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Hi all, wanting a car for everyday use.

Looking at either an 02 Sti, EVO VII, or an r32 GTR.

What is a stock r32 GTR or slightly modded ie: exhaust, intake, ECU mods like as an everyday car?

is it getting a bit long in the tooth to be considered? ie: things are starting to need replacing?


PS: Budget for an r32 would be $20K.

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Make sure you drive each type > then you won't die 'er buy wondering!

There's a R32 GT-R V-Spec that has recently come to Jap Link Motors. It has 77,014Kms with Jap history. They honour their warranty. Price can be reduced quite a bit.


And yes, welcome to SAU! :action-smiley-069:

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What is it with these damn threads lately?!

You sign up onto a Skyline website to ask about a Skyline comparing it to a WRX and EVO. You don't think there may be some biased opinions on here...hmmm?

Seriously, go drive each one and decide for your damn self.

Is a 20 year old R32 GTR getting a bit old and need stuff replacing....hmmm let me think? Umm yes?

Why would an exhaust/intake/ecu alter anything for what the car is like to live with? You would get the same answer to that question on any single car you asked that question for.

So over these threads.

(Sorry, needed to blow off some steam. And just so sick of these damn threads)

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Hi one77,

What Terry is trying to say is: Buy a Skyline.

Basically it comes down to this:

GT-R fastest down the strip out of the box and once modified.

similar in pace around track to a stock Homo VII both faster then rex.

Most support (aftermarket) for Skyline, then Evo Then rex, in saying this you WILL need this support if purchasing a R32 because let me tell you as an owner and someone who knows a lot of other owners it is by far the most maintenance and resource intensive (money and labour) and by quite some margin.

People seem to talk up the EVO alot and for good reason they are fantastic cars.... out of the box.

Once modified the game changes, potential to produce power is by far the greatest in the Skyline as it not only has the largest engine in capacity but also the opportunity to increase this if you so choose (economically too)

In the end it comes down to how much you want to be working and spending on a car.

now this is my opinion but,

You should drop the rex.


Looks and sound etc are pretty subjective areas so I will leave them to you.

Performance I have talked about above.

Now what I will say is that if you are looking for a daily that you just get in and drive, don't have to do more then the usual required maintenance and only want to do basic and less extreme modifications, the evo is for you.

It has four doors, is more modern, in better condition in some cases due to age (get what you pay for) responds well to modifications (economically speaking) and is all round a nice car day to day.

For any other reason, buy the GT-R you will not be disappointed.

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