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Hi guys,

Just thought I would post up this email my friend has posted on his blog by an American Phd Nuclear Scientist last nite regarding the "dangerous reactor situation."

Since then his blog has had over 175,000 hits (since last nite), the BBC have rehashed the info and the scientist Dr Josef Oehmen has done many interviews with journalists.

Its a very LONG but reassuring read.

Why I am not worried about Japans Nuclear Reactors - Morgs At Large

hope everyone is safe,

good luck in the black outs,

also if anyone wants to watch tv during these back outs NHK world have their own live stream app.


Edited by akeenan
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I posted this in the Earthquake thread as well but considering its impact hopefully the mods will forgive me.

Australian governement (via Smart traveller) has increased the area people should reconsider visiting. Now it includes Tokyo. They say its due to instability in the reactor. If you are in Tokyo now you might want to head south ASAP. Be careful everyone.


Edited by *LOACH*

Did you read what he posted...

My post was not a specific reply to his post but just a heads up to anyone in, or planning to visit, the areas affected by the bulletin who may be reading the thread as the Australian government has made certain recommendations. Not only do the recommendations have potential impact on the health and safety of the people concerned but also on the ability of people to travel, buy food and enjoy an uninterrupted power supply. In addition, while it may not be stated in the Smart Traveler bulletins, there may be some extra difficulty in claiming from insurance (travel insurance etc) if an incident occurs in an area discussed in the recommendations. For example if you tripped over and hurt yourself the insurance company may not pay your medical bills or at least increase the paperwork etc required. Therefore while my post is not directly discussing akeenans original post it is certainly related to the thread.

Edited by *LOACH*

Anyone who thinks the Japanese government, Tepco and alike are giving true information to the so called world nuclear experts have absolutely NFI an have had there heads so far up their are they havent seen daylight since the dark ages,

Japans bureaucracy is based on lies and deceit and unless you have lived there for some substantial time you would not have a clue.

So called western nuclear experts are basing their assumptions on the paperwork and statistics they have in front of them.

Not on the aging decrepit state of the power plant, not on the many radioactive accidents there have been at the plant and covered up.

Even the IAEA can not get clear info on whats going on and keep getting a misnomer of misinformation.

Rewind a bit and go back to the first day of the first explosion...

Japanese government stated that there had been no explosion..

Really then what the f#$k was that all over the internet.

Japanese government back pedaled and said yes there had been an explosion but no radiation leaks.

Next day boom no 2

Again Tepco and the government said..no need for concern as all under control.

Next day boom no 3 and now theres a statement issued that minor radiation has been measured which was complete bullshit.

Next the Japanese government issued an sos to the UN & USA for help.

Go forward a few days and they were spinning crap that 3-km zone was safe and dont worry. No radiation will get to Tokyo.

So now to where we are today..

Contaminated water in Tokyo and 24 wards of Toyo's water supply that is unsafe for infants to drink.

Over 20 different types of vegetables are on the list of do not eat as have been contaminated.

Levels of radiation which are way over safe limit to infants have now been found in an area of 70km zone of f*kushima Dai ichi. So how f#$ked are the kids in the 30km zone.

Extremely high levels of radiation found in the ocean off f*kushima.

If you want to believe the crap that comes out of these ars#holes mouth then join the line of the ignorant.

This is only the start of what will come from their deceit.

Keep in mind its the very young and unborn who suffer the easiest from radiation and the long term affects.

You dont need big doses to mutate cells.

We wont see the true depth of this until many years later and even then things will be covered up with medical records falsified etc etc...

Dont believe me then do a bit of a google search and have a look of the history of some of the massive cover ups the Japanese government and Tepco have been involved in.

I have lots of Japanese friends and business people who have now lost complete faith in the Government and dont believe their lies and and have packed up and gone which is extremely difficult for the Japanese to do.

Its in their psyche to gambatte (carry on) in all faces of adversity. For them to leave goes against everything they have been indoctrinated to about the Japanese way, WA 和 and how a good Japanese robot should be but at least they can now see they have been lied to and are getting out before its too late.

there is a lot of anger , unrest and resentment in Japan right now.

No there wont be a big nuclear explosion , just a weeping pusshole of silent toxic low or high level radiation and a bunch of lying pr#$ks that will keep saying everything is ok..

Big question now is wheres the boss of Tepco.

One pissweak tv apology over a week ago. Even the Prime Minister cant get this guy to give him info. Why..?? because he is filthy rich and does what he wants. Hopefully guilt will get to him too much and he does the honorable thing and tops himself off.

I don't really trust the Japanese government/media for reasons Elrodeo666 provided and because of the power situation. They keep saying everyday that that day was the day that power was connected. For example on the 19th they said today power was connected. But then the 20th-power was connected and then the next day-power will be connected today etc etc. Also one worker said that last week it seemed hopeless but now that its only critical. Hard to explain but yeah scary. I know its supposed to be minuscule amounts of radiation but they have detected fallout in Iceland and elsewhere in Europe from it, so how much is here? Everyday they say new food is being contaminated. I am getting info on f*kushima from so many places, Australian news (and Smart traveler), BBC, NHK, Reuters (US news) and others. Wikipedia is my favourite though as it actually gives good information (although I think most of it comes from the Japanese sources) in a relatively easy to understand way and I think someone is updating the article at least once a day. For the time being I am just gonna avoid going outside as much as possible. I canceled my snowboarding trip on Saturday because the wind is now coming down Honshu unlike last week where it was going out to sea. I can see why the Japanese government wants to play the situation down - if things are bad people will panic and that will cost lives - probably more than a worse case scenario in f*kushima as people will do anything to leave the country and Japans neighbours may think they can do a better job of controlling the situation that affects their countries as well. Considering the capabilities of those neighbours I wouldn't want to be standing in their way.They haven't said anything about it on the news yet but my prediction is that when its all over, there will be a bit of a controversy over the handling of the reactor and that things were worse than the government were saying. Then the prime minister will change by the end of the year. All will be forgiven and the real people with power in Japan get away with it - just like the American base relocation in Okinawa. I am sure people who have been here longer could offer more information on the subject - there are reasons why the Japanese Prime minister has changed almost every year (except Koizumisan and he only lasted 5/6 years) for the last two decades.

Edited by *LOACH*

Yep and Koizumisan had big underground backing from the Yaks..

Loach if you want to go snowboarding then go to Hokkaido.

No problems with radiation, water is from natural springs and wind rarely blows from the south this time of year and if it does not for long.

I don't really trust the Japanese government/media for reasons Elrodeo666 provided and because of the power situation. They keep saying everyday that that day was the day that power was connected. For example on the 19th they said today power was connected. But then the 20th-power was connected and then the next day-power will be connected today etc etc. Also one worker said that last week it seemed hopeless but now that its only critical. Hard to explain but yeah scary. I know its supposed to be minuscule amounts of radiation but they have detected fallout in Iceland and elsewhere in Europe from it, so how much is here? Everyday they say new food is being contaminated. I am getting info on f*kushima from so many places, Australian news (and Smart traveler), BBC, NHK, Reuters (US news) and others. Wikipedia is my favourite though as it actually gives good information (although I think most of it comes from the Japanese sources) in a relatively easy to understand way and I think someone is updating the article at least once a day. For the time being I am just gonna avoid going outside as much as possible. I canceled my snowboarding trip on Saturday because the wind is now coming down Honshu unlike last week where it was going out to sea. I can see why the Japanese government wants to play the situation down - if things are bad people will panic and that will cost lives - probably more than a worse case scenario in f*kushima as people will do anything to leave the country and Japans neighbours may think they can do a better job of controlling the situation that affects their countries as well. Considering the capabilities of those neighbours I wouldn't want to be standing in their way.They haven't said anything about it on the news yet but my prediction is that when its all over, there will be a bit of a controversy over the handling of the reactor and that things were worse than the government were saying. Then the prime minister will change by the end of the year. All will be forgiven and the real people with power in Japan get away with it - just like the American base relocation in Okinawa. I am sure people who have been here longer could offer more information on the subject - there are reasons why the Japanese Prime minister has changed almost every year (except Koizumisan and he only lasted 5/6 years) for the last two decades.

Must be a hard decision for young people in E-Honshu to take a punt & have a pregnancy, not knowing if their baby might get childhood leukaemia in the first 5 yrs of life. :/

If you read up on Chernobyl, they didn't even make a mention to the public about the disaster until another Nuclear Plant 1000km away detected up the radiation. They initially couldn't find a leak in their plant, so they started tracing outwards. As they did this the Soviet government admitted there had been an accident. Every government plays anything they can down. If you think they tell the truth in the face of disaster, get real. The more they admit, the more money they will lose in the long run to people seeking compensation. eg: What if we never found out about Chernobyl, as in, somehow it never got noticed or reported to us. People would be dying of radiation sickness, the government would play it as a new form of plague or something else, and they don't have to compensate. Admit the least at the last second.

"The nearby city of Pripyat was not immediately evacuated after the incident. Only after radiation levels set off alarms at the Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Sweden,[35] over one thousand kilometers from the Chernobyl Plant, did the Soviet Union admit that an accident had occurred. Nevertheless, authorities attempted to conceal the scale of the disaster. For example, while evacuating the city of Pripyat, the following warning message was read on local radio: "An accident has occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. One of the atomic reactors has been damaged. Aid will be given to those affected and a committee of government inquiry has been set up."


Even burning graphite right in your face doesn't seem to ring alarm bells when it concerns the public..

Have a suss on TEPCO's company profile page and do the maths on their annual sales turnover just for 2009 and you'll understand why these guys lie through their teeth.

You'll need a calculator with a lot of zero's to convert to Aussie dollars.

Even their net income in 2009 was over 16billion dollars and I guarantee you its probably 3 fold that as most companies in Japan run dodgy books.

Their customer base are is huge and with a hell of a lot of factories,high rises etc etc etc you can see why they would be keen for the problems at f*kushima to be kept at a low key level.


Today on the Japanese news they are saying the workers are suffering from burns, skin peeling off and some losing hair.

No no radiation levels arent dangerous...

And then today they are saying the radiation found in the water that the workers stepped in is 10,000 times above the safe limit.

And Terry hit the nail on the head with the future generations baring the scars of this all mighty f#$kup!!

And now the Japanese government has asked residents in the 30km zone to leave on their own accord if possible to safer areas of Japan.

It gets worse..the 3 workers affected by the radiated water are not from TEPCO but another company that handles the electrical installations.

They were not wearing long protective boots because water in that area wasnt in their safety manual.

This is the type of thinking that has been going on with this disaster since it started...honestly a bunch of useless muppets

96 tons of uranium/plutonium is roughly the amount used per reactor, no wonder they were really worried about the spent fuel ponds. Sure sounds like a lot not to mention the spent fuel ponds too!

The source was a retired manager of a British nuclear power plant on a ABC program, if i remember correctly.

I'm no expert but as people have mentioned, it only takes one cell that has lost its programmed cell death (apoptosis) to rapidly divide to cause cancer. I'd be scared shitless living in Japan, imagine you had an apple and then a week later it's 'oh by the way apples are also on the irradiated list' ... I'd be spewing...

I'm no expert but as people have mentioned, it only takes one cell that has lost its programmed cell death (apoptosis) to rapidly divide to cause cancer. I'd be scared shitless living in Japan, imagine you had an apple and then a week later it's 'oh by the way apples are also on the irradiated list' ... I'd be spewing...

Absolutely. I live more than 400kms away from f*kushima and none of the locals seem to be fazed at all, but I am only leaving my house when I have to and wear a mask when I do. Then when I get home I take my outer layer of clothes off as soon as I get in the door and everything goes straight in the wash and me in the shower. Now I am mostly worried about drinking water and food. I saw a report lately that said that measurements taken around the planet show that radioactive particles released by the f*kushima incident are between 60-70% that of Chernobyl. The results in other countries from that disaster are phenomenal - increase in rates of down syndrome and thyroid cancer in Germany and Tuurkey (intentionally spelled incorrectly - try posting with it spelled correctly and you will see why) amongst others. Coincidently I went shopping today and was going to buy apples but went for bananas instead as they have a thick skin which is peeled rather than eaten and bananas are probably imported too.

Edited by *LOACH*

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