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Why limit it to van and soft-roaders?

ANYONE doing either the speed limit or under should get the f**k out of the right lane.

If you are overtaking, please do not do so by travelling 1 or 2kph "faster" than those in the left lane, just get the hell around them and get outta the way FFS!

i sometimes go past other cars in the right lane only a few kph faster than them, usually to piss off the dickhead thats 1/16th of an inch off my bumper! im courteous to those that offer me the same courtesy.

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i sometimes go past other cars in the right lane only a few kph faster than them, usually to piss off the dickhead thats 1/16th of an inch off my bumper! im courteous to those that offer me the same courtesy.

Yep, tailgaters are asking for trouble, I agree but why would you pull into the right lane to overtake at a couple kph faster when there is obviously a faster car coming up in the right hand lane?

Seems quite irresponsible to me.

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I get quite irritated at people doing under the limit in the right lane, and I'll let them know if I'm able.

It seems that a lot of these offenders, come from countries where the right lane is the slow lane, ie. they drive on the right side of the road normally.

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Yep, tailgaters are asking for trouble, I agree but why would you pull into the right lane to overtake at a couple kph faster when there is obviously a faster car coming up in the right hand lane?

Seems quite irresponsible to me.

nah i dont pull out in front of a faster car. im talking about when im already in the right lane overtaking and the guy behind thinks its ok to sit an inch off my bumper. so i slow down a little just to piss em off

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Dear ST 416,

You are a bonehead.

In future, if you find yourself in the wrong lane heading through a toll, look right BEFORE you swerve across a painted median and into my lane and force me to nearly drive into a concrete barrier to allow for your pathetic excuse for driving.

Once you've damaged the mirror on my car, don't assume you will be able to do a runner in your piece of shit, slow arse XR6. It's not fast and you are a hopeless dingbat with the driving ability of a discarded foreskin.thumbsup.gif

Then, once I've forced you to pull over to exchange details, don't start abusing me because you are clearly too stupid to pilot a motor vehicle on a straight piece of pavement, even though it has lines painted on it as a reference point for brain donors such as yourself.

And if your fat, loungechair arsed, hippo of of a wife, decides to open her cakehole to weigh into the argument, tell her to go and eat another small country. (Preferrably not Australia; bits of it are quite nice) No one likes seeing fatties trying to argue when all they can think about is the fact that they're going to be late getting to Mc Donalds for their next greasefest.

When asked to give your license details, don't snatch it away and think I can't remember what was written on it. I can read quite well, and as it turns out; have an exceedingly good memory.

Lastly, don't for a minute think that any of the above behaviour will stop me from reporting you to my insurance company, and ensuring that you have the most unpleasant surprise when you discover how expensive replacing mirrors on imported cars can be.

Keep an eye out for some mail at your house in Apollo Drive, Charlestown; you arrogant skidmark on the toilet bowl of life. A grown man screeching like a little girl doesn't frighten me, it just make me more determined to annoy you.whistling.gif

For next time, just remember; if you'd been even a little apologetic, I would've got my panel guy to do the job as a favour, and it would've cost you nothing.yes.gif

So, to summarise; Bonehead, can't drive, can't do a runner, can't hide, pay large bill, go f##k yourself. I win.

That is all.

Who said we wont make 1000 pages with dumbarses like this on the road?

Edited by Daleo
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props to you brother! i'de still report him, they get charged with careless driving lol

I've had my fun, just going to bide my time on this one. He has my details, so I'm gonna wait until he gets the bill, let's see what happens then...

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To the arrogant skidmark on the toilet bowl of life (thanks Dale - love that) in a Red VN Commonwhore who decided to yell out his window down my road, chuck beer bottles out the window, and stop in front of my bedroom window and proceed to dump a massive burnout on a blind crest at 1150pm last night-

Right on. You have now cemented every stereotype of Bogan POS in my mind.You probably have to go buy some re-treads f... knuckle.

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I'll add my bit ...

Some of the biggest boneheads are the drivers who, upon approaching a set of lights on a two lane road (or more) decide to change from the lefthand lane with the car in it up ahead, to the righthand lane with no car at the front of the lights. then when the lights go green, they drive off slower than the car they didn't want to sit behind. I can't stand these wankers.

Kind of up there (and even worse) with the slow drivers that occupy right hand lanes.

... oh and i hate truck/semi drivers who have to occupy all lanes driving side by side and doing 20kph under the limit. :down:

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To the arrogant skidmark on the toilet bowl of life (thanks Dale - love that) in a Red VN Commonwhore who decided to yell out his window down my road, chuck beer bottles out the window, and stop in front of my bedroom window and proceed to dump a massive burnout on a blind crest at 1150pm last night-

Right on. You have now cemented every stereotype of Bogan POS in my mind.You probably have to go buy some re-treads f... knuckle.

Seems like it'd normally be a quiet spot there too, maybe introduce him to your pup next time? There's always one eh?

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Who said we wont make 1000 pages with dumbarses like this on the road?

Well, as I was helping it get there I hoped not to be taken seriously. :)

Drove back from Southcoast to 4 hours inland 2 days ago and only had to suffer 1 tail gater and 2 morons as the road was almost empty.

The morons I refer to are those rocket surgeons who travel 10 to 20 under in the single lane bits and then 10 to 20 over when there is an overtaking lane or clear bit. They even put their brakes on when the overtaking lane ends and they have succedded in keeping you behind. Bet they have Celine Dion or Kenny G playing, not enough fibre with their breakfast, and condoms were made of pig intestine the last time they got some action (and even then it was with a sheep or goat) .

If you do risk a ticket to get past they then turn in to tailgaters.

If anyone wants to get their car written off just use the 2 roundabouts in my nearest town. Should only take a maximum of 10 goes to encounter a nanger who just drives straight through without looking. Actually they do look - to the left only or just staight ahead.


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I can't stand the cock smokers that get on a freeway/motorway on ramp and poke along like an old mole all the way along it and then try a merge at their 80ks into traffic that's doing 110ks+.

Its even worse when ya following one of them onto said on ramp. It ain't hard. Get on, and get into it you idiots!!!

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I can't stand the cock smokers that get on a freeway/motorway on ramp and poke along like an old mole all the way along it and then try a merge at their 80ks into traffic that's doing 110ks+.

Its even worse when ya following one of them onto said on ramp. It ain't hard. Get on, and get into it you idiots!!!

i have seen said cocksmokers actually stop and wait for a gap


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i have seen said cocksmokers actually stop and wait for a gap


I was going to say the same thing...

Sitting like a shot duck at the end of the on ramp. Watching the other sheep pull up & park behind them is funny too.

Edited by Daleo
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I was going to say the same thing...

Sitting like a shot duck at the end of the on ramp. Watching the other sheep pull up & park behind them is funny too.

Gone around idiots like that before, many times. One time the butt-wipe decided to follow me into a servo and have a go at me.

Changed his tune when I got out of the car and started walking up to him.


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Gone around idiots like that before, many times. One time the butt-wipe decided to follow me into a servo and have a go at me.

Changed his tune when I got out of the car and started walking up to him.



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