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So was that figure extrapolated from you working eight hours on weekends seeing as you're only seventeen? Or family?

Oh well one down, how many more to go.

You made $60k in a year as an excavator operator and you're 17?

Judging by your tirade above, you're obviously a spoilt gen Y brat who doesn't like any sort of criticism. R33GTRV was harsh but 100% truthful. All the other posts were constructive, although I'm very sorry none of us went to the effort of stroking your ego and telling you how clever you are - that's what Gen Y-ers seem to need on a regular basis.

How about you harden the F up and take a long hard look at yourself? If you have the qualifications you claim, you shouldn't have any dramas getting work in Mackay. Have a long hard think about why that might be. Be honest with yourself now.

I regularly work with many Mackay based businesses and they're always screaming for quality labour, and I see the dregs they have to put up with on a regular basis. If you had skills and a good work ethic, you'd get snapped up in a flash and never look back. Some of these drongos are on more than $100k per year, so someone of your high calibre should have no problem (was that better? I'm not that good at stroking fragile egos)

FYI I do OK for myself and guess what? I started at the bottom. 25 years later and I'm living the dream.

So if you have your tickets why not just go and get a job with an earthworks company? Surely there are some of them in Mackay.

Before you go and try to get a job I would highly recommend adjusting your attitude. This is a public forum and by acting like you are on here you aren't giving any potential employers on here a reason to hire you. Having an attitude that only you have ambition because you want to earn 60k+pa at 17 is laughable. Take Warps advice, go and do what is needed and show employers that you aren't just a kid with a false sense of entitlement. Work ethic is the most important thing for employers especially when they are looking at hiring young people. Be realistic, you're 17, you don't know everything, you have very few qualifications and very little experience. What you should have as a 17 year old coming into the work force is a solid work ethic and a willingness to learn.

Good luck, hopefully you take some of the advice from this thread and stop being such a dickhead :cheers:

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Dear OP, go troll somewhere else. You are 17 and you have a high risk work licence.......bullshit. and as for operating an excavator and bobcat, i also call bullshit. Id be surprised if you knew how to prestart one you stuck up little flamin mongrel. Id love for you to come work for me, just so i can sack you. As for earning 60k p.a. with no quals, bullshit. You dont have a bobcat and excavator ticket, simple as that. Now, i WILL go and have a nice life, the life i have worked exceptionally hard for, that i havnt had anything gifted to me or been spoon fed like a little princess. These first years in employment and the first years out in the big bad world define the people and generally set the tone for the attitude of thier working career and life. I can clearly see you will be owning a beat up holden ute and job hopping because everyone you go to thinks you are a booka. Like i said kid, swallow your ego, do the hard yards and live a good life, dont be a shitty nosed little flamin mongrel with the attitude that you are better than everyone else, because people like me will be there your entire life, punishing you everytime you open your stupid trap if you dont.

You made $60k in a year as an excavator operator and you're 17?

Judging by your tirade above, you're obviously a spoilt gen Y brat who doesn't like any sort of criticism. R33GTRV was harsh but 100% truthful. All the other posts were constructive, although I'm very sorry none of us went to the effort of stroking your ego and telling you how clever you are - that's what Gen Y-ers seem to need on a regular basis.

How about you harden the F up and take a long hard look at yourself? If you have the qualifications you claim, you shouldn't have any dramas getting work in Mackay. Have a long hard think about why that might be. Be honest with yourself now.

I regularly work with many Mackay based businesses and they're always screaming for quality labour, and I see the dregs they have to put up with on a regular basis. If you had skills and a good work ethic, you'd get snapped up in a flash and never look back. Some of these drongos are on more than $100k per year, so someone of your high calibre should have no problem (was that better? I'm not that good at stroking fragile egos)

FYI I do OK for myself and guess what? I started at the bottom. 25 years later and I'm living the dream.

Oh of course, because ALL Gen Y are useless spoilt brats with no work ethic. None of us have bothered to work hard, put ourselves through uni, and land a good job. Oh could you please stroke my fragile ego a bit too, I really need it.

25 years in the work force, I'm guessing Gen X? I suppose then you MUST be insecure about yourself, live week-to-week, blame your baby boomer predecessors for everything wrong with the world and of course hold the opinion that Gen Y are a usless bunch of slackers.

Why is it then that the first hour of my day is spent working while the Gen-X types sit in a big congregation and chit chat for an hour about god knows what (usually blaming all the new Gen Y staff for things that have been wrong with the company since before they even got here, or whining about how hard it is to make ends meet)?

No doubt your kids also spend most of their time in daycare or with babysitters, as you feel it is your right to be able to have a family while both parents have a careers... kids? They don't need raising, right?

I bet you're on all manner of govt handouts too. Baby bonus, FBT, and god knows what else. Guess what, It's my Gen Y tax money paying for that shit.

For the record, I also think the OP is full of shit. 17 and earning 60k+ with those kind of skills? Unlikely. However at 17, he would be borderline Gen Z so I am allowed to disown him.

Gen Z are even worse than us, no doubt becuase their career-minded Gen X parents were so busy with said careers that they forgot to raise them.

Hey Smity - if the shoe fits

I didn't say all Gen Y-ers are typical Gen Y-ers, but the OP certainly fits into that mould. You go off at me for categorising the OP, yet in the next breath you do the same.

I've come across plenty of Gen Y-ers who fit into that exact same category, and plenty who don't. If you aren't one of the spoilt, ones the get over yourself and stop being so sensitive.

Insecure? Why so? Live week to week? Oh you're funny. I don't blame anyone for what's wrong with the world, but I do know that the lack of work ethic these days is contributing to this country's downfall. Unfortunately I see this in all generations, not just the Gen Y-ers.

My kids go to school - sorry I can't sit in the classroom with them. I do have breakfast with them every morning, and dinner with them every night. I help them with their homework, and build cool stuff in the shed with my son on weekends. We play computer games together, read together, play chess, backgammon and go to the beach together. My wife and I just took the best part of 8 weeks off work during the school holidays (unpaid) to look after our kids. Both my kids spent a small amount of time in day care when they were younger, partly to help them develop social skills, and partly to let my wife work a few days a fortnight to maintain her sanity. I guess I should be jailed now for being such a bad parent.

I work from home, and my wife does my books, so we both spend a lot of time at home these days. I haven't had to worry about paying a bill for the last 15 years, and make more than enough money to keep us happy, I know that I could earn another $200k a year if I wanted to spend more time working, but I've made the choice to raise my kids.

I don't get a red cent from the government, and probably pay more tax than you earn a year. Baby bonus? Nope - missed that one. Child allowance? Nope - didn't qualify., FBT? Well, last time I checked, that was a tax we had to pay, but I've avoided paying it on cars since my veehicles are almost 100% business use, and I haven't been given any other fringe benefits I can think of. I spent 3 months on the dole when I was retrenched in 1991. Sorry to have been sponging off your tax dollars, but I'm sure I've more than paid it back since then.

Maybe your parents should have done the same - you might not be so cynical and angry at the world. Sounds like you're blaming all of us lazy, apathetic Gen X'ers for your life of misery. Now, I didn't for a second suggest that all people who fit into the Gen Y era are "typical Gen Y", so you need to chll and get on with your life. Just like not all Gen X people are "typical Gen X", and all baby boomers aren't "typical Baby Boomers"

Hey Smity - if the shoe fits

I didn't say all Gen Y-ers are typical Gen Y-ers, but the OP certainly fits into that mould. You go off at me for categorising the OP, yet in the next breath you do the same.

I don't believe any of what I wrote. I was making a point that generational stereotypes are stupid. Just because the OP is a lazy spoilt brat, does not mean an entire generation should be labelled as such.

but I do know that the lack of work ethic these days is contributing to this country's downfall. Unfortunately I see this in all generations, not just the Gen Y-ers.

Couldn't agree more.

and probably pay more tax than you earn a year.

If that's the case you earn WWWAAAAAYYYYY too much money and should give the OP a 60k job just to reduce your tax bill, get him off the streets, and have the opportunity to kick him into line.

EDIT: Better yet, donate it to the flood appeal. Probably do more good there.

FBT? Well, last time I checked, that was a tax we had to pay,

Apologies, I don't actually know what most of the govt handouts are as they don't apply to me and are generally just there so the govt can score votes.

Maybe your parents should have done the same - you might not be so cynical and angry at the world. Sounds like you're blaming all of us lazy, apathetic Gen X'ers for your life of misery.

Yeah, woe is me :rolleyes:

Now, I didn't for a second suggest that all people who fit into the Gen Y era are "typical Gen Y", so you need to chll and get on with your life. Just like not all Gen X people are "typical Gen X", and all baby boomers aren't "typical Baby Boomers"

That was my point exactly. Your post pointed out that the OP was a "typical Gen Y" at least twice, and as you said, if the shoe fits... well the "Gen X blaming Gen Y for being lazy spoilt brats" shoe fit ;)

Edited by Smity42

17 on 60k a year? Man, I would have -killed- for that when I was your age... 6 years ago... When I was 17, I started my Apprenticeship on $6.20 an hour and we weren't allowed overtime. I lived through it, man. Now I've got a fiance, live with her in our own unit, have an RMZ250, R33 GTS-T, two trades... Used to have an SS Commodore (But it, uh... Stopped working all of a sudden... I found a piston on the other side of the road though)... I'm not boasting what I have but I'm just trying to tell you... Get an apprenticeship, work your ass off, bide your time and in the end it all pays itself off with interest.

I work in town at the moment, but I'm heading back out west 'Over the Hill'. Town pays well for Tradesman. It's worth looking into.

I don't believe any of what I wrote. I was making a point that generational stereotypes are stupid. Just because the OP is a lazy spoilt brat, does not mean an entire generation should be labelled as such.

Unfortunately I've seen a lot of gen Y-ers fit the bill. Yes it's sad that they have been labelled (not completely unfounded though) but the OP definitely fits into the widely accepted traits of a Gen Y. Rightly or wrongly. Don't read too much into my broad comments - I certainly don't label all "youngsters" as selfish, lazy and expecting the world to give them a living (despite having met an extremely large number who fit squarely into that category)
If that's the case you earn WWWAAAAAYYYYY too much money and should give the OP a 60k job just to reduce your tax bill, get him off the streets, and have the opportunity to kick him into line.

I was exaggerating, but making a point that A) I earn enough to look after muyself and family, and b) I pay my fair share of tax, so don't accuse me of sponging off hardworking taxpayers.

Unfortunately, I've tried hiring people in the past, but I haven't managed to find anyone who gives a damn. The work I do is very specialised, so I can't use someone without the right training and experience. I'd hire someone for $60k a year if they could add value to my business, but I'm not a charity. I offered a young engineer (Gen Y) better than $200k a year, and he called me a tight arse for not offering a company vehicle on top of the package. How am I supposed to deal with people like that?

EDIT: Better yet, donate it to the flood appeal. Probably do more good there.

One step ahead of you. Have already donated time (actually got dragged up there by my spoilt, selfish kids because they wanted to help the people who've lost so much). Arranging a sizeable financial donation as well - it's the very least I can do, although it will only be a small drop in the ocean for what it will take to rebuild some of these lives.
Apologies, I don't actually know what most of the govt handouts are as they don't apply to me and are generally just there so the govt can score votes.
No need for apologies - I don'tknow much more about them than you do. My wife is the bookkeeper in the family, so she understands all this stuff better than me. I just do the grunt work, and she does the invoicing.

That was my point exactly. Your post pointed out that the OP was a "typical Gen Y" at least twice, and as you said, if the shoe fits... well the "Gen X blaming Gen Y for being lazy spoilt brats" shoe fit ;)

I was blaming the OP for displaying cliche'd GEN Y behaviour. I say this from experience in trying to hire yound Engineering graduates, and dealings with a lot of apprentices and young labourers. I agree, not all are tarred with the same brush, but I've seen a lot who are, and I was likening OP's attitude to this.

Yes, I believe in general a lot of "youngsters" these days expect the same rights as the more experienced workforce, who have had to work hard to get where they are. When these people put in the effort and achieve success, I'll back them all the way. If they continue to expect handouts but don't want to put in the effort, then I have zero time for those losers. Period.

You strike me as intelligent enough to understand my point of view. I'm sorry if I offended you, and if you're a hard worker with a good ethic, then clearly my definitions / criticisms don't apply to you.

The point of my posts is simple: Show you can work hard, have respect for yourself and your emplouyer / work colleagues and be prepared to put in some effort before you expect the great rewards in life, and you will succeed, no matter what your vocation. Don't get too wrapped up in the delivery of that message.

I was exaggerating, but making a point that A) I earn enough to look after muyself and family, and b) I pay my fair share of tax, so don't accuse me of sponging off hardworking taxpayers.

It was not a legitimate accusation :). I was 100% sure you would not display most of the stereotypical aspects I was describing.

Unfortunately, I've tried hiring people in the past, but I haven't managed to find anyone who gives a damn. The work I do is very specialised, so I can't use someone without the right training and experience. I'd hire someone for $60k a year if they could add value to my business, but I'm not a charity.

Sounds like the OP could dig you a few trenches :thumbsup::P

I offered a young engineer (Gen Y) better than $200k a year, and he called me a tight arse for not offering a company vehicle on top of the package. How am I supposed to deal with people like that?

Bitch slap them.

One step ahead of you. Have already donated time (actually got dragged up there by my spoilt, selfish kids because they wanted to help the people who've lost so much). Arranging a sizeable financial donation as well - it's the very least I can do, although it will only be a small drop in the ocean for what it will take to rebuild some of these lives.

Off topic, but good on you. Every little bit we do helps :).

No need for apologies - I don'tknow much more about them than you do. My wife is the bookkeeper in the family, so she understands all this stuff better than me. I just do the grunt work, and she does the invoicing.

Lucky you.

Unfortunately I've seen a lot of gen Y-ers fit the bill. Yes it's sad that they have been labelled (not completely unfounded though) but the OP definitely fits into the widely accepted traits of a Gen Y. Rightly or wrongly. Don't read too much into my broad comments - I certainly don't label all "youngsters" as selfish, lazy and expecting the world to give them a living (despite having met an extremely large number who fit squarely into that category)

I was blaming the OP for displaying cliche'd GEN Y behaviour. I say this from experience in trying to hire yound Engineering graduates, and dealings with a lot of apprentices and young labourers. I agree, not all are tarred with the same brush, but I've seen a lot who are, and I was likening OP's attitude to this.

Yes, I believe in general a lot of "youngsters" these days expect the same rights as the more experienced workforce, who have had to work hard to get where they are. When these people put in the effort and achieve success, I'll back them all the way. If they continue to expect handouts but don't want to put in the effort, then I have zero time for those losers. Period.

You strike me as intelligent enough to understand my point of view. I'm sorry if I offended you, and if you're a hard worker with a good ethic, then clearly my definitions / criticisms don't apply to you.

The point of my posts is simple: Show you can work hard, have respect for yourself and your emplouyer / work colleagues and be prepared to put in some effort before you expect the great rewards in life, and you will succeed, no matter what your vocation. Don't get too wrapped up in the delivery of that message.

You didn't really offend me at all, I do understand you point of view. I was just trying to stir some shit ;)

Aww no fair, now you two are finished, we'll have to wait for OP (or cohort) to come back.

Sorry, too hard to keep up a pointless argument when you're arguing against someone who isn't a tool.

Where's the mud crabs when you need them?

Last time I checked, it was REALLY easy to get a job in Mackay, employers are screaming for people, aren't they?

Work your ass off kiddo.

Get a weekend job, get a good name with that employer, do everything they ask and do it well, then go around looking for more people.

I walked into a job when I was 17.

I walked into a second job when I was 17.

I walked into a job when I was 18.

I got a payrise within 4 months of working with this company.

And by the way, it's not freaking easy to get a job in IT when you're untrained, no qualifications, no previous employment history (in IT) and all you've got is your enthusiasm and dedication to prove.

Edit: Yes I know I'm talking about having walked into jobs in Sydney, but the climate is much more competitive.

People in Mackay NEED the workers, I've seen it myself. Dude, there's nothing wrong with flipping a burger at maccas as long as it gets you money. My friend, in Mackay, got paid $13 / hour for washing dishes, had work every night at a restaurant, and was able to afford a snow boarding holiday to NZ by the time he was out of year 10.

Another friend had a pimp-ass integra and house; paid for by flipping burgers at maccas (him and his missus worked together).

Edited by SKITTLES

I offered a young engineer (Gen Y) better than $200k a year, and he called me a tight arse for not offering a company vehicle on top of the package.

Offer me half that and I will call you Sir, God ect ect lol


Well fark me, Look what I missed while I was out playin with the mud crabs.

None of you bastards with an alphabet symbol in your gen category are any good, All useless, Us boomers were the last real deal this world will see until the revolution.

  • Nope 1

Im still waiting on an answer for my question

If you want money now go be an operator

If you want to set yourself up, do the hard yards now (as people have said) and get an apprenticeship

Or, if you want to be happy do what you like wether it pays shit or really well, trust me. I did half a year engineering at uni cause I was semi interested in that sorta stuff and it was good money. The money thing made the decision for me to start it and then 6 months later I relised I didnt want to be at a desk doing maths/physics the rest of my life... at least not at the moment so I left uni and got a diesel fitting apprenticeship...... None of what I did I believe was a mistake because Id have regretted not going to uni If i Hadnt and now I'm nearly finished an apprenticeship that I really like.

Moral of my story is. DO WHAT YOU LIKE NOT WHAT PAYS THE BEST..... this isnt just a rant, im telling you from experience

Thats why I asked what you like doing, cause at the end of the day thats the only question you need to ask yourself


Dude, apply on seek until you can't anymore.

Then, turn the computer off and go into some physical shops/warehouses/offices etc. You'll get rejected from 99/100 of them, but that 1 that doesn't send you away crying could be your new job.

I love you martin :thumbsup:

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