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Until they are converted.

There is not a "set" time. There is 100,000's of PMs given my own inbox has over 5,000 :thumbsup:

The forum we were running, had PM's in the same datebase/area far as i know.

The new forum/version had them stored in a different area/format.

Thus each single one needs to be converted. It will be fixed in a day or so i believe going of Christians Twitter posts.

Ohk thanks, makes a lil more sense now :)

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I recently (within the last year) just started using this board because it is such a great resource for finding info. I found answers to so many of my questions by searching before even having to make a thread.

It seems now with this new board you can only select search within "topic titles and bodies" or "bodies only" which in my opinion does not make any sense at all. There needs to be a search within "topic titles" option for efficient searching.

Thanks for the great board!

Edit: Hahah wow apparently I'm not to bright, because theres a checkbox to select searching within titles. Maybe there needs to be a delete post option within the edit feature :P .

Edited by ST240
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One thing I have noticed is when you go to some ones profile, their profile picture doesn't seem to auto scale to a standard size.

For example when you go to my profile:


My picture is huge!

Wow! It is huge! Yep, will sort that out.

fixed for me thanks heaps Christian, it seems a lot of people want to complain but don't critique properly

maybe once the dark skin is sorted out SAU can hold another competition for a new banner behind the SAU logo

Yeah good idea!

lolwut? i didn't even post it :thumbsup:

nga's be editin my post not even copy pastin properly like the should.

I am still blaming you until the real perp is found.

Tried to report a post...needs moving to another sub.

[#10135] We could not determine what type of content you are attempting to report.

Hmm, thats odd. Will fix that.

also, got the mobile site working on my phone again. reset cookies, form data, etc.

Sweet, I was trying to find a link to the mobile version for you but I couldnt.

Edit: Hahah wow apparently I'm not to bright, because theres a checkbox to select searching within titles. Maybe there needs to be a delete post option within the edit feature :P .

What about just searching from the search box up the top? Because that should probably be the most 'generic' search cause its easy.

BTW - I wont be replying to the Private Messaging questions anymore. The answers you seek are on the first and second pages.

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i know private messaging isnt working as yet, but dose this upgrade mean old pm have been deleted?


If you please read the update - it says we are in the conversion process.

It will take a day or two, and you'll get all of your stuff back :thanks:

Just wondering if our PM that we had have been deleted or do we get our old PM back cause some of them i need cause they have infomation that i cant really get back if they are lost.

is it really that hard to read prior posts, or just come in and look like a dick because you haven't read any of the thread :ph34r:

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Are PMs working yet? :ninja:

Nah nice work Christian, aside from the obvious visual stuff the site is definitely quicker, despite my crappy internet connection (more efficient HTML generated, less/better JS?) and the conversions happening in the background.

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^^ LOL.. also does the reputation thing actually do anything? I dun care what rep i have but i got neg'd for actually giving some real advice, not what he wanted to hear though LOL.. as long as it doesnt count towards some limitation then that's cool.. Cause i'll prob get neg'd alot LOL

I don't wanna be bugging mods with neg's on posts as they would already be busy enough as it is.. I already bug them enough by reporting the spam

EDIT: another small part.. when navigating the sub forums and topics.. i usually hit the back button.. now when i do this it doesnt actually refresh the topics to show i've been in them or any new activity.. can you change this to how it was or will i have to change my navigating method or refresh?

Edited by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.
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just noticed the extra profile card from clicking this icon user_popup.png


this wont be replacing our old trader rating system? is it to work in conjunction with as some people say some really good things on the boards this is a way to rep them now rather than every man boy and his dog going +1

lol Hiroshima Screamer

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Are PMs working yet? :ninja:

Nah nice work Christian, aside from the obvious visual stuff the site is definitely quicker, despite my crappy internet connection (more efficient HTML generated, less/better JS?) and the conversions happening in the background.

Thanks Revhead!

^^ LOL.. also does the reputation thing actually do anything? I dun care what rep i have but i got neg'd for actually giving some real advice, not what he wanted to hear though LOL.. as long as it doesnt count towards some limitation then that's cool.. Cause i'll prob get neg'd alot LOL

I don't wanna be bugging mods with neg's on posts as they would already be busy enough as it is.. I already bug them enough by reporting the spam

EDIT: another small part.. when navigating the sub forums and topics.. i usually hit the back button.. now when i do this it doesnt actually refresh the topics to show i've been in them or any new activity.. can you change this to how it was or will i have to change my navigating method or refresh?

Reps dont mean anything, no restrictions or anything like that, purely for members to get an idea of people.

Havent seen it mentioned in here or the annoucement but the Feedback section isnt up.. You may be aware of this already and are working on it.. If not just a heads up.. Cheers

Isn't up how? It seems to be working for me?

just noticed the extra profile card from clicking this icon user_popup.png


this wont be replacing our old trader rating system? is it to work in conjunction with as some people say some really good things on the boards this is a way to rep them now rather than every man boy and his dog going +1

Not sure I understand?

Nothing will replace the trader ratings. Rep is for forum/topics, trader ratings is for trading... Not sure if that clarifies anything?

This is a awesome new system :) Great work guys!

Thanks man!!

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right above the drop down menu for forum navigation @ bottom of the page (or just under the last post). it sez "Currently viewing all posts. Change threshold?". click on that, and you can ignore posts that have been neg'd down to -10 or -20 etc. thats what the rep is for

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Reps dont mean anything, no restrictions or anything like that, purely for members to get an idea of people.

Isn't up how? It seems to be working for me?

OK cool. I'm happy with that.. My rep prob wont be good though LOL

Also when i tried to view my feedback or others using the View in the sidebar bit i got

"You do not have permission to perform this action"

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may have been mentioned already. i'm sure it will get sorted in the wash.

top right 'username' > drop down menu > 'my content' (i.e member's posts) is not showing new threads iv'e made or threads i've posted in that are newer than the upgrade.


........or is it? coz i just found a new thread i made when i selected 'show threads started by member', which didnt appear in 'show all threads posted in or started by member'

and i noticed the order is not quite right. ie. threads that werent posted in last today may be showing above threads that were.


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