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Well the 2011 Committee has been decided.

As you all know it has been a big year with both the President and Vice president stepping down, both leaving big shoes to fill.

Before I continue with the thread I would like to say thank you to Ash and Bec on behalf of SAU-Vic. You guys have done so much to make this club what it is, and without your leadership over the past few years it would not be 1/10th of the amazing club that we have today. The amount of time and effort invested at your own expense has been phenomenal to say the least, and well above the call of duty. You guys are more appreciated by the club than you will ever know, and the fact that your roles have been basically uncontested of late stands testament to this. You both truly did an amazing job!

So, without further ado, your 2011 Executive committee:

President - Hamish Hampton (joeyjoejoejuniorshabadoo)

Vice President - To be voted at next meeting

Tresurer - Ross Brown - (PurpleR32)

Secratary - Daniel Hall (halle)

As you can see we still need a VP, but we have a brilliant candidate that can be announced and formalised at the next club meeting.

General Committee will be announced shortly, but any expressions of interest can also be posted in this thread. Don't be shy guys, If you think you may have something to offer the club, then you most probably do!

As the new president I will endeavor keep this club as brilliant as it is, with no interruptions to the day to day running, and also to take it in some new directions that will see us through many more years as Australia's best car club. I have some HUGE shoes to fill! Watch this space!


Hamish Hampton

Sau-Vic President

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It's time for a...new era...in presidency.

Look forward to working with you DJ Ne...Hamish.

so does this mean hoodies with no gtr logos on them? :ph34r: /troll

Congrats on the role and thanks goes to Ash, Bec and the many others who filled the positions over many many years. A long deserving break is in order for you all! Make sure to fill the free slot in your days with lots of beer :cheers:

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