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OK...I hope I don't offend anyone here, BUT

What's with these people who beleive their car companies advertising re: their cars being "performance/performance bred"

Obvious case in point is Lancer drivers. Hehem...excuse me but an EVO bodykit does not make a standard Lancer a performance car (probably slows it down if anything)

Next are the Astra drivers (the non-turbo ones), who always want to have a go...ummmm WAKE UP!!

Then there are the "soft-roaders", in particular Honda CRV "sport" drivers, closely followed by RAV4 drivers. Ummm, just because Honda stuck a "sports" badge after the name doesn't mean it actually has any performance value.

The wife and I don't seem to be able to go a day without one of these try-hards wanting to have a go at the "traffic light grand prix" (She drives an 03 WRX).

I find it quite amusing when they line you up at the lights and absolutely thrash the shit out of their car, trying to prove they can match you. Most of the time I just let them go and don't even bother. Let them have their imaginary victory I reckon if it makes them feel better. I'm sure they tell their mates "you should have seen me run this WRX/skyline/etc today....I smoked his ass" LMAO

Maybe I'm getting old, but I don't really find it interesting unless there is going to be a decent challenge. V8 drivers are different because they simply NEED to be taught a lesson.

Don't get me wrong, I am a car enthusiast through and through and can appreciate a wide variety of cars for different reasons, but if your going to buy a run of the mill car and think it's something that it's not, then that's just stupid.

Anyway I just thought I'd post up and see what other types of cars people had experienced this phenomenon with, so let the list begin.

:flamed: asbestos undies on :flamed:

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The worst offender in my mind is those little buzzbox Excels witrh a turbo fitted.

WTF are they thinking.

I had one about two weeks ago with a big arse FMIC as well, do it to me three lights in a row.

I don't normally race at the lights either but sometimes you gotta lay the smack down and show them what they really should have spent their money on.

Hmmm Excel $16000 + Turbo + Fmic + what ever other upgrades they had to do = a car not as fast as a stock GTS-T let alone something modified as well, seems a big big waste of money to me.

And even if they managed to get it faster, it would still look like a piece of shit.


Hmmm Excel $16000 + Turbo + Fmic + what ever other upgrades they had to do = a car not as fast as a stock GTS-T let alone something modified as well, seems a big big waste of money to me.

And even if they managed to get it faster, it would still look like a piece of shit.

now that the excel + upgrades topic has being brought up.... i sometimes wonder what sorta engines they have got under the hood... some of them have got HUGE FMIC and with a bolt-on turbo, i can imagine the 'performance' gained :bs!:

i usually cant be bothered at the lights but sometimes really wondered wats under the hood :D

The worst offender in my mind is those little buzzbox Excels witrh a turbo fitted.

WTF are they thinking.

I had one about two weeks ago with a big arse FMIC as well, do it to me three lights in a row.

Well the proof is when you see it at a proper drag event. Sure, drag combat wasn't the best day for dragging, but all "those" sorts of cars were getting 14's or 15 sec 1/4. Now I'm not sure how much they've spent on their cars, but if its not doing 12seconds and can beat a large number of cars on the street then its a bit of a waste if you ask me to go to all the effort...

The only ones getting the decent times on the day were those smaller cars with the SR20DET conversions. The smart ones :D

people always want to drag me, i dont know why. maybe the paint job brings it on, but most of the time its not worth the risk, so I dont. And so many people want to race int he city, its so dangerous, i seen someone almost hit some guy on a scooter because this puslar GTi-r throught he had a chance. :D

the line still beat him and the beemer.

It happens all the time. The good old red light grand prix. I must admit when I first got the line, nearly three years ago now, I never let any of those types of car have any satisfaction, no matter how deluded it may have been, but now I just can't be bothered. I kinda like the fact I haven't had a fine in years, and besides there is no test like taking your car to the track. Whether it be circuit, drag or skidpan thats where the real fun begins.

Had a funny one tonight, had a guy pull up beside me in a VN S pack on one of those two lanes at the lights then almost instantly goes to one lane after the intersection. He had to pull out to 'take' me as I was only in a little mini after all. He soon learnt why cooper s minis had such a long racing history, 0-60km/hr, too easy, its no good to get wheel spin I am already gone. Then he tried to take me on the outside of a two lane roundabout, take a mini on a roundabout! Hopefully he learnt just how slow commonwhores are after getting whipped by a little mini, a stocker at that.

It happens all the time.  The good old red light grand prix.  I must admit when I first got the line, nearly three years ago now, I never let any of those types of car have any satisfaction, no matter how deluded it may have been, but now I just can't be bothered.  I kinda like the fact I haven't had a fine in years, and besides there is no test like taking your car to the track.  Whether it be circuit, drag or skidpan thats where the real fun begins.

Had a funny one tonight, had a guy pull up beside me in a VN S pack on one of those two lanes at the lights then almost instantly goes to one lane after the intersection.  He had to pull out to 'take' me as I was only in a little mini after all.  He soon learnt why cooper s minis had such a long racing history,  0-60km/hr, too easy, its no good to get wheel spin I am already gone.  Then he tried to take me on the outside of a two lane roundabout, take a mini on a roundabout! Hopefully he learnt just how slow commonwhores are after getting whipped by a little mini, a stocker at that.

Classic JL....did he skulk off and hide after that?

How could I have forgotten the excels...... as mentioned above, $16K+FMIC+Turbo and other mods=they may as well have bought a REAL performance car....wonder if their insurance co. know about the mods?, and if not, they are gonna have a VERY hard time making a claim if the day ever comes that they have to.

Oh and I almost forgot "The Tiburon"

Apart from being one of the ugliest cars I have ever seen in my life, what is it that makes the owner think it is a performance car?????

I have had quite a few have a bit of go, until the realisation hits in.

Two types of owners

1. middle aged wannabees with no idea

2. early to mid twenties with no idea

I had an RS4 Audi thing race me last Thursday night on the way to Springwood. I just laughed... *cough* ... I was the one laughing in the end :) or crying. One of the two

Anyway, I normally just laugh at people who try to race me. I think it's funny that a VL full of guys comes up beside me and tries to race me. I just laugh at them and wind my window up. They are known to get cranky at me and call me names.

Speaking of Audi's. When I was in Melbourne I was behind one (6 somethingerother turbo or two) coming around a slow give way style corner; it looked hot so I decided to get in front to have a look.

Gave it everything I had just to get even at about 90km/h, looked to my right and there's this late 40's maybe 50 year old woman driving it while doing her hair in the mirror!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was not going to comment hear until last night.

Now previously I have own a Commie, VK 6 banger did a 350 Chev conversion, then I had a RX3, then owned a Corrolla, dropped a Group N engine in it from a mate (yes still front wheel drive), then had a n15 Pulsar SSS few mods nothing major...so yes I have been a Cube Hick, Rice Boy and Wank meister, but for gods sake I have had enough...this all happened last night on the way home from work after a very long day.

The Northside was a bit wet last night and as such was taking it easy on the way home. First set of lights, V8 commie, as as people have said had to show him a lesson...which was duly handed out...

This was then followed by a cok spank in a corolla with exhaust and chromies...but alas after getting obliterated at the 3rd lights (the second set he was behind me spinning the wheels as I took off slowly) pulling up to a certain Northside roundabout Mr Cheesedick decided he would spin the wheels past me...then cut me off...

So being the careful citizen that I am, pulled up beside him and asked if he had been driving long...(add a few more words to that). This was subsequently followed by a gentleman in a Soarer who asked Mr Cheesedick if his mum was Asian cause it looked like he loved rice...harsh I know but he I thought it was funny...

Oh and it must have been the exhaust that made the car fast cause I am sure I had to go to second....

Wasn't a brand new Excel $15999.00????????

With "free" air.. and here i was thinking that breathing didn't cost you anything!

yup, slip is right, now they make the "accent" or something. But i've seen attempts at hotting them up too unfortunately.

I got shown up the other nite by the new porsche Cayenne 4x4. I pulled up next to it on the M1 checking the brakes and having a good look at it, then next thing, boooomm! he was gone, and i couldnt catch it!!

just did a bit of research on it 4.5L twin turbo V8 331kW, 0-100 in 5.6secs, top speed 266km/hr !!!!!! i would love to see it on the beach!!!

check it Porsche Cayenne

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