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:domokun: :domokun: :domokun: :domokun: :domokun: :domokun: :domokun: :domokun: :domokun: :domokun:

lol i love this thread....absolutely pointless

(well it became pointless. it was a perfectly legitimate question from the OP...to which i would still suggest Wii for alot of family fun )

Edited by boiracer

Lol WTF? You fail at trying to make people look like they failed. I was actually saying a general statement about the whole ps3 has no games thing. I never even quoted your post, said anything about your posts OR gt5. Maybe you fail at reading? BTW GT5 isn't the only exclusive in his list, oh and he never mentioned exclusives ;) Oh the ironing

I'm pretty sure it's all about me.

  • Nope 3

Was a general statement. If it had to be 'directed' at anyone it would of been bozodos coz I pretty much wrote it after I read his post about no games, however there were a few insecure fanboys harping on about it so decided to set the record straight. End of the day you buy what exclusives interest you more. IMO ps3 exclusives are a bit more diverse so I pick the ps3. Also ps3 has 3d games which is cool, not sure if the xbox does.

I'm pretty sure it's all about me.

Was a general statement. If it had to be 'directed' at anyone it would of been bozodos coz I pretty much wrote it after I read his post about no games, however there were a few insecure fanboys harping on about it so decided to set the record straight. End of the day you buy what exclusives interest you more. IMO ps3 exclusives are a bit more diverse so I pick the ps3. Also ps3 has 3d games which is cool, not sure if the xbox does.

You mean set the record straight about your opinion?

Guy my last post was 'the world revolves around me' not so serious.

Yes Xbox does 3D and better than PS3, proven with Black Ops.

I own an xbox that hasn't been out of it's bag for a couple of months, I use my PC that I have poured hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars into otherwise I'd cry about it. I'm just tired of Sony cock gobblers spouting nonsense about how superior the PS3 is. Talking up games to pick one console over the other doesn't make any sense if they are 1 not exclusive and 2 run better on the other console. It'd be rare to find a multi-plat, especially if it includes PC, that runs better on a PS3. It's simply easier and cheaper to code in DX first then port to PS3 which inevitably leads to an inferior product on the PS3.

However yay for Sony pissing off yet another community removing linux support from the PS3 like they removed emulation before that and months later, bam, Sony's fail maths are exposed to the world and now anyone can wright code for a PS3/PSP (because they found the master code for PSP in the PS3) and sign it as if it was legit and Sony can do all of nothing to stop it short of recalling every single unit and every single game ever sold for the PS3. This means free emulation for all in time, it also means pirated games and undetectable hacks, gg Sony.

Yes the 360 is cracked but it is not fundamentally flawed and you have to mod the hardware.

  • Nope 1

Lol micro$oft are such a great company too aren't they? The failed 360 made ff13 shit, had to be dumbed down so the 360didnt need to use even more discs then it already had. Oh it also looks better on ps3 coz it was ported to 360. You can talk shit about both consoles, they both have their pros and cons, and graphical differences on both are so minor it doesn't even make a difference. 'oh noes that shadow looks better on x console then y console. Like I said you buy the console for the exclusives, but most 360 exclusives you can get on pc anyway. So u less you're a pov flamin mongrel and can't afford a pc I don't see a reason to get a 360 besides for 1 or 2 exclusives u can't get on pc. Anyone who likes either console for 'better gfx' or hate for another company is just a fanfag

You mean set the record straight about your opinion?

Guy my last post was 'the world revolves around me' not so serious.

Yes Xbox does 3D and better than PS3, proven with Black Ops.

I own an xbox that hasn't been out of it's bag for a couple of months, I use my PC that I have poured hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars into otherwise I'd cry about it. I'm just tired of Sony cock gobblers spouting nonsense about how superior the PS3 is. Talking up games to pick one console over the other doesn't make any sense if they are 1 not exclusive and 2 run better on the other console. It'd be rare to find a multi-plat, especially if it includes PC, that runs better on a PS3. It's simply easier and cheaper to code in DX first then port to PS3 which inevitably leads to an inferior product on the PS3.

However yay for Sony pissing off yet another community removing linux support from the PS3 like they removed emulation before that and months later, bam, Sony's fail maths are exposed to the world and now anyone can wright code for a PS3/PSP (because they found the master code for PSP in the PS3) and sign it as if it was legit and Sony can do all of nothing to stop it short of recalling every single unit and every single game ever sold for the PS3. This means free emulation for all in time, it also means pirated games and undetectable hacks, gg Sony.

Yes the 360 is cracked but it is not fundamentally flawed and you have to mod the hardware.

Lol micro$oft are such a great company too aren't they? The failed 360 made ff13 shit, had to be dumbed down so the 360didnt need to use even more discs then it already had. Oh it also looks better on ps3 coz it was ported to 360. You can talk shit about both consoles, they both have their pros and cons, and graphical differences on both are so minor it doesn't even make a difference. 'oh noes that shadow looks better on x console then y console. Like I said you buy the console for the exclusives, but most 360 exclusives you can get on pc anyway. So u less you're a pov flamin mongrel and can't afford a pc I don't see a reason to get a 360 besides for 1 or 2 exclusives u can't get on pc. Anyone who likes either console for 'better gfx' or hate for another company is just a fanfag

Are we hating companies or not? Judging graphics (50% of what the device generates) or not? (FYI it's not just look, the PS3 can't render BlackOps fast enough in single player even at it's reduced resolution)

Do you know what the word exclusive means?

Do you actually have any idea what sacrifices have to be made when porting from DirectX to OpenGL under time constraints or what is actualy happening with the PS3 and what is now possible with the ability for anyone to sign code? I think most of my post soared majestically over your head.

  • Nope 1

No we aren't all hating companies. I don't get why you are even comparing how cross platform games look it's obvious te one that gets ported isn't going to look as good. If you look at all the exclusives they all look just as good as each other. If you can notice massive differences then kudos to you 99% of games look the same and function the same anyway. And no i don't have a great idea of how hard it is to port to ps3 only that it's cheaper and easier to code for xbox first. Yes I know what exclusive means, and like I said most are usually just timed or available on pc besides a few such as gears and fable

Many companies have worked out how to efficiently port to PS3 without major changes compared to their X360 versions. A factor that should be taken into consideration is the programming company itself... eg EA port their games pretty much perfectly these days with games (such as FIFA, Madden and Dead Space to name a few) running smoothly and without jittery graphics.

Even Infinity Ward near perfectly ported Modern Warfare 2 to the ps3. Come treyarch with black ops... their porting was horrible (unlike world at war); but then again, blops has had nothing but bugs on all platforms anyway. And with a budget as big as what they had (can't remember figures) They should have fixed most of these bugs by now (or at least update the coding on the ps3 version to at least make it run better). FIFA 08 and Assassin's Creed ranm like shit when they came out on ps3 - the developers then at least still worked and released updates which made them run much better.

Main point being after all this ranting is sometimes the programmers are crap :)

WoWsers... im soo not reading all that. but i'll rofl anyways :rofl2:(of coarse black ops looks better on xbox...its quite obv that the last few COD games have been writen for xbox and PC and they often get real lazy with ports)

i'd never buy an FPS on console as theyre sooo much better to play with a mouse and keyboard

Yeah I got a bit carried away with that one... I agree with you about the keyboard and mouse thing though. fps games with a controller need some getting used to. Depend what lind of game you're playing really. I prefer sport and fighters with a controller rather than a keyboard.

too much silence for tooo many days. need more xpox input!!!

Please make your selection:

The XBOX 360 has a better GPU

The XBOX 360 implementation of the IBM PowerPC CPU is better for games

The XBOX 360 security / anti-piracy measures still actually work

Microsoft and Sony are equally evil.

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the irony is, people like Div and myself are probably the most objective, given that we are PC gamers and deride all consoles, however the fact remains that the 360 and Forza are better than GT5 and the PS3. The console itself on a purely technical standpoint, and the game on a mixture of technical and subjective.



lol...and yes i am a PC guy too....but still love my PS3 regarless of how much you guys "KNOW" that it sucks.

and why if forza is sooo much better isnt the forza thread constantly at the top of the PC and games discussion forum?

Edited by boiracer
  • Nope 1



lol...and yes i am a PC guy too....but still love my PS3 regarless of how much you guys "KNOW" that it sucks.

and why if forza is sooo much better isnt the forza thread constantly at the top of the PC and games discussion forum?

Because it was released on time.

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Coz a car racing game where you can rewind after you f**k up a corner is sooooooooo awesome lol

Because a car racing game where the developer release a way to start races when you're not there must be jam packed with racing excitement.

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