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Ok, I get tonnes of emails about this, so I thought I'd do a quick write-up about it.

Firstly, there may be some things that you see in these screen shots that you dont have access too (namely the 'Admin' link) this is because I have the power and you dont...

OK, I have edited this tutorial to include logging in because there has been some confusion to this and we are having a cookie problem atm which I'll explain in a tic.

Ok, If your top bar looks like this;


Then you are not logged in (the bar above that says 'logout' is for the forums, this is the cookie problem, they dont recognise each others cookies).

So, Click the 'Login' link. You'll go to a page that looks god awful (still being cleaned up). Enter the SAME details as you would if you were logging into the forums! and click 'submit, you'll get this on the screen if all went well;


Now, onto the rest of my tutorial! :D

Ok, firstly - no matter what screen you are on, you can click the 'upload photos' link.


Then, its all pretty self explanatory. Select 'Members Gallery' from the drop down list.


Then browse to the images you want to upload. You can upload movies and zips full of images too. The zip limit has been increased to 10MB and the movies size limit is 20MB. make sure you have a fast connection, otherwise you'll prolly just keep timing out.

After you have selected your files, click the 'upload' button down the bottom.

Next you'll get the 'processing files/thumbnails' screen while it does its neccassary tasks.


After that, you'll be given a screen to confirm the placement of the images in the 'Members Gallery' and you'll be able to add a Name, Description and some keywords to each image. You must tick the box next to the images you still want to add. If one looks crap, then dont tick it.


click on 'process files' and your done!

if you are still having problems after reading this, email me


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