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Is My Turbo On It's Way Out?

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Potential leak between cooler piping and actuator/standard boost solenoid/actuator? Don't think it would really make much of a noise though, but might explain boost creep

+1. And I wouldnt be boosting it until you find the problem... you might break something expensive...

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oh shitters ive noticed a slight bit of a high pitched squeel when i boost mine reacently too, boosts fine tho no problems, dint think much of it but now that you mention it i should have a look at leaks, loose bolts ans inside the turbo.

ive been wanting to change the stock turbo for a while now anyway.

anyone know whats a good lil aftermarket (street) turbo that gives deacent performance for a reasonable price thats not gonna get too much attention from cops when they lift up the bonnet ( for some reason they like doing that and pointing at shiny things)

thanks fellas

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