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No sunshine I'm not in Japan at the moment as I already told you when dealing with my car I was temporary relocating to Oz to give my wife the chance study english in Australia.

Now I'm actually in Korea as my wife has a serious medical problem we have to sort out.

I still own property in Japan, most of the things I own are still there, I go generally back every 6-8 weeks and have businesses still there, friends and my wifes relatives (Zainichi) are still there and basically keep Japan as my base and now have things set up so I can live between Australia and Japan and I'm in contact to Japan on a daily basis so reckon I fair idea of whats really going on. Since relocating to Oz last April for my wife to study english, I've probably spent close to 5 months of that back in Japan.

In the 18 years of living and mainly doing business with the Japanese in Japan, I've never stooped to being a mindless wet nurse english teacher which is just a a piss poor excuse to drink piss, chase Japanese girls while getting paid basically for a working holiday. Sorry for paying out on english techers but I get so sick of morons that do a few trips to Japan, or do a few years teaching there and think the know all there is to know on Japan.

I've lived the last 10years before heading down under full time in Japan, 7 more of those years, 3 months in 1-2 months of those in Indosnesia and back to Japan in and out 3 in 1-2 out and so on and so on.

I've probably got a good 10 years more life experience than yourself and can tell you beyond any doubt I know a hell of a lot more about Japan and have experienced a very very different and dark but the true side of Japan that very few western foreigners would have or will never have seen the light of day.

I have personally started and sold shares of 2 KK's (Kabushiki Kaisha's) in Japan in the days you needed 100k capital. Also still have businesses in Japan and in the process of setting up new import/export business with Japanese friends and soemone in OZ.

I'm not putting tickets on myself, by the sound of your sarcasm it sounds like your questioning my ties to Japan so just explaining my connection to Japan.

How many of the experts your quoting from are actually on the ground in Japan collating data ??

Most of the experts would not have a clue on how these companies lie and twist the truth and facts.

Like I said, i personally know of one who is working for IAEA in Japan at present. When I talk to him he doesnt paint a very pretty picture.

Why, because TEPCO will not let independent readings be done within the exclusion zone. They know that TEPCO are not telling the full story based on measurements they have but all they can do is advise the Japanese government which they did yesterday and this morning and have told the Japanese government that they need to extend the zone as the 20km zone is now classed at being at the level that the IAEA recommend for evacuation and being unsafe for humans.

If you knew anything about business structure in Japan you would know the government is powerless to do anything with TEPCO bar TEPCO going into complete insolvency and I dont think that will happen in the near future based on they gross over 5,000 billion yen annually and net profit of over 138 billion yen annually.

The cost of recovery for Japan after the earthquake and tsunami is going to cost around the 300 billion yen plus mark. TEPCO make that in less than 2.5 years.

The government can not do jack unless TEPCO fold period.

Any idiot quoting TEPCO as gospell needs their head read as they are the biggest liars bar the or Japanese Ministry or departments have had cover up after cover up throughout their history. Have you dealt with Japanese Government officials before ??

If you knew how these guys and the government worked and how corrupt and what they have done in the past, you would not be so confident everything is so hunky dory.

For f$%k sake ,TEPCO didn't even have enough dosimeters for their workers until today.

Also in regards to the workers

These guys were asked to volunteer for a possible suicide mission.

They are supposedly not expected to survive for any real length of time due to the amount of continual high exposure they will have to radiation.

The IAEA have told the Japanese government that they need to extend the zone as the 20km zone is now classed as unsafe for humans. These warnings are from readings taken from the air in the area and not ground samples in the area.

If you had half an idea of how dodgy these power stations are like you wouldnt be so smart to think all is ok. You ever gone and checked out what factories and the alike power stations pump out into the ocean in Japan ?

You would be in for a rude shock.

Also I don't base anything just off the mainstream media, I read and watch the Japanese news as well, you know, the one thats in Japanese but only use that as a guide due to the fact they are forced by the government to censor their news so yes I look at all aspects but try stay in touch with people I know on the ground who actually know whats going on.

As for buying tickets to Japan in July for your family well whoop dee doo and you got a deal..shit Jetstar have been doing deals to & from there ever since they started flying to Japan

Myself be back over there in a few weeks sorting some business out and checking on friends who are using my house as temporary accommodation as they and like many others have left areas nearby f*kushima not beacause of the hype but because they have kids and know the whole truth isnt being told.

I'll be doing quick trip back to Oz for a few weeks then back to Japan mid to late May for a couple of months. Also got tickets sorted for August for Obon and another 2 months in Sept & Oct and again for December.

The Japanese people I know who have left the area also know even with current doses of radioactivity being classed as low risk its the continual cumulative exposure which is the silent killer. Different story if the reactor was under control and no more radiation was leaking but this is a weeping sore that keeps leaking and leaking radiation on a daily basis and the ones it affects first and easiest are young kids and the foetus of pregnant women.

If you read my original post you will see I said in a worst case scenario, I didn't say it was actually going to happen but with things seemingly escalating week by week and the Dai Ichi Nuclear plant problem looking at going on for quite some and still problems at Dai NI it doesnt look like it will get better anytime soon.

I'm not panicking. just being a realist.

So far the whole scenario has been extremely luck due to the late winter weather patterns and the continual West and North West jet stream but this is about to change soon with spring patterns starting to form and warmer currents in the sea starting to push up from SE Asia over the coming months. This will bring more and more onshore weather systems plus the yearly rain systems to Honshu which will if the radiation is not stopped, help spread it further and further throughout Japan. Main thing now is to hope they get some control over whats going on and bring it to an end.

And your point about iron ore...the first week after the earthquake when the Japanese stock market took a battering I bought heap of stock in Japanese steel companies.

Did not take a rocket scientist to figure there will be large gains on that one. Writing was already on the wall as it already happened before with the Kobe earthquake.

So keep your sarcasm to yourself ok. You have something you want to say, you have my number.

Sorry but I actually take offense that your inferring what I say is load of crap. I take that as an insult to my integrity. Actually I'd say I'm quite pi#$ed off.

Like I've said, I've seen and been involved with a very different side of Japan that hardly any western foreigners are exposed to and know how things really do work there.

As for using South Korea as an example what makes you qualified on them ?? Here say and innuendo ?? Have you had any experience there ?? Do you even know that there has been low level radiation discovered all over the country. You think its propaganda crap ?? South Korea has so far donated more finacial help to Japan than any other nation world wide.

Honestly, you haven't a clue. and if you think I'm just going to sit back and accept your crap and sarcasm then think again.

Mark, seriously, you need to settle down. I wasn't having a crack at you, and I wasn't being sarcastic, so un-knot your knickers.

I wasn't attempting to turn this into a pissing contest about who has spent more time in Japan, but just for your reference, I also lived there for two years, so I've also seen the other side of Japan that you're referring to.

By the same token, I don't see why you should need to take offense just because I don't agree with what you're saying - just because I don't share the same opinion as you doesn't automatically mean I'm wrong (and it works in the opposite direction too).

Today the AUD is up to 87.3 yen which is the highest its been in 3 years from memory. IMO definately looks like its going to get up to that boom of 95+ yen per $1AUD we had back in early 08.

Another rumor ive heard is that America has officially put a black flag on any imported goods from japan and refuses to bring them into the country due to the radiation concerns. Anyone know if theres any truth to this? To add to that, how real is the radiation threat in relation to vehicles (currently importing and id rather not start growing extra fingers on my hands :ph34r: )

We hit 106 at one point in 2007, I still remember those days very well! Bear in mind that currency fluctuations are always soften by increased purchase prices in Japan - in other words, when people set their budgets and the rate goes up, it usually means they just pay more money for their cars in Japan.

To the best of my knowledge, America has scanned some of the containers coming in from Japan and has cleared them - there's more shipping related coverage on this site if you have a dig around.

*edit* it's all under one sub-heading:


Edited by Iron Chef

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