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Realy need help miss my beast so much. One day my car just wouldnt turn over, the car cranks but wont fire, all lights are on and looks fine on dash. have tried the follwing.

1. tried jump starting - not working just cranks not firing.

2.checked the fuel pump,removed it and its working,its priming when you try start it - but weirdly checking for flow i , removed the fuel line that goes to the injectors and fuel was not coming out when was trying to start it , but we have tried to manually pump fuel into the manifold from a container but still wont fire.

3.checked all the fuses and relays all look fine.

4.did a spark check and therz spark.

I need help to check the following stuff, i think it might be 1.ecu , 2.airflow meter 3.crank angle sensor.

please any ideas would be usefull or even a commendable mechanic,or import garage around the Melbourne S.E

so the fuel pump is priming but there is no fuel coming out after the fuel filter ?

the pump is either dead or the filter is blocked, also check the quality of the fuel in a clear container

2.checked the fuel pump, removed it and its working, its priming when you try start it - but weirdly checking for flow, i removed the fuel line that goes to the injectors and fuel was not coming out when was trying to start it, but we have tried to manually pump fuel into the manifold from a container but still wont fire.

So, is fuel being pumped or not? As DVS32R suggested, the filter could be blocked (well and truly!).

No point having fuses "look ok". You need to check them with a multimeter (ohms setting) to be absolutely sure. If you are getting spark, then the CAS is ok.

And "turn over" and "crank" are the same thing.

yeah fuel pump definitely working coz i took it out and tested it myself , yeah that's a good idea will check the fuel filter tomorrow,, any other ideas or mechanics / garages to take it please. I don't want to get the car towed to a garage where they wont be able to fix it, therefore would prefer garages that deal with imports, as we all know towing is nuesense

checked the fuel filter def not blocked , its flowing well, the fuel filter is also less than 3months old.... i dont know most probably fuel pump not getting enough voltage it requires, is there anyone with an idea how much voltage/amps i should get on the multimeter for the fuel pump.

Minimum 12v hopefully. If it primes it Is

Pumping. Check that fuel is

Coming out the fuel filter by turning the key on or cranking with the outlet ofthe fuel filter into a clear bottle.

Check the fuel doesnt have water contamination etc.

if ur not sure get a long bit of wire good idea with a fuse and power up the pump with a jump lead from power to the pump if need me. if there is no power of fuel getting to the injectors there is ur problem, have u ever had the injectors cleaned...have u check coilpacks??

motor needs, power, fuel and spark to start check them all first

Guys any ideas please DVSR32R thank you very much for ongoing support, i have tried to crank the car with fuel outlet into a clear bottle, really weird but honestly therz no fuel coming out,so iam thinking may be fuel pump not having enough power to deliver fuel at sufficient pressure.therefore wanted to ask if its possible to check the voltage goin to the fuel pump by checking the voltage going to the fuel pump on its fuse? i know its also possible to do that on its relay , but relay terminals confuse me a bit..... am also queering injectors, any ideas how to check injectors for (power + flow) ? thanks everyone

are you certain you are checking for flow at the right fuel hose? you need the one that does not connect to the fuel pressure regulator, ie the one with the filter in it. where are you disconnecting the fuel hose to check?

Yep thats right.

Check battery voltage,

Then check fuel pump voltage At the pump itself. Should be similar to batt volts

U have had the fuel pump out. Check to nake sure the 2 hoses were put back on the correct way around.

Take the fuel line off before the filter and check the flow see if its any better. If its no good get a new fuel pump

It's still unclear whether or not you have fuel, and when.

With fuel line disconnected after the fuel filter, what happens when:

- turn key to ON?

- turn key to START?

can it be a the ignitor thats gone?? even though i got spark ? also were do i find the earth , just going through everything at the moment , replaced fuel pump, now got fuel flowing still not firing, any electrics that can cause car not to fire?

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