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Wollongong based drift club “Cursed Sundays” have organised their first drift day at Wakefield park raceway.

The finer details:

•February 7 2013

•$250 entry fee

•Passengers free

•Track time 9-4

•Short and long track

Spots are limited, which means there will be stacks of track time. To secure your spot contact Dominic.

  • 2 weeks later...



The past fortnight I’ve been a pretty unlucky guy. A few components installed on the Stagea failed, My back pains had come back and I managed to get pulled over.

Last week on the way home from work, cruising the M4 I noticed smoke exiting from the back of the Stag, glancing through my rear view. At first I thought I could be tyre rubbing the guards as I played with the suspension arms previously, and it wasn’t constant. However when I came to a stop there was that distinctive burnt oil smell. Puzzled I pulled over and went over the car. The whole car was covered in oil, it was everywhere!

After ripping the intake snorkel off, I had a look around the turbo, and to my surprise the oil drain hose had split in multiple places. After letting the car cool down I checked the dip-stick and it was bone dry, awesome. Strandard, Julie came to my rescue. We went home got some supplies and dodged it up so we could get the Stagea home.

I went over the car again once it was home and removed the oil drain hose, yep it was screwed. The same morning a reoccurring back injury had come back to haunt me which made things even more “fun” for me.


The plan of attack was to borrow Julie’s Lancer at the crack of dawn, and find a suitable replacement for the damaged hose. I went to Repco and Autoexcel and both stores didn’t have anything sufficient. Before I knew it was time for Julie to go to work so I was boned. My back was giving me grief too so I just let the car stay the way it was. Anyways I gave Paulie a ring to see what he was up to, other than ”fapping” he had nothing on so he came around and we went for a hunt for a hose suitable for oil.

We headed to MTQ/Sonic performance in Wetherill park but as usual they had nothing in stock. So I then thought we’d try Pirtek as their products are mainly for industrial use (i.e higher grade etc). I ended up getting an offcut of a high pressure industrial hose for a measly $5. This bad boy will never split, look at the wall thickness! I bought some new heavy-duty T bolt clamps too.

Paulie installed the hose for me, I would have had no chance of getting it on if it wasn’t for him. Amazing how pain can make you feel so useless, mind is willing body isn’t etc.

NTS: If I’m ever-changing a turbo, either get a braided oil return hose, or a new rubber item.


All was well for a few days until on my travel to work I had an encounter with Highway patrol. I was stopped at a set of lights as were they facing the opposite way. Their disco lights came on and I knew I was in for a world of pain, Anyway by the time they did a U-turn and cut through traffic I was near the M4 turnoff which I take to get to work. The lights turned amber and I hit the gas and went on the turn off. Shortly after the Po-po were in my rear view and I pulled to the side on the M4.

Long story short, They pinged me for running a red light (I could have sworn it was amber when I was through it). However they didn’t bother looking at the car. I told them I was late for work and they said “ok we’ll let you go and we’ll send you a fine in the mail”. So it’s a double-edged sword I suppose, I’d rather suck it up and deal with the fine then getting defected, and being sent to an emissions station. Let’s just hope I don’t get a “surprise” in the mail huh?


48 hours later, I’m on my way to work again you know the usual daily grind rubbish. I attempt to pull up at a set of lights and some funky shit starts happening to the front of the Stag. Next thing I know the car won’t move! I spot a driveway up, I go for it attempting to move the 2 tonne car whilst getting across 2 lanes. I was basically dropping a fat skid just trying to get into a safe place.

I have a look around to see what the f**k happened and then I see it. Drivers side brake caliper has fallen off! I just couldn’t believe my luck. So I sat around all angry and shit and had a tow truck organised to come grab the car.

2 hours pass, multiple calls made and this tow truck is no where in sight. Frustrated to say the least I decide to dodge it up and get it driveable. So I run around to Repco, grab all the shit I need and get to work in the scorching heat.

I was so pissed, I just dumped the car at Dahtone Racing. The next day Anth informed me that the caliper mount has been bent too so I needed a replacement. Luckily I found one close by and managed to fix it all up on the Saturday.

Best of all, I had a fresh pair of tyres put on the front prior to the caliper falling off, and now they are flat spotted!

With all that junk that happened, I hope some luck comes my way and the Stagea behaves for a while.



There aren’t many aftermarket front lips available for the Stagea, let alone the DAYZ front bar. Personally, all the ones out there don’t look the greatest either.

For quite a while now I wanted to add a stuble lip but over all the other things that went on it had passed my mind. That was until a guy from WA happened to post a photo of his silver DAYZ Stagea with an awesome looking lip.


I was intrigued to say the least, I needed to know what kind of lip it was. After getting in touch with Liam I discovered it is off the Subaru WRX. Who would have thought?

So I looked around and found a supplier in the states called Bayson R Motorsports that sell various front lips at great prices. I opted for the 03-05 WRX V-Limited front lip (which I think is slightly different from Liam’s).


Installation was a breeze, because the lip is urethane it’s quite forgiving in terms of flexibility. It also moulds to shape with heat applied (i.e heat gun). However I literally put it against the bar, drilled some holes and used 9 tack screws to secure the lip to the bumper.

It has quite a similar shape to the under-side of the DAYZ front bumper, but there is one downer. The WRX lip has a big mid-section and grooves on the sides that are noticeable when it’s installed on a Stagea. When I get a chance, I’m thinking of cleaning this area up by removing the small exposed mounting tabs and putting mesh to cover the hole (so it looks like its ment to be there I guess).


So there you have it, a cheap alternative for a front lip on the DAYZ kitted Stagea. Benny is pretty keen on trying this on his S2 Stagea so hopefully they work for both models. You could possibly get a better fit than I have by spending some time on it like cutting the mid section down, but for a lip off another car that has literally been bolted on to the Stagea … I think it looks pretty damn good!

Wow, for a part from a completely different brand of vehicle, it sure looks very snug and well suited. Great stuff.

How do you find speedbumps now, driveways etc ? or do you just avoid them altogether :D



There aren’t many aftermarket front lips available for the Stagea, let alone the DAYZ front bar. Personally, all the ones out there don’t look the greatest either.

For quite a while now I wanted to add a stuble lip but over all the other things that went on it had passed my mind. That was until a guy from WA happened to post a photo of his silver DAYZ Stagea with an awesome looking lip.


I was intrigued to say the least, I needed to know what kind of lip it was. After getting in touch with Liam I discovered it is off the Subaru WRX. Who would have thought?

So I looked around and found a supplier in the states called Bayson R Motorsports that sell various front lips at great prices. I opted for the 03-05 WRX V-Limited front lip (which I think is slightly different from Liam’s).


Installation was a breeze, because the lip is urethane it’s quite forgiving in terms of flexibility. It also moulds to shape with heat applied (i.e heat gun). However I literally put it against the bar, drilled some holes and used 9 tack screws to secure the lip to the bumper.

It has quite a similar shape to the under-side of the DAYZ front bumper, but there is one downer. The WRX lip has a big mid-section and grooves on the sides that are noticeable when it’s installed on a Stagea. When I get a chance, I’m thinking of cleaning this area up by removing the small exposed mounting tabs and putting mesh to cover the hole (so it looks like its ment to be there I guess).


So there you have it, a cheap alternative for a front lip on the DAYZ kitted Stagea. Benny is pretty keen on trying this on his S2 Stagea so hopefully they work for both models. You could possibly get a better fit than I have by spending some time on it like cutting the mid section down, but for a lip off another car that has literally been bolted on to the Stagea … I think it looks pretty damn good!

Cool, I like it. Nice job.

  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers guys!

Small update:

car got tuned, made similar power to the previous setup but full boost is over 1000rpm ealier which is great.

Did the cursed sundays drift day, had some fun. Stagea decided to troll me again and had me thinking my engine was going to blow or some shit (the ol' pumping too much oil out the head). Happened to bend both tie rods AGAIN! so I might fab up some KTS rods and ends to fit the Stagea ... hopefully.

Benny's conned me into going to that south circuit practice night on the 27th ... should be good!

Got a lot to update, just been flat stick =/

suprised pirtek didn;'t have better drain hose, they use to sell a cloth braid rubber hose that i have used on everything for a drain for 13-14 yrs and

it lasts forever..and doesn't kink like rubber shite , that stuff you got depite it being thicker won't last longer than any other hose, heat will kill it regardless



Edited by jet_r31

The old hose was a stocker, if it lasts 10+ years I'll be happy mate. But considering the wall thickness, ply rating and pressure rating of the said hose which exceeds conventional automotive hose for use in the same application ... I think I'll be right :)

Although in saying that, I'll probably change the turbo setup well before the hose is worn anyway :lol:

Cursed Sundays drift day vid of the Stag and Skyline - VIEW ON THE BLOG

With the Cursed Sundays drift day at Wakefield park done and dusted, Benny went through the footage off Paulie’s Go Pro that I borrowed off him ages ago lol.

Both cars were relatively problem free. The Stagea decided that it wanted to pump oil into the catch can, and Benny managed to buckle one of his newly acquired VSKF’s.

All in all, a great day with a great bunch of people and most importantly, stupid amounts of track time.

A more thorough update later, but for now enjoy the vid!

Edited by Run-It-Hard

You may "think" the hose will be alright but If darren "jet r31" says it wont be i guarantee it won't be. I've also played around with this on previous cars and agree with daz . Especially with the abuse drift/track cars receive

It'll be fine, I used to work in the power transmission industry ... I know my hoses :)

But as I said in that post, if the turbo comes off again I'll be doing a braided piece and I'm sure the turbo will come off well before the hose starts showing any signs of wear.

Awesome video man, very entertaining! Questionable music choice though :no:

It was all Benny this time round, he tends to like his Korean (I think) music >_<

Edited by Run-It-Hard

Results – Guess the power figure - VIEW ON THE BLOG


For a while now I’ve been running a guess the power figure competition, where the three closest guesses won Run It Hard! merchandise.

Readers had two seperate chances (here and here) to guess what power they thought the Stagea would put down on the rollers.

Well the results are in, the Stagea made 315HP/235KW on 18psi. Not exactly how much I was expecting (as I’m sure many others were also expecting more) but it’s the result none the less.

Out of the 61 guesses recorded on the blog, the winners are:

1st place – Phouc guessed 234kw, only 1kw off the final power output
2nd place - B3n guessed 233kw, only 2kw off the final power output
3rd place – Troy guessed 239kw, 4kw off the final power output

I’ll be in touch with the winners shortly. Thanks to all who participated, and we’re open for ideas on future competetions!



We all know the Nissan Stagea is a big, heavy ‘car’. So when it comes down driving one enthusiastically, you might feel like you’re on a boat when it’s about capsize. I attempted to reduce this feeling with some Whiteline sway bars. They helped a lot but it wasn’t enough. Reason being is because my Tein Super Flex Wagon coilovers come with pansy spring rates.

But that’s ok, they were decided with comfort and “low down style”. After lots of deciding I opted to go for Swift Racing springs as a replacement, in 12kg/10kg. While I was at it, I went with shorter springs which ultimately means I can go lower than the Tein setup.

What made me go for the Swifts is the countless reviews I read. An example would be A guy buys BC coilovers with 8/6kg rates. Installs coilovers and doesn’t like the harshness, goes to the effort to take them out and prepares to sell them before a friend suggested to get Swift springs. He does just that and comments that the car is less harsh over bumps/shitty roads but is more planted throughout spirited driving and increases his confidence when pushing to the limit. Almost sounds too good to be true huh?


Swift claim the reasoning for this is because they use fewer coils in a spring. They are also made out of an exclusive material that allows this to be possible. Another plus is that this material Swift Racing have designed, is quite a bit lighter than conventional steel springs. Oh and they never sag with age too.

I was still skeptical about how awesome a bunch of springs could be, but as usual I went on the hunt on where I could get my hands on some Swift springs. I searched through Yahoo auctions and found a used pair of 10kg springs that would be perfect for the Stagea. So I snapped them up and I got Jesse Streeter to order a brand new pair of front springs for me.


They arrived just a few days before Cursed Sunday’s Wakefield park day. So I got to work! It was tedious changing the springs than adjusting the height several times to make sure it was exactly where I wanted it. I was eager to take the car for a spin to see if these springs are as good as people say they are.

One thing I was worried about is that if 12/10kg would be too harsh on our shitty Sydney roads. But after the initial drive, they are barely any firmer than the Tein springs. It was when I drove the car a bit harder that the Swift Springs really came to life, the steering response had improved, the body roll has almost been diminished and the car feels much more stable through-out cornering and going over bumps/dips. It’s crazy!


The big test would be Wakefield, last time I was there I was sliding around in my GTR seat multiple times and going over photos proved how bad the body roll actually was. This time around, well I think it’s as good as it’s going to get. Driving it feels so much nicer over bumps/dips and drifting it has a lot more grip all round, body roll is reduced dramatically and comfort has barely been affected. Considering I’ve nearly doubled the spring rates I think it’s quite a feat.

My mind has been changed on springs being just springs. I know what I’ll be using from now on.

Nothing major.

Turbosmart wastegate was being a c*nt apparently but the tuner sorted that out. A few guys are thinking it could be the return flow intercooler, but I'm not to sure at this stage.

Was pretty disapointed when they told me what it made. It drives alright but needs that little more oomph ... like it should have seeing the turbos are ment to be good for 260-280kw.

Yeah my t/s gate opens 5psi earlier than rated spring pressure annoying have to change springs b4 next tune, what brand cooler you running I'm using jjr return flow and surprisingly enough has not caused me any probs with power yet . What rpm you getting full boost by ? And when does it first come on ?

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