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If you guys want to form your own club, and have some sort of presence in the Affiliated Car Club arena, you really need to do some work on your PR skills. I was at the NDSOC general meeting last nite, and asked the question as to why you didn't actively promote skylines other than R32, 33 and 34. I was laughed at and told it was because the other skylines couldn't keep up! The Skyline marque began in 1960, not 1989, and this is a real insult to those of us passionate about our cars. If you don't want to have other Skylines in the club, call it the R32 onwards skyline club. I have two R31's a GTS 2 and a Ti. I also own a BA Fairmont and a New Ti Maxima. I have been involved with the NDSOC for over 15 years, and felt shame at the way your club represented itself to members of the NDSOC. The NDSOC prides itself on having many different types of cars in the club, you have one type, and it seems that this club believes that the type of car it represents started in 1989. The attitude of the boys at the meeting, (I thought anyway) was that of one upmanship and prestige. If this is how you want to run your club, let me say that once you all grow up, you will realise that no-one who is worth their salt will stick with you as an affiliated club. And I am now ashamed to be a member of this forum, seeing as I only have an R31.

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Hi Cazz,

Forgive my ignorance, but I dont know what the NDSOC is ?

I think this feedback is best directed to whomever was at the meeting with you. I agree tho, that is a childish and silly way to act and i dont blame you for feeling this way.



as far as i'm aware we have a number of 31 an earlier enthisiasts on these boards and i for one and quite interested in the generational prince/skyline cars.

dont let that sort of experience sour the club as a whole on you.


i agree - i love the older skylines!

Thanks for the feedback guys.

The NDSOC is the Nissan Datsun Sports Owners Club. There were a number of SAU Victorian Members (I know that this is only a forum club at this stage), with their skylines at this general meeting last nite to find out about the SAU club becomming affiliated. I am unaware of any of their names, but they had a very expensive laptop with them demonstrating some of the members cars. I know that their views are not necessarily those of the club, but hopefully, by my having said something, these guys can understand that what they say and do (and they were representing the club, or so they said) reflects on the club as a whole. I don't mean to offend anybody either.


I'm truely dumbfounded that you think that considering one of the guys you are speaking about drives a R31 himself and that the rest of us have nothing but admiration for ALL skylines. We are even attempting to get special exemption from Autosalon regarding the post 1987 - fuel injected car only rule so that we can put a KGC10 on our stand. Plus one if the reasons we were looking at affiliation with NDSOC rather than a stand alone club was to introduce members to other great Nissans like 240/260Z, Prince Skylines etc. I can only presume you have misunderstood a tounge in cheek jest (probably by the guy the owns the R31 if I guess right!)

Hi Cazz

I was at the meeting last night and am very puzzled by your comments??

Someone asked 'where were the R31s' in reference to the photos we had - and were told there was an R31 GTS-R widebody present - but just wasn't in the photos. I did not hear anyone state anything about 'they can't keep up'?? Are you sure it was one of us that made the comment?

Hell - one of the other SAU guys who was there drives an R31 GTS-R?! and the most favoured car at the last few cruises has been Ron's KCG10!? There are many R31 owners/drivers/fans on these forums - even a few DR30s. Yes the most popular car is an R33 GTST - but they simply have the bulk numbers. Never has it been suggested that any Skyline is not 'good enough' - or any other car for that matter.

I cannot understand why you felt an attitude of 'upmanship and prestige'? We were there to meet you guys and to see how your club operates, in the hope of learning from it and getting more people to join up - I don't recall anything untoward being stated or suggested?

One of the NDSOC committe even chided us (with no offence intended or taken) by saying 'teach these kids that Skylines date back to 1964 and not just '89' - with reference to the 40 year anniversary of the Prince Skyline in Aus :)

From my recollection there was nothing but positive input from the NDSOC members??

I am truly puzzled by your negative impressions and am deeply sorry that you got the wrong idea of our presence at the meeting.


Guest RedLineGTR

I myself love old school skylines in general just there is not enough ones around for our cruises usally we have a couple around not always in every photo etc, i have been hearing feedback from people from the R31Forums etc that they arnt that keen on considering joining our victorian based club that is currently being setup. Personally i wouldnt mind more r31's etc...i say the more the better!!!!!!!!! My 2 Cents :)

I am too tired to argue about something that I don’t believe is an issue among people/members that I have talked to. Anyone is welcome to join and participate in any events…..James did you see the crowd that was gathering around the wide body r31 when we parker near the petrol station :)

PS. Also we dont just have R32 r33's r34's on the forums we have a wide range of nissan based car's as forum members etc...anyone is more than happy to come on the ANY cruises.

I have been a member of these forums for about 6 months now, and I can say that all(well, most) who use this site are avid skyline fans and respectful of All skylines, I myself own a 1977 KPGC210 Coupe and I dont know what pplz here think of me or my car , but i have NEVER had any negative comments.......Ill go hide back in my corner now...

If you guys want to form your own club, and have some sort of presence in the Affiliated Car Club arena, you really need to do some work on your PR skills.


I was there last night, i own one of the GTS-R's here in Vic, along with Ron and Jayson...

I've been a member here for 2 years, and have organised many cruises with SAU with R31's having some good numbers at times.

Ron/Greg are regulars on just about all our cruises, bringing a lot of the wonderful and exotic models that they have.

About 10-15 other people that own R31's, and even earlier model skylines, are on these forums (from a vic area), and probably many more Aust wide.

They come along to cruises/meets all the time too.

I was laughed at and told it was because the other skylines couldn't keep up!

Personally i dont actually recall anyone saying that - but i am not about to go arguing over anything (no andrew, surprisingly i didnt make the comment!)

I would be guessing (if) that the comment was simply made in very good faith to have a big of friendly stir at myself.

Being that ron/myself were there, and are R31 owners.

The attitude of the boys at the meeting, (I thought anyway) was that of one upmanship and prestige.

Sorry if you felt that way, but possibly you are the only one who feels that way?

We were conversing with MANY people last night, including your president at great lenth about many different topics and options.

Many people at the meeting last night i personally know from various circles etc.

Same with the other 'boys' in our group, who knew lots of people too.

Im very certain that a lot at that meeting would not share the same view as yourself.

I know that their views are not necessarily those of the club

The views we expressed last night, are the views of the club.

Hence... The president, Events organisers, and 6+ other general members were in attendance.

We were there in representation of the club, to express the views that our members have asked for us to express on thier behalf.

We, im my eyes, did not give out any 'bad' views, or negative comments.

Many NDSOC members embrased us i felt and were extremely happy that we were at the meeting and expressing our interest in a number of areas.

To all interstate people that read this, this is the setup of the VIC Division of SAU, not SAU as a whole entity

Sorry for the ridculous lenth of this post.

A number of us have spent considerable time talking to our members and attending many meetings to organise things.

I dont want any of them to think that we are representing them in a negative or rude manner because we are doing all we can to make SAU - Vic the best it can be for the greater good of all members.


Vic - Events Co-ordinator

- ash

I really didn't mean to get up anyone's nose. I apologise if I have, but I would not have posted a thread here for no reason. I asked the guy sitting in the middle of the table, (who was one seat down from me on the same table) why they didn't have any R31's in the club. The definitive answer was "I think we have one", and he got a few chuckles out of that, and then "they can't keep up with us", and a few more chuckles. This is why I said the guys were acting elitist, I felt like they were trying to make me feel inferior. If this was said in jest, it was said in poor taste. As the owner of probably the best original GTS 2 in Melbourne, (I reckon australia), I was really put out by this. Nobody attempted to speak with me, and I was sitting at the same table, you all just turned your back on me to speak with more important people. If I have taken this the wrong way, then I am sorry, and I promise to make it up to you at the next meeting.. You were made to feel very welcome by the NDSOC, and I can assume you all had a good nite, there were some great cars there. I know Ron, his son and partner very well, and the KGC10 is awesome. I also love his R31 and drool everytime I see it, so it would be great to get some other model skylines on cruises, and perhaps we should be working hard to recruit these kind of cars and people.

Very interesting

Well i have known James Ash Shan inark dr drift for a few years now since i first attended an sau dyno day. After last years mas i got to know these ppl a lot better and where all makes of cars stand in there views and everyone is equeal.

I am an active member of both sau and R31 skylineclub, we have had joint cruises and normally a good turnout of r31's @ and sau even weather it be skid pan day or cruise.

Now all the people who represent the comitee in SAU Vic have neva looked down on older cars but been very interested in older and more unieque cars.

I do still feel a lot of "general members" think that anything below r32 is not ment to be there but they as far as everyone else is concerned they can take themselves elsewhere.

SAU would be a very handy resource for any skyline owner who wants to do cams affiliatied stuff as the R31 Skylineclub has not got the numbers to form such affiliation.

Hope the affiliation still goes ahead so that skyline owners can enjoy the full benifits of handling and power that there cars have.

thats my 2 cents


R31 Skyline Club Vic Representative

The mentality that skylines only date back to 1989 only exists in the same type of people that believe all skylines are turbo driven and are fullsick boosted machines. I have worked with SAU in VIC since the beginning (back in the days of the revolution against SDU with Prank etc) and since day one we've always had an R31 in attendance at most of our meets and events. I needn't even mention that at Autosalon where our club was announced we had 2 R31's amongst 9 skylines on display.

On the day there were committee members and general members of the forum present, it may have been very inappropriate humour on behalf of any of those guys and I apologies on their behalf.

We are trying to cement a working relationship between the R31 Skyline club and the SAU VIC club, but as much as the committee members may want it, the members seem to still have something against each other. Our guys seem to think that if it ain't imported it aint a skyline, and the others think that we're an elitist club. As Andrew (acsplit) can testify there are plenty of cars in their club that can hand my import its arse on a platter :D

I myself personally dream of one day bringing down a KPGC211 (not the C210 V8SkylineMan has) and restoring it to its turbo powered glory. Not many people seem to know that its the first Skyline ever to have a turbo in it, way back around 1977.

We in the committee hope to collaborate with the R31 club (and its most active reps on SAU, SKY031 and acsplit) in the future and get the necessary numbers to hold track events or have a presence at organised track events.

I hope this incident hasn't caused a bad light on us in the eyes of NDSOC, and hopefully we can go ahead with the affiliation and enjoy the benifits they have to offer. And again my apologies on behalf of the club and its members.

Shan Moorthy

SAU VIC Committee Member

PS: Andrew thanks for the support, and V8SkylineMan...luv ya car :D one of these days (quite possibly years) i'll have my own.

oh and BTW cazz you wouldn't happen to be the same Carolyn Kruger from Link Recruitment would you?

Thanks for the positive feedback. Thanks to you especially FunkyMonkey. It is great to see that not all the members have the attitude I was talking about, and that it really is a minority. (I am not the same Carolyn Kruger from Link Recruitment tho). I really appreciate this positive approach, and Andrew, (acsplit) thanks for you input too. My experience with the R31 club has always been positive, and my long association with the NDSOC has been great, so hopefully (despite my hot headed comments) we can get something positive happening with all the clubs. Looking forward to showing of my car one day.

cazz, i know i wasnt there or anythin, but i think u are makin every situation be the worst possible senario ever. Exaple: U said u wer ignored and sau members conversed with more important people while u sat there by yourself. maybe the guys wer so busy with converstaion they didnt realise u wer by urself.

Also why cant this situation be reversed to say u wer the elitest one, where u waited for people to come to u. U say they didnt come to u, well why should they. U wanna meet people? go to a group and introduce yourself. Dont wait in a corner feeling sorry for urself.

Like i said, i know im not vic, or even have anythin to do with this meeting, but it seemed u r very negative about everything and are blaming things which maybe arent true and u misinterpreted proceedings.

Sorry if u think this is a bitch at u, im just sayin...

cazz, i know i wasnt there or anythin, but i think u are makin every situation be the worst possible senario ever. Exaple: U said u wer ignored and sau members conversed with more important people while u sat there by yourself. maybe the guys wer so busy with converstaion they didnt realise u wer by urself.

Also why cant this situation be reversed to say u wer the elitest one, where u waited for people to come to u. U say they didnt come to u, well why should they. U wanna meet people? go to a group and introduce yourself. Dont wait in a corner feeling sorry for urself.

Like i said, i know im not vic, or even have anythin to do with this meeting, but it seemed u r very negative about everything and are blaming things which maybe arent true and u misinterpreted proceedings.

Sorry if u think this is a bitch at u, im just sayin...

Hi EnricoPalazzo, perhaps you should read my post properly, and my further posts. I actually approached your members and started a conversation. I wasn't sitting by myself at that table, I was with other people, I did try to start a conversation up, but was put down. If you followed the thread, you would see that the whole thing has run it's course. We all kissed and made up.

seriously, get over it

What is the point of this post?? They are all simply having a conversation and you make a somewhat pointless post.

I believe in cazz's view this is the stupidity that she is talking about from members. If you've got nothing to post that has some intelligence behind it or relevence to the thread why be a complete moron and make a fool of yourself and post.

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