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correct! that's what Greddy radiator breath tank do.

but for mine, the Apexi one, the bottom return line is connecting with heater hose outlet (it should be same as bottom of radiator hose). there is only one line on top which is to stock radiator top with zero pressure radiator cap.

next stage is using T piece replace stock air bleed port on heater hose inlet (i ordered some tools but they are on the way). then make a line from stock air bleed port with radiator top line together. that would make air bleeding be automatic.

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Have you got it hooked up with the bleed yet? Looks like a good mod. Is it an M35 specific kit or universal tank and you just buy he lines etc that you need?

Have you got it hooked up with the bleed yet? Looks like a good mod. Is it an M35 specific kit or universal tank and you just buy he lines etc that you need?

firstly it is universal part, not specified for M35

here is the info from Apexi



secondly, for original design, it doesn't need to connect air bleed port due to Apexi thinks the radiator cap should be the highest point of the car. just bleed air from radiator cap using 0 pressure radiator cap.

the Apexi one came with 1* 19mm heater hose (for Apexi tank water return) and 1* 9mm water hose (to connect to stock overflow tank and radiator overflow port), 1* 19mm T piece (for return Apexi return water hose and stock heater return hose)

i make my own mod refer to Greddy one like below:


currently i changed the air bleed T piece with this one (from bunnings, due to the stock one is broken, LOL)

i blocked the top point by a block plug



i ordered this part on ebay and it is on the way

i could screw it to top of the air bleed port and using another 9mm water hose to connect to Apexi tank


here is the instruction and i will do the green part after i got above ebay part. just need to make sure the port on Apexi tank should be the highest one of car)


finally, i bought Apexi tank from yahoo auction due to the low price (around $130-140), RRP is over $200. i think you can buy faked Greddy one from ebay if you like, same design with smaller body, easy to mount in engine bay, but the most important thing is "it is really cheap"



I bought the same tank, but couldn't find anywhere to mount it without hacking.

I could have made you an alloy version of that Bunnings part if you needed something with a barb. Not sure I would want to rely on that.

  • Like 1

What's the best way to "T" into the bottom rad hose? I doubt we can get one with the provision already there like you can for RBs etc

Edit: would probably just be a "water adapter" for whatever size our rad hose is? What size is our bottom rad hose? I take it you just cut a small section out and slip the remaining hose one other side?

What's the best way to "T" into the bottom rad hose? I doubt we can get one with the provision already there like you can for RBs etc

Buy a remote water temp adaptor block (goes inline on rad hose) then tap to suit your chosen fitting.

Plumb line from bottom of swirl pot.


What's the best way to "T" into the bottom rad hose? I doubt we can get one with the provision already there like you can for RBs etc

Edit: would probably just be a "water adapter" for whatever size our rad hose is? What size is our bottom rad hose? I take it you just cut a small section out and slip the remaining hose one other side?

water returns to stock heater return hose, that's 19mm

if you want to return to low radiator hose, that you could buy this:


also you need to measure the hose inlet size before

I bought the same tank, but couldn't find anywhere to mount it without hacking.

I could have made you an alloy version of that Bunnings part if you needed something with a barb. Not sure I would want to rely on that.

yeah, we have narrow engine bay. i bought universal oil catch can but can't fit it.... i am looking at genuine 0.3L CUSCO catch can now.


also, i am going to mount another 12inch thin fan on left front for car, and using 2* 12inch thin fans together when AC is on. my car always get high temp when waiting traffic light/start and stop on 35degree day with AC on. if cruising, the temp will drop to 90.

Edited by YangLIU

Fitted my three under car braces, two sway bars, strut brace, calipers and MCAs.


Strut brace just fits over the engine cover.


Ended up removing the rotor backing plate completely rather than trimming, alternatively could have machined the inner rotor a bit.

Sway bars are same dimensions as stock but a heap heavier, front stock 3kg, Dolphin 7kg.


Rims ready to go on, just making some custom centre caps. Before and after.


and another project I picked up for $10 at the local tip/recycle yard. Going to knock up some brackets and cut out the mesh in the lower section for longer items with the seats down.


  • Like 1

^what car is that cargo barrier out of?

No idea, there was no make or part number just a generic Milford plate. I emailed them with pics and am waiting to hear back.

Yep, front and rear parking sensors on the car when I got it, you get used to the incessant beeping.

glad I don't have them in there rear of mine it shits me enough with just the fronts when people walk past at intersections. In Sydney f**ks pull up behind you so close I'd be murdering people all day if I had rear ones lol [emoji380][emoji380]
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