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Police are not automotive engineers or qualified mechanics and should only look at basic things like tyres. The whole random RWC by police is absurd. You can buy a brand new Harley which is extremely loud or a Porsche or Ferrari with massive wheels, tyres and exhaust and is so low it can't make it over a speed bump. Rich people can drive high performance cars but stick a performance muffler on your Nissan and some cop goes bananas.

If all these after-market parts are illegal then why are they sold? These parts are designed and tested by automotive engineers and are perfectly safe. I can understand if a car is extremely loud or has bald tyres but the rest is 100% BS.

Modding a car is all illegal is it? That ridiculous statement would make the entire performance parts industry illegal which it is not. I'd like to see the cops do a RWC on a brand new Ferrari and defect everything like they do on some other cars just to illustrate how pointless and absurd they are.

We are not automotive engineers or qualified mechanics no. Which is the whole point of issuing a defect, we are sending the vehicle to be inspected by someone with the knowledge and skills to take a look at it. After-marked parts are sold because you can use them in race cars... and whilst I agree with you that most are safe. What's to say it was installed safely? The best advice is get an engineers certificate, that shows you've taken the initiative to protect your vehicle and respect the law.

Harley's get defected all the time.

In regards to Police "investigating real crime"; -- well, they do. Police are divided up into squads. General Duties, Detectives, Dog Squad, Public Order Riot Squad, there's people whose sole job is to seek out paedophiles on the Internet, there's an armed robbery squad, and so on. HWP is just one of those squads. HWP's job is to ensure road safety, not investigate murders. I'm sorry but that argument of "investigating real crime" is just rubbish.

Unless you run your mouth or are doing something stupid your chances of receiving a defect go down by probably 80%. And judging by the threads I've seen about being defected, one of them is usually true. "oMGz I g0t defektd fkn coppperz!!! FMIC zorst and my bonnet for da clipz where can i get a dodgy blue slip???"

We are not automotive engineers or qualified mechanics no. Which is the whole point of issuing a defect, we are sending the vehicle to be inspected by someone with the knowledge and skills to take a look at it. After-marked parts are sold because you can use them in race cars... and whilst I agree with you that most are safe. What's to say it was installed safely? The best advice is get an engineers certificate, that shows you've taken the initiative to protect your vehicle and respect the law.

Harley's get defected all the time.

In regards to Police "investigating real crime"; -- well, they do. Police are divided up into squads. General Duties, Detectives, Dog Squad, Public Order Riot Squad, there's people whose sole job is to seek out paedophiles on the Internet, there's an armed robbery squad, and so on. HWP is just one of those squads. HWP's job is to ensure road safety, not investigate murders. I'm sorry but that argument of "investigating real crime" is just rubbish.

Unless you run your mouth or are doing something stupid your chances of receiving a defect go down by probably 80%. And judging by the threads I've seen about being defected, one of them is usually true. "oMGz I g0t defektd fkn coppperz!!! FMIC zorst and my bonnet for da clipz where can i get a dodgy blue slip???"

the problem with that is most of the people who inspect our cars for defects know less then the police and trust the police are correct and make you do what the officer has written on the defect right or wrong, if the police learnt a bit more about the laws they are policing as spicific squad to ensure road safety and not real crimes, then maybe they would stop handing out BS defects and therefore not be disliked by the public as much,

after 7 years and countless check by the police and RTA defect stations ( old super cruse days to the gong), i was pulled over by a HWP officer while driving from my house under the speed limit to a place where me and some freinds meet to catch up and as he approached my window he says "funking tyres you have on the back how much did they cost" i reply " $500 a tyre " he replies " so you've got some money then ", then the usuall open your bonnent starts, so i released bonnent then i got out of car to see him kick the lower lip on the front of my car and say that is to low ( 160mm off ground ) then i open bonnent and straight away you can't have pods ( BS no polution equipment has been removed or oltered and they are sucerly mounted so they ARE legal ) they don't comly with the ADRs, so i ask what ADR don't they comply with, he responese with " I don't need to know that i just need to know they don't comply" , if you don't know what they have to comply to how do you know they don't comply, then i ask whats the problem with them and says " they are a fire risk as they get a build up of fuel fumes " so i say " so what you're saying is the fuel fumes on a fuel injected car that only releases fuel when running is going to go backwards through the 6 throttle bodies then the intercooler and the two turbos and up to the filters while the air is flowing the other way" and he responds with "we police know the rules and about cars and you can't have pods"then he handed me a decfect for tyres ( RE 55s )ride hieght and pods but didn't give me my liecence back, when i relised he hadn't i went to the police station he was from hours later to be told he had put it in the internal post system, i didn't get it for 4 weeks and as i drive a truck for work was forced to drive without it on me which is illegal and i nearly got booked for it if it wasn't for the proby the oficer had with him on the defect wasn't at the RBT station and remembered me, cause they where going to fine me until she said someting

i got paper work from the RTA saying there is nother relating to pod filters in the ADRs only the fact some car use the air filter box as noise polution (and is is genarlly only hondas ), took it to the local pink slip shop ( which is a bridgstone dealer ship ) he sells these tyres and knows there street legal, the ride hight is 160mm so legal and from the paper work from RTA pods are fine to

now i was as nice as i could to the officer, as i usally am, till i know he was a prick and i was getting a defect no matter what, now i'm not saying all HWP are like this bit it is cause of officers like this that they are all hated and it didn't matter how nice i was he was giving me a defect no matter what

This type of farcical harassment, bullying, intimidation and abuse of a law abiding citizen who has not committed any crime by the police is completely unacceptable in a free democracy. Kicking a person's car and giving out fraudulent incorrect fines which are shown to be non-applicable is police corruption and illegal and possibly grounds for dismissal. An important body of the police force is internal investigation prosecuting police guilty of criminal behaviour.

Get everything on video with your mobile phone and if you think you've been abused or intimidated or treated unfairly make a complaint or see a lawyer. The police cannot do anything they want and get away with it despite some of them clearly thinking they can. This is a democracy with individual rights and law abiding citizens should not be abused and treated like dirt by police. If you can make a credible complaint to their superiors they will be disciplined or dismissed or possibly face criminal charges themselves if warranted. If a cop is particularly foul mouthed or resorts to violence you could be looking at a big payout. The morons have to pay people all the time when they get caught acting like Nazis.

i was lucky and didn't get fined for any of the defects, which is more proof the officer didn't know what he was doing or did know he was just being a prick, cause driving on illegal tyres should be a on the spot fine, i've learnt a lot since then and now i wish i had of got his officer card and rang the ombudsmen.

every time i get pulled over i get left feeling like a dirty crimianal for no other reason i can see but the fact i'm a male driving a HPI and when minding my own business and driving within the legal limits i don't think they should be able to do and should be held acountable for there actions, they keep trying to get more rights/powers but don't have to answer for miss using the powers they already have.

again this s a case of a few bad apples make the whole department look like dirty f@$% a&*%@!$ pr!@%$ :action-smiley-069:

This type of farcical harassment, bullying, intimidation and abuse of a law abiding citizen who has not committed any crime by the police is completely unacceptable in a free democracy. Kicking a person's car and giving out fraudulent incorrect fines which are shown to be non-applicable is police corruption and illegal and possibly grounds for dismissal. An important body of the police force is internal investigation prosecuting police guilty of criminal behaviour.

Fraudulent incorrect fines? Please explain further...

i was lucky and didn't get fined for any of the defects, which is more proof the officer didn't know what he was doing or did know he was just being a prick, cause driving on illegal tyres should be a on the spot fine, i've learnt a lot since then and now i wish i had of got his officer card and rang the ombudsmen.

What are you going to tell the ombudsmen? "Hey I got pulled over... I didn't receive a ticket. This can't be right?"

I did wrongfully recieve a defect that i had to go out of my way to clear which means i had to take time off work and been self imployed if i don't work i don't make money. all because the office didn't know the laws he is payed to enforce or he did know and was just show how much of a man he is in front of the female no striper ( not sure that is spelt right, means no stripes )

But that was not what i was going to say, it was the fact the officer failed to return my liecence and then instead of catching me and returning it or dropping it in my letter box(as we where less then 2 kms from my house) or even leaving it with the front counter of his station so i could collect it, instead 2 hours after he took it he says he put it in the post system and then i don't recieve it for 4 weeks and as i drive a truck as part of my work i had to drive with no liecence on my person for 4 weeks and hope i didn.t get caught, which i did 3 days before it was returned.

so tell me now why i shouldn't have gone to the ombudsmen

Human error & Man-made laws can never be perfect.

If there's malingering or malintent, that's when one should complain.

I just shake my head when justice becomes a casualty of adversarial law.

And I further shake my head when people are on about rights rather than responsibility - and that goes for the lawmakers as well as Mr Citizen.

I did wrongfully recieve a defect that i had to go out of my way to clear which means i had to take time off work and been self imployed if i don't work i don't make money. all because the office didn't know the laws he is payed to enforce or he did know and was just show how much of a man he is in front of the female no striper ( not sure that is spelt right, means no stripes )

But that was not what i was going to say, it was the fact the officer failed to return my liecence and then instead of catching me and returning it or dropping it in my letter box(as we where less then 2 kms from my house) or even leaving it with the front counter of his station so i could collect it, instead 2 hours after he took it he says he put it in the post system and then i don't recieve it for 4 weeks and as i drive a truck as part of my work i had to drive with no liecence on my person for 4 weeks and hope i didn.t get caught, which i did 3 days before it was returned.

so tell me now why i shouldn't have gone to the ombudsmen

The only way you can wrongfully receive a defect if it wasn't for your vehicle. Police can defect for ANYTHING. Whether you like it or not or don't agree, the entire idea behind a defect is so that the vehicle gets checked someone who has the skills to make sure it's safe. As for Police "not being trained in this area"; it's not about that. It's about practicality, we can't just throw your car on a hoist in the middle of parramatta road and check to see if your FMIC and coilovers are property installed and currently safe. Police as you say have better things to do, which is why you get shipped off to a defect station.

As for your licence, whilst unfortunate, isn't corruption. It's just a human error, the officer wouldn't be in trouble... we are all human and forget things. But by all means, report to the ombudsmen if you like... but it'll be a waste of time. If you got pulled over during that time you could just explain that an officer failed to give your licence back to you and it's in the mail. If for some reason you did get a ticket you could contact State Debt and explain the situation and they wouldn't make you pay it.

RB25PWR. Please explain further...? No I don't have to explain anything to you. What I say goes. Understand? One more word out of you and I'm arresting you for obstruction.

I'm only kidding I'm not that much of an arsehole unlike some vile cops who are a disgrace to the badge. Basically unprofessional cowboy cops are being weeded out of the force. If an officer gets multiple credible complaints against them and is found to be acting in an unprofessional manner they will be demoted and sacked. They'll take away their badge and gun and they won't be a cop no more. Recently a law professor was seriously bashed by police these cops will be sacked immediately and charged. Now that's enough from me about unprofessional moron thug cops.

Terry_GT-R34 don't take your democratic rights individual freedoms and civil liberty for granted. It's only when they are taken away or infringed upon you realise how important they are. Egypt, Libya, Syria what do you think these people are all protesting and fighting and dying for? They want their democratic rights and freedoms which we sometimes take for granted.

Remember guys RB25 isnt the bad guy here. He is helping us all understand so go easy.

The part i like is the word "safe" when clearing defects in RB25's post above.

My version of safe is it can handle the race track and road use, has been maintained etc.

But as some HWP officers show there version is much different.

My worst experience with an HWP officer is when he came to the window for an RBT i said "how are u today buddy" as i do to nearly every one,

his reply was "im not ur buddy",

i said "how are u sir?",

Replied " im not ur sir either, that doesnt justify my name or my rank".

to me that is un australian and rude on his behalf.

He went on to try and defect for a twin turbo silvia, which was single turbo and he was pointing to the inlet manifold.

Gave a defect and said it MUST b cleared by the rta heavy vehicle inspection station. Rang the rta up and they said he has no right to do that and it would be wasting there time. Rta said any blue slip place can inspect it.

That sort of thing makes me lose a little respect for certain officers.

Thanks mr Davies

The above post seems to outline the attitude bulk of HWP officers display. Arrogance is a very destructive attitude when dealing with the public, and these officers are the public face of their organisation. But don't worry; pipe up and I'll defect you, so shut your mouth boy... Great job engaging with your community.:rolleyes:

In my area, they position their patrol cars in turning lanes in the centre islands of the Great Western Highway to do speed enforcement. Could someone please explain to me how blocking the path of traffic safely leaving a major roadway can in any way be justified? I'm not legally allowed to park my car in the centre island; how is it legal to block a lane to catch "criminals"?

Commit an offence to stop others from commiting an offence? Do two wrongs make a right? People see police officers abuse the laws they are charged to enforce and the police force wonders why they have an image problem...

I've copped a few fines in my time, (mostly justified) I'm always compliant and polite and some officers are fine; but some absolutely abuse the authority they are given (yelling and screaming at a 5km/h exceed speed?) and sadly this is what colours peoples judgement.

With defects though; surely the path of least resistance is to engineer your mods and 90% of your problems are solved.

Remember guys RB25 isnt the bad guy here. He is helping us all understand so go easy.

The part i like is the word "safe" when clearing defects in RB25's post above.

My version of safe is it can handle the race track and road use, has been maintained etc.

But as some HWP officers show there version is much different.

My worst experience with an HWP officer is when he came to the window for an RBT i said "how are u today buddy" as i do to nearly every one,

his reply was "im not ur buddy",

i said "how are u sir?",

Replied " im not ur sir either, that doesnt justify my name or my rank".

to me that is un australian and rude on his behalf.

He went on to try and defect for a twin turbo silvia, which was single turbo and he was pointing to the inlet manifold.

Gave a defect and said it MUST b cleared by the rta heavy vehicle inspection station. Rang the rta up and they said he has no right to do that and it would be wasting there time. Rta said any blue slip place can inspect it.

That sort of thing makes me lose a little respect for certain officers.

Thanks mr Davies

don't get me wrong i wasn't trying to at any point single out RB25PWR or accuse him of anything, with every thing i said i was trying to point out one of a few bad expeirences i have had with certin officers point my disgust them and for some reason he seems to be taking it personally and blow what i have say out of proportion.

it also seems that no matter what anyone says he clearly believes the police are right and everyone else is wrong no matter what.

what i find funny is when the police make a mistake they say its "human error ", when Joe " law abuyding, upstanding member of the public" Citizen makes a mistake its a fine.

RB25PWR, while i'm doing it anyway, i said ombudsmen not ICAC where did you pull coruption from, i would of believed human error if he had of court me and returned it or dropped it in my letter box or even left it at the front disk of his station for me to collect, but four weeks to go 10 kms buy post and when i recieved it back the date stamped on the letter was for the day before, human error my arse it seems to me as intentional as ........

If you get pulled, do you legally have to consent to a search of your vehicle, including the boot, glove-box, general interior or under the bonnet?

If police can't look in the glove-box or boot because it is "locked" with a key, I will make millions selling bonnet locks!

To me if it's engineered that's good enough for me. Why are Police defecting people for this? I know this stuff seems minor to the general public, and you're right, it is... and is treated as such in my opinion. But if someone old does a backyard job on their car it can be a hazard to themselves and other road users. Which is why it must be engineered... Defects are probably on the bottom of the priority list, the things you mentioned are a priority and are treated as such with operations being conducted.

I can't speak for every Police officer but I dare say if someone has gone to the trouble of getting their vehicle engineered, the likely hood of them receiving a defect is very unlikely.

This is terrifying... I guess they're just making it up on the spot...

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