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Will the iPhone app be the same as using it on ya normal computer? Cos It's missing a few things atm but I assume once the site is 100% running the app will follow? :)

Not tryin to be pushy just clearing things up hah.. As I know you guys are doin it for the love nd not a job

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Is this only an aesthetic complaint? Is it only the colours and layout that you dont like or is there some functionality that irks you also?

Lack of funtionality due to asthetic changes.

The sticky threads no longer appear in their own little section separate from the main forum threads making the main list look cluttered at the top all the time.

Silly buttons in different places; as mentioned before, I hit the + button on two posts thinking I was adding them to my quote stack, and all I did was rep people.

The picture pop up issue has since been fixed, but that was a real pain in the butt.

The new edit fucntion is a right MF too... where are the options of quick and full edit?

And the User CP is in a different spot... and has clicky drop downs and all sorts of other different things. Old CP was one of the best I've used... this one is too clunky and requires too much double handling.

What about the old theme did you like? (And which did you use? Light or dark?)

Used the light theme, and it was simple, well laid out, easy to read. If I could still look at it somehow I could do a much longer list, but my main complaint is that the design is different. Would be great for us afraid of change, to have the option of the old view as a skin.


All that "recent content" and whatever else bollocks in that stupid side bar... it's cookie dependant isn't it? Every time I get on a different computer, or when I use my phone etc I have to close it again. That's a real pain and makes the page look cluttered as buggery. Is there possibly an option to just turn that off on our accounts? Can we add it to the block list or something? :P

Edited by Isola
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on a side note.. how do you change the skin? must mbe missing it somewhere? Ash said new skin is better.. Is it only viewable for mods atm?

Also the pictures open in the same window for me.. I'll try clear cookies & history to see if that chages but yeah is annoying atm cause i'm used to closing the window and i'm closing SAU at the same time LOL

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on a side note.. how do you change the skin? must mbe missing it somewhere? Ash said new skin is better.. Is it only viewable for mods atm?

Also the pictures open in the same window for me.. I'll try clear cookies & history to see if that chages but yeah is annoying atm cause i'm used to closing the window and i'm closing SAU at the same time LOL

yeah only skin us mere mortals can view at the moment is the standard one. to change them in the future though, scroll to the very bottom of the page. in the left hand corner there is a "back to the top" link. above that is a drop down window that currently says "IP. Board". that is the skin option box. in the future it will have the multiple skins you can choose from.

i liked the dark skin because it looked better. as far as i was are the functionality was the same as the light skin, just looked cooler.

also attachments are opening in the same window for me, so i have to right click and open them in a new window. no major concern though. i can live with that.

also, with the rep buttons, you don't get to give a reason for the rep do you (haven't clicked it to see)? cause if you can give a reason, i want to give negative rep to craig for being a fat jerk, LOL

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only I'm using the new skin at the moment.

just looking around and seeing howwhat we need to do

there are many more we can use/purchase. just comes down to what we want which we need to work out.

it does fix some of Isola'sissues as i too was unhappy over the sticky threads. this new skin makes it easier.

i much prefer this new CP though, given i use it every day, all day .. its much nicer

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Posting this from my Android phone, it is so much better than before! Scaled perfectly and very intuitive.

Good work Christian :)

Get a dark skin going and iron out the other little niggles and I'm sure most people will love it

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Posting this from my Android phone, it is so much better than before! Scaled perfectly and very intuitive.

Good work Christian :)

Get a dark skin going and iron out the other little niggles and I'm sure everyone will love it

Incorrect. There is no pleasing some people

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i liked the dark skin because it looked better. as far as i was are the functionality was the same as the light skin, just looked cooler.

also attachments are opening in the same window for me, so i have to right click and open them in a new window. no major concern though. i can live with that.

also, with the rep buttons, you don't get to give a reason for the rep do you (haven't clicked it to see)? cause if you can give a reason, i want to give negative rep to craig for being a fat jerk, LOL

Yeah, a dark one is in the works already.

Hmmm, I'll look at that.

Nope, just click it.

Yeah, you guys are yet to add the 'Awesome' tag next to my name.

Other than that and the PM's not working, looks f**king great. f**king sensational job done by the admin here!

Thanks! :D

I'll work on that Awesome tag too. ;)

Posting this from my Android phone, it is so much better than before! Scaled perfectly and very intuitive.

Good work Christian :)

Get a dark skin going and iron out the other little niggles and I'm sure most people will love it

Sweet, Thanks!! :)

Incorrect. There is no pleasing some people

Agreed. :rolleyes::ban:

dont know if its been said but would like to EDIT previous posts.. Even after time the last post you made becomes un-editable let alone ones above it.. Very annoying.

Hmmm, maybe a setting I overlooked. Will have another look.

not sure if its just my account but i just recieved a personal conversation invite from a friend on here & it's not letting me go to it & reply.

Yeah the PM's are disabled temporarily, but the 'Friend' system keeps sending them out. Silly thing. :rant:

by the way the new SAU looks great.. something new..

Thanks! :D

Love you guys! Keep it coming.

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