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Hey ....

Can I be pointed in the right direction by someone for where I could get one of these done for an R34.

I'm on my second version for an R34 heated front screen and so far they have both not worked (one was a proper made version that was drawing way to many amps to be usable and the other was a self stick on version that un-stuck itself the first time the sun shone on the windscreen).

OT - My buddy got one of these UK versions for his EMO and I must say its very awesome. I'd love one but would be happy enough with anything that worked!

Not good Andrew .... I met a couple of guy's from Vic recently who run in IPRA, they had a stick on one too. I believe it was an old Smith's one designed for the rear screen.

It too was falling off but when it "Was " on the screen worked well although it only cleared a large part of the screen the sides still got badly fogged up

I will certainly look at obtaining some later and was going to contact Mark Berry and a number of others, to ask if he'd be up for a couple.

The problem I face is set up costs ( Which I obviously have to wear ) is in excess of $1500 .... So this would warrant the initial purchase of at least 6 possibly eight.

This I would absorb in the sales and make little to nothing in the first new product added to my range.

This isn't the same as Neil stated earlier referring to a minimum of four required ....

I'll explain what this entails : - The heated elements are supplied for use on a large drum or roller. Just like a huge drum or roller with four sectional elements wrapped around it ..... Say like a roll of tear off plastic bags in the fruit and veggie section at Coles but in a larger scale !

During manufacture the roll or drum containing the heating elements, are placed on the screens over the first half of the glass. Then the second layer of glass is placed on top .... with the chosen colour Polyvinyl benzene (PVB) layer providing the tint to the screen, as for instance the BMW have many different tints in their range.

I'm informed that the whole process it quite lengthy and mandates a minimum number of four, subject to the pattern or type required being a current production item.

im not planing on going off topic but i can help in regards to a timer system if people want them. i was looking into a similar timer dor work the othere day. somthing that will turn on and off at a perset time. i would how ever need to know what sort of time they idealy should be on and off for as on for 10 and off for 1 would be no good. a pulse like on for 2 off for 20 sec or equivilent would be better as while its off it will start to fog again.

and to answer a question in the above posts. the 12 amps that they draw could be switched through a decent branded switch only. but a relay is a better option.

Hi Damo

These screens were designed to clear a completely frozen screen in freezing conditions, in only a few minutes. From my experience, after driving in very poor conditions many times I would say that I agree it may start to re-fog, but feel it unlikely to interfere with visibility.

Basically that's less than a decent lap of Wakefeild Park unless of course you have a very quick Skyline !

These screens are being used in OEM cars in Europe and are a tried and tested product.

When in use the screens are quite warm and will retain their heat for some time, bearing in mind we are clearing fogging here in Australia, and not ice on the outside.

In relation to the above, just how long the elements should remain off after ten minutes duration ~ recovery time is what was recommended by the element supplier.

I shall establish if it's ok to vary the running times and also the off times etc, within a few days.

I shall be offering a fitting kit containing a timer / relay, wiring etc, with the screen supply as an option, which may help / avoid premature failure and obvious dissapointmants.You may do your own set up however fitting and use outside of the manufacturer's recommendations would void any warranty.

They won't fail if these recommendations are used. The manufacturer will not honour returns as a result of incorrect installation of wiring.

HTH ....

snowy, if there is enough interest in 34 screens I believe Derek will be able to get them made at some point. possibly not in this first order but maybe shoot him a pm and see what he can do. and in the meantime contact any 34 owners you know who might be interested and see if you can get together another 4 or 5 blokes after a 34 screen. I'm sure that would help.

Hi Rich thanks for your input :thumbsup:

Will do with a passion !

I am 100% in on this.

Hi and thanks Paul .... I shall look out for your deposit

yeah but I'm going to need one before mid-march!

I have no way of helping by mid March .... Sorry

lol and the lambo still had fogging issues.

I'll grab a screen too. I'll email you when I've put the deposit in.

Again Thanks Ben …. Glad I could help.

I'll have to email Neil for a new head count now :laugh:

CheeRS .... Del

Edited by Delboy

The good news is I have picked up a $24 12V hair dryer to get me by in the short term.

Long term if a production run for a decent heated R34 windscreen comes up I will put my hand up for a couple.

Hi ....

lol and the lambo still had fogging issues.

I'll grab a screen too. I'll email you when i've put the deposit in.

Confirmed deposit received today Ben :thanks: Casino's is looking good tonight :laugh:

Will keep you in the loop.

Are you in Tassie ? as I have mate who goes with a few cars in Targa T later ( Leases out MX5's ) I'm sure he could deliver it for $0

CheeRS .... Del

Hey Ben

Yeah I'm in Tassie and I'm running in Targa. so free postage sounds good. Is your mate involved with redback racing?

No Worries ....

My friend Chris Gough runs MX5 racing.com.au ~ owns the cars that run under RedBack racing banner.

Seems the MX5 NC is becoming a popular lease car with MX5 Racing team as he has four hired currently .... I have driven these, and although lack real punch are a really superbly balanced car which handle a treat.

May even do an Evo for lease later myself :thumbsup:

CheeRS .... Del

So everyone that interested,,,have YOU transfered moneys to Del for the R32 screens,,,I'm going to on Monday or Tuesday for 2. Time is ticking away people!!!. Ben has so thats 3,,,Fatz do it and 4 are confirmed. Remember the more the merrier and Del might actually make some money which would be nice.

Have 3 heads (including myself) on R33 screens,,,so 1 more and this should happen a bit later.



Hey ....

I'm paid up here too last week.

Yep as I said approx 7 posts back :thumbsup: All cleared Thanks Paul

yea yea yea

after a druncan phone call from neil last night i have now paid!

Cleared today Ben ~ Again Thanks

Now just need to book a one way ticket to Barbados as the Casino didn't pay off :laugh:

CheeRS .... Del

Hey ....

Neil your deposits arrived safe and well :thumbsup:

Thanks mate ....

Ok anyone else wants in please be quick, as I close the order on Wed of next week.

Those already paid, I'll keep you in the loop as soon as I have anything closer to arrival date.

When asked for the balance kindly don't delay as this may slow things down for the guy's who need theirs sooner than others.

Again Thanks ....

Looking forward to having these arrive and meeting some of you who have purchased.

I'll post up my website details soon ....

Although making a website selling heated windscreens interesting, could be a major challenge :D

  • 5 months later...

Hi Guy's

Update .... All screens are paid for ( Well not cleared funds, but I'm sure very soon )

Each person should have theirs within a few days with the exception Sav Man and Paul in VIC who's will be slightly longer.

For those who know the drama's I experienced getting these ( Basically lost 23k )

:thanks: so much for your extended patience and support of Motorsport Heated Windscreens. It's sure been a very difficult 4 months !

I have a few other Nissans ( S15 ) out there already, and the customers are well pleased with the product.

Very happy to say I now have on order limited stocks of the R33 which arrive very soon ( 3 weeks ) and a little later the R34.

Costs for the R33 will be $592 + GST as these are being air freighted .... I have absorbed as much as I can of the air freight in the current price.

As for the R34 .... Will be available at very close to $556 + GST but will come by sea shortly.

Freight will be quoted as inquires arrive :thumbsup:

I have only four R32 screens available now !

Depending on further inquiries with these models .... I should be able to keep stock of all the R-32 - 34 models.

Again Thanks

Cheers .... Del

Hi ....

How much would one of these cost, shipped to Dunedin, New Zealand? For a R32.

Thanks for you inquiry ....

I have an account with DHL so I will ask for an accurate quote on Monday first thing for you.

It may help me if you could possibly send a normal email and also your phone contacts ( If possible a land line ? ) to sales@motorsportwindscreens.com.au when time permits.

Again Thanks .... :thumbsup:


Hi Again ....

How much would one of these cost, shipped to Dunedin, New Zealand? For a R32.

I have an account with DHL and was quoted to send it to Dunedin by the cheapest most economical service available ( 4 - 5 days, door to door ) they have quoted $264 AU freight inc insurance.

Screen cost with no GST charge, as it's leaving the country .... $535

To send sea freight would be cheaper buy incure the wrath of all sorts of other mandated charges when going consolodated cargo.

If there is any way you know or any one who ships to NZ from here who may somehow help out I can deliver to any freight forwarding agent in Sydney for $0 if it helps ?

I could possible take a couple of 32 screens........ How muchy to Brisbane my good man?

Thanks for your interest .... Packing two sandwiched together and encased in re-inforced Fibre Glass cover / or simular in expanding foam filled box.

I can get to Brisbane for approx $ $25 - $30 with local couriers ....

Having said this I have a freind who may have room on his truck to take there for free, as he is competing at Lakeside within a few days / this weekend, so I'd have to know " Very Soon " but would require collecting form Lakeside ?

I have yet to ask him but this may well be an option.

As for the other Heated Screen thread .... Could the mods possibly combine these together, as I have indicated in the more recent one that the current supply cost is $535 + GST .... The original one being $495 + is no longer available and was only for the guy;s who came in on it originally. This may stop any confusion for anyone with furhter interest in an R32 screen.

Current price will remain till the end of the year, even if I have to replenish stock, as our exchange rate looks like staying for a while :D.... However I only have limited stock available of the R32 ( 4 screens )

Sorry ....

Cheers .... Del

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