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i guess things work differently here in SA because i know for a fact that a fine like that would get thrown out in court here straight away. in fact one of my mates in law school rekons the cops wouldnt even bother taking you to court over it.

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So for the record...

5.2.6. the test instrumentation used for measuring the true vehicle speed shall be accurate to ± 0.5 per cent; the surface of a test track when used shall be flat and dry, and provide sufficient adhesion; if a roller dynamometer is used for the test, the diameter of the roller should be at least 0.4 m;

5.3. The speed indicated shall not be less than the true speed of the vehicle. At the test speeds specified in paragraph 5.2.5. above, there shall be the following relationship between the speed displayed (V1 ) and the true speed (V2).

0 £ (V1 - V2) £ 0.1 V2 + 4 km/h

So even the measurement device has almost zero leeway for accuracy (less than 1/2 a percent)

can anyone explain the formula at the end??

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Formula at the end is pretty much the difference between the speedo reading (v1) and the actual speed (v2) should be greater than zero and less than 10% of the actual speed plus 4 kmph.

eg. If the speedo says 66kmph (v1) and the actual speed is 60 kmph (v2) then v1-v2=6, which is greater than zero. Then 0.1*60+4=10, which is greater than 6. So in that case the speedo is ADR approved for that particular test.

If v1 and v2 are swapped, that is if the reading is slower than the actual speed the difference is a negative value and therefore less than zero and not ADR approved.

I actually think that that is the wrong formula, I think for class M1, passenger vehicles, it should be 6 kmph not 4.

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I still think we all fail to recognize that even if we are caught speeding a zillion times. Thats not the worst part.

The worst part is 90% of the drivers on road will not be watching the road instead watching what speed they are traveling, because of 0 Torrance.

Its going to be revolutionary when entering school zones, when everyone is focused on there speedos instead of watching children crossing the road.

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Yep, we're no longer allowed to do anything other than look at our speedo, because there is no benefit to anyone for driving to the conditions and monitoring their surroundings, the only information the rta thinks a driver should pay attention to is a number at the end of a needle

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Also, the businessman in me (proverbially, there is no man currently inside me) thinks that there could be a new market created from this. Head braces that keep your line of sight exactly perpendicular to the needle so to avoid and parallax error causing a speed misread. The only downside to these would be that you may be mistaken as an arrogant jerk at the drive thru for not making eye contact to the slaves working the cash and food delivery windows.

I'll shoot off an email to the RTA discussing my idea, see if they have any suggestions. Maybe they could become mandatory. That would be good for business.

Edited by chunkylover69
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I still think we all fail to recognize that even if we are caught speeding a zillion times. Thats not the worst part.

The worst part is 90% of the drivers on road will not be watching the road instead watching what speed they are traveling, because of 0 Torrance.

Its going to be revolutionary when entering school zones, when everyone is focused on there speedos instead of watching children crossing the road.

No, I think we'll see happen what always happen, people run around crying for a while, it all gets processed, two weeks later everyone forgets about it and drives normally again, someone gets pinged, the courts make an example out of them, they whinge, it sees the media for a week, and then everyone STFU and forgets about it again, meaning everyone goes back to speeding.

At the moment most police won't bother coming after you until you're more then 10 over the limit. There's even one on these forum who's admitted some won't go you until you're more then 20 over.

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