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I currently have these ultra yellow reverse lights at the back, is there anywhere to make get them so they are either clear or those GTR ones with the red on oneside and white on the other ?

I have searched everywhere but i could not find. :(

Please assist!

Thanks )

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Thats the first place i checked and nothing there. I ordered the front and side clear indicators from ebay because were half the cost but no where to find the rear ones. Dont really wanna sand it and polish the old ones as i already farked up the front lights, seems to be 10x worse now. has some bubbles and deeper cuts in it then before :P dont know hwat i did wrong. i used 1000 and 2000 grit sandpaper then the polish but it ends up making the headlight solid instead of clear


Hey Sin,

My 33 has the same issue - yellowed lights. Made worse by the fact the poor thing is currently living on the street - totally homeless. I've found meguiars all metal polish brings them up pretty well and easily, however it does convert back to its old ways pretty quickly.

I've also heard of people using cut polish. I've not tried it but who knows :)

Hope you are well mate!

What would you suggest for the front headlights on a 34GT-T? They go yellow so farken fast :(

I used (and recommend) a product called glassylite, cost me about $30 and the yellowing hasn't returned yet (now been about 8 months since I treated my headlights). The last process of their system includes UV treatment which is supposed to stop the yellowing coming back.

I'd previously tried all sorts of methods to bring mine up (various polishes, even brasso - works a treat) and they'd come up great for a few weeks or months, but it wouldn't last and the yellowing would return. Way I see it, based on what I've seen thus far - at the cost - even if I have to do this yearly, it's better than where I was before...

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