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Hey all,

A new initiative from SAUNSW; $30 Texi (Skidpan) entries.

For those of you who dont know what Texi is, watch THIS VIDEO or read THIS THREAD

For those of you who understand what it is, here's the deal;

If you have never entered a Texi before, we are offering you an entry for $30!

Now, compared to other skidpan day entry prices, most are around $100-150 and ran at Eastern Creek (smaller skidpan that the one we use. Less spaces means less runs per entrant). So if you're looking for a value for money event where you can drive your car off the street, you found it.

This offer doesnt require you to be a club member, or even have a skyline. As long as you want to give it a go then youre welcome. Anyone who's been to one before will agree they're a fun day out with the car and its beginner friendly.

The next Texi is open now for entries, entry thread link is here;


Feel free to ask any questions to myself or any of the Exec team, we're here to help!

See you at the skidpan :D


SAUNSW President

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Joe, on my fuel thirsty setup that I had, sitting on limiter all day in second gear, I burned 20Litres... And ask the people that were around... I was near on dropping raw fuel out the exhaust... Only reason it wasn't coming out raw was because it was igniting on the way out... ;)

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