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Oooo.k, I get it... This is a meshmesh pay back for such a bodgy piece of "sh!t" A.K.A "art". that's sweet, maybe you guys could throw in a couple yourselves at the request of Adrian. My kindy teacher said in her exact words..."wooow meshy meshy, that's a luuuuvly picture isn't it!" So I dont care what you'all think! NA! :D

well ive had my say and my comments have been understood by most.Ill be at MAS at SAU stand if ya wanna meet my thug arse mesh mesh.i be happy to talk it over with you as my thread seems to really appeal to you.maybe after you meet me you will see im not a "hero& thug looking & starting trouble ". Coming from the bloke quoting scarface.Ive had my rant enough said.mods can close thread if they want.

fu.(_K merli,

ur actin like hes some sort of super crim,

take it easy man, he didnt rape or murder anyone

wait till something of decent impact happens too u or a member of your family,

driving without a liscence is like the most non criminal act you can get punished for

so gf and stop bein a jelous C(_)nt

rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif @ super crim... If only all criminals were as slow to learn as this guy...

Keep it coming guys bigthumb.gif

C_DawG: Sorry about ruining your photo, but it was a worthy cause :)

What a crock of SH1T, I drive crazy some times too but obviously this clown shouldn't be driving on the roads at all.

everyone who has replied to this thread is saying how thats too bad etc, well, this guy needs to wake up to himself, and a long susspension of his licence will hopefully help.

I have had a 6 month suspension so I know what it is like to make mistakes as well, but this is the 2nd or 3rd time this fool has had a suspended license!

Wake up to yourself champ, and grow up. I am glad I live in Qld, away from you

i care what he says  :)  

merli posts the most interesting and entertaining replies on this entire forum

He does sometimes but sometimes that horse he rides is up 2 high.

Merli cant wait for you to stuff up something in your life so we can all hang shit on u and post pics with u in it :)

He does sometimes but sometimes that horse he rides is up 2 high.

Merli cant wait for you to stuff up something in your life so we can all hang shit on u and post pics with u in it :)

I don't rag on everyone that stuffs up Denjam...

I give people shit who are too stupid to wipe their own ass, like getting caught driving whilst suspended........... TWICE.

Getting your licence suspended? Meh... Shit happens. I've never lost my licence, but it might happen... All it is, is losing too many points. I lost 4 points for talking on a mobile phone whilst sitting at a traffic lights on a double demerit points weekend :) (go ahead and chop that if it'll make your e-penis bigger)... So I can fully understand how people can lose their licences. It's no big deal really. All you have to do is lose 12 points.

But when you do it repeatedly, and then GET CAUGHT DRIVING WHILST SUSPENEDED............ TWICE!!!, then there's seriously something missing up there. Surely if you were going to drive during your suspension, you wouldn't draw attention to yourself and give the police any reason to pull you over... Isn't that bleeding ****ing obvious?!?!!? BUT TO DO IT TWICE!!! That's just beyond comprehension.

So you can "hang shit" on me if I stuff up, that's your choice, but you'll just look like a petty loser. I don't "hang shit" on people when they stuff up. Everyone stuffs up, and usually learns from their mistakes.

I only "hang shit" on people when they're sitting at the bottom of the evolutionary chain and have a brain the size of a chickpea.

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