you get a gps that has speed limits on all roads programmed into it? Yet again I'm from Canada but I'm sure you guys have gps units with such capabilities because they have been out up here since like 2001 with warning signals for when you pass the speed limit. We only use our radar detectors when we plan on breaking the law :P

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Cops have radar detector detectors... if you're caught it's like a $1, 000 fine and they'll confiscate it and turn it into a radar detector detector.

How many times do you expect to be caught speeding without one? once a year, twice?

Buying the radar detector and paying the fine for having it won't out weigh the cost of those two fines so from a purely financial point of view you're in the red.

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Even in WA, its not really certain on how long radar detectors will remain legal, there was more uproar a while ago where the government was saying they want to make it illegal like the rest of the states & this time they seem 1/2 serious about it.

I was planning on buying one at the time but decide to held onto my cash instead...

On my usual routine to/from uni & work, I tend to go 5-10 km/h over anyway & I never had any fines yet... luck has being on my side all this time ;)

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