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Dude how many chances does one person get... I'd like to say your unlucky but I just can't... Thanks for posting your experience on here and copping the flaming cos young people gotta know COPS DON'T FU** AROUND ANYMORE you WILL get caught and when you do you WILL get FU**ED...

My one month licence suspension just finished so I can speak from experience... I'm lucky cos I just got the one month to start with... I stayed out of my car at all costs to the point were my blood itched like a crack head... now I know that being unable to drive sucks major balls and there is no way in hell I am losing it again... (I may end up eating my own words but I doubt it)

Finally dude you have to get another hobby... you are stupid and have had enough chances for ten people BUT I FEEL FOR YOU... no one should be kept from their 'line its like holding a bag of smack in front of a smackies face then kicking them in the balls when they reach for it... actually that sounds like fun... :D

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Look Merli, mesh mesh. If you have nothing positive to say which I think is pretty clear from your couple of previous posts then why dont you just leave it. The whole point of posting this thread was to say "Look I fu(ked up, dont YOU do the same thing". You really don't have much of an idea of what the story is. And don't try to say you do beacause you read the mountains of info on this thread (yeah right). The fact is Adrian has done some pretty messed up sh!t and as a matter of fact he has already been serving punishment for these offences. I'm not trying to say what he has done is right and I'm certianly not trying to defend his actions because I too though how fu(king stupid he was but are you really doing anything constructive by giving him a hard time?? Although it doens't make it any better, these offences were commited in the middle of nowhere up in central victoria, it's not as if he was running down school kids on Punt road. This is an old story it's just that the law has called him before a judge recently to deal with it. It's very easy to judge a person from what you read when you really don't know anything about them. So before you make assumptions, which you clearly are just have a think about it hey. :D


Look Merli, mesh mesh. If you have nothing positive to say which I think is pretty clear from your couple of previous posts then why dont you just leave it.

Just in case you haven't noticed, we live in a real world! Eg: Real emotions, Real Opinions, Real Di(kheads... This is Not a happy hippy POT session, where everyone's Puff Puff Passing, & choofing their "Postive, Happy go lucky" lives amongst each other duuuude! Admittably I got carried away by Adrian's quote "i used to do it with fighting but nearly went to prison for assaults". Like WTF is that, unless I read it wrong, that comes across like someone who gets a thrill out of starting fights... And if that's the case [like i said earlier, Dystany is on his side for not crossing my path]. I can tollerate fools and alike, but hero's & thugs looking & starting trouble really brings out the smile in me! I've got no compassion if that's the case.

I'll quote predator "Man, its amazing how self-richeous people get"...

Without being self-richeous, what's there to be positive about? A bloke who's committed a crime & said, "duh! I really fu(ked up, don't do what i did". Anyone with half a brain knows talk is cheap, his actions will prove his remorse & redemption. Whether I know him or not, I can only go by his writing's... & in his words' he can't control himself "guaranteed".

Cause he's in the country & not down punt road makes it worse. Next time Christams road death statistics come up, see how many get killed in the bush compared to the city.. off the top of my head something like 75%bush 25%city~

Finally, I've learnt to cop it straight on the chin, positive or not! Adrian's 1/15th the way there, we'll see if he lasts the whole 15rounds & wins by TKO. Cause I'll be the first to hand him the trophy.

And why am I a keyboard warrior? I'll say the same thing to people in real life

unfortunately... this is the only thing i am publically agreeing to in this thread... :D

I can tollerate fools and alike, but hero's & thugs looking & starting trouble really brings out the smile in me! I've got no compassion if that's the case..

Look I totally agree and I feel the same way about people like that, BUT what I'm saying is is there any point is going on and on about it? You are totally entitled to your opinion and I respect that but what I dont like is when people just keep slaging for the point of it. You've made you point crystal clear.

Cause he's in the country & not down punt road makes it worse. Next time Christams road death statistics come up, see how many get killed in the bush compared to the city.. off the top of my head something like 75%bush 25%city~

If he want's to wrap himself round a tree in the middle of bum fu(k creek thats his decision and problem. What I'm saying is at least he hasn't been doing it on busy suburban roads! Eg. The flying 300zx! Still doesn't make it right though.

Anyways I'm done my 2c....

i just wanna post for the heck of it :)

Im sitting on the fence here with this one.

I've been in trouble with the law before on two occasions, albeit biased and unfair from the court/police end on one of these incidents.

Something you just have to live with...

It's not always a case of innocent until proven guilty. Especially when 'they' are out to get you.

I severed my time, what i would call unfair time, (6 months) but i lost a few KG's and really learnt to appreciate driving, public transport sucks MEGA BALLS.

I wasnt maybe obeying the rules the 'whole' time.

But in the end im glad i didnt drive for the best part of my suspension.

Some do learn the hard way once, and some just take a few more shots to learn.

Nothing against the person, we are all who we are in whatever way.

Laws are there to protect us... although some are quite debatable.

Whilst we can do little about the laws in minority or en-mass at times, we just have to obey them.

And if you dont, examples like this are the result.

Enough of the words. Just let it be. People have said thier piece (even me :))


Without being self-richeous, what's there to be positive about? A bloke who's committed a crime & said, "duh! I really fu(ked up, don't do what i did". Anyone with half a brain knows talk is cheap, his actions will prove his remorse & redemption. Whether I know him or not, I can only go by his writing's... & in his words' he can't control himself "guaranteed".

What I was saying was.. people are quick to jump on abuse somebody on a non face-to-face forum but I HIGHLY DOUBT they would ever do it in real-life. If somebody you know ****s up (a friend, family or whatever) do you constantly sit there face to face and to them going "you dickhead, you're a wanker, why you do that for" on and on constantly to them?? I bet you if you did you wouldn't have many damn friends for long or be too popular, thats for sure.

They don't know the circumstance, they don't know the situations, and even more to the point they may barely know the person! And yet they jump on here, abuse the crap out of them, and somehow claim that they're perfect.. .and yet no doubt in a few weeks time you/me/anybody could be on here going "oh damn, lost my licence just put my foot down at the wrong moment". Unless you are perfect, ****ing brilliant, a ****ing god, then people needs to chill the hell out!! and stop judging people they don't know.. even if they do say stupid things that hardly enlightens them in such situations.

And I may add, whether its right or wrong -- what happens in the country is quite a bit different to the city. And you do know who most of the people are that die on country roads?? people from the damn cities who don't know their ass from their elbow..

"oh damn, lost my licence just put my foot down at the wrong moment". Unless you are perfect, ****ing brilliant, a ****ing god, then people needs to chill the hell out!! and stop judging people they don't know.. even if they do say stupid things that hardly enlightens them in such situations.

Everyone makes mistakes... but if your smart you only make it ONCE :slap:

If somebody you know ****s up (a friend, family or whatever) do you constantly sit there face to face and to them going "you dickhead, you're a wanker, why you do that for" on and on constantly to them?? I bet you if you did you wouldn't have many damn friends for long or be too popular, thats for sure.

That's such a broad analogy, that I can't even see the horizon. Remind me in 10years how many "real friends" you have!

Finally, I've learnt to cop it straight on the chin, positive or not! Adrian's 1/15th the way there, we'll see if he lasts the whole 15rounds & wins by TKO. Cause I'll be the first to hand him the trophy.

EDIT: Face to Face, I'd say exactly the same thing.

All I can say is that I hope you do learn from whats happened. You came out on the good side of the law, jail would not be fun! I'm sure u know what u did was idiodic, but we can be thankfull that you werent speeding around suburban streets.

I don't agree however that we all need to jump on the bandwagon and repetitively bash you around the head with it. Unfortunately, I don't think that people can learn from other peoples mistakes, they aren't the one left with the pain, people need to find out the hard way for themselves, as it appears has happened here.

Lets just cut him some slack though guys, I am sure he has copped it all already. I don't agree with what he has done, but constant bashings aren't going to help the issue.

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