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im full 2 handed Melee orc. casters can suck to kill, but just shout at them, charge and 1 chop!!

i love my excessive melee and frequent decapitaions, don't use magika for anything other than the occasional bit of light and small healing.

anyone else find that dragons come out at the worst possible time??......or dont come down at all if you have time and space...

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I've got archery high skill, but with only 2 perks. Combined with a 30% Archery improved helmut it smashes mages in 1-2 hits when sneaking :D

But ye have one/two handed almost level'd fully. Shouts certainly the easiest way if you wanna charge in against 4-5 of them. I usually pick 1-2 off first.

anyone else find that dragons come out at the worst possible time??......or dont come down at all if you have time and space...

There annoying because they kill quest givers.

I started out as a dual wielding dude but I've gone more destruction play style now. Brb spamming destruction spells because I have 0% magicka cast cost.

the quests are all so far apart, im still in the first major town - whitesomethingorrather, all the side quests (which i always do) are so far apart I end up losing the heart to play thinking about all that time wandering about with not much to do - god im lazy.

Just use the caravan to get to all the major cities. Do the dark brotherhood quest for a horse.

Has anyone got the perfect gear yet? I've nearly got it, enchanting and alchemy are at 95+. Its basically when you enchant a ring, necklace, helm and bracers with + alchemy. Then you wear that set, and mix up a + enchanting potion. Then make a better alchemy set, then make... you get the idea. Once all this is done, you make an awesome + smithing set, and a + smithing potion. Then you enhance your armour and weapons.

You can get like 500+ damage one handed maces, or 600+ damage bows (you can literally one shot dragons with sneak attacks), and stupid amounts of armour.

I made about 600 iron daggers to get my smithing to 100, I really wanted to make dragon armour for myself and my follower as I was tired of finding places to stash my dragon parts. Dragon Armour is pretty damn cool, going to work on my enchanting and stuff soon. I need to do some missions though as I wasted so much time smashing out daggers that I am broke and bored so spending a few hours enchanting isnt that appealing just now!

the quests are all so far apart, im still in the first major town - whitesomethingorrather, all the side quests (which i always do) are so far apart I end up losing the heart to play thinking about all that time wandering about with not much to do - god im lazy.

Pay the man at the stables to take you to any major city in his cart! Once they are all discovered just fast travel from there.

I made about 600 iron daggers to get my smithing to 100, I really wanted to make dragon armour for myself and my follower as I was tired of finding places to stash my dragon parts. Dragon Armour is pretty damn cool, going to work on my enchanting and stuff soon. I need to do some missions though as I wasted so much time smashing out daggers that I am broke and bored so spending a few hours enchanting isnt that appealing just now!

Once you have 100 enchanting and the banish enchantment you wont need to worry about money ever again lol. Brb dagger with banish enchantment ~2000 gold.

There is a bug with horses if you have a "follower", the farken horse will randomly "disappear" and not be outside when you are done.

So save the $1000 and just steal one.

I stole one once when I had too much stuff and couldnt fast travel, they got really angry about it....chased me for a long long time! Then when I hopped off to fight a troll the horse headed home and I couldnt catch up to him!

Pay the man at the stables to take you to any major city in his cart! Once they are all discovered just fast travel from there.

Ohhh!! I did not know that was what it was for lol! Fail. Thanks for the tip everyone :D now I can finally get back to playing.

heheh I've neglected to work on blacksmithing etc, I was worried upgrading skills that arent combat related would leave me with far stronger monsters in the wild.

I'm a redguard with 1h and shield btw :)

I made a wood elf with a bow before, but im quite useless at the whole long range thing, i like to cut things ..

Here's a picture of my latest weapon:


Note the damage at the bottom of the photo, not the main stat where it can only display three digits. This is all legit, done on my xbox, no hacks used.

Here's my armour too, it's normally around 2.5k if I wear a shield.


I only recommend doing this once you start to grow bored of the game, as you pretty much one shot everything (dragons included), even on master difficulty.

Edit: No idea why they're posting sideways.

Edited by KezR33

There is a bug with horses if you have a "follower", the farken horse will randomly "disappear" and not be outside when you are done.

So save the $1000 and just steal one.

ive had this a few times now. always turns up in the whiterun stables. actually in them, not out front.

ive stopped needing to steal horses, as ive had a fist fight with the stable master in Riften, and now i can just ride any horse.

problem with a horse taht aint yours, if you even so much as get off to mine a vein or ore.....it just trotts off home.no ty, i dont like walking.....

Did anyone else have the last Thieve's Guild mission (Darkness Returns I think?) trap them in the room where Nocturnal speaks to you.

I only reloaded my most recent save and listened to the 2 minute speech about a thousand times before I consulted my friend Google to found out it's a bug and how to fix it.

It was AWESOME! glare.gif

i think i've made a mistake. from what i've read, most of the weapons u get in guild quests are "levelled items". as someone who felt the need to do all companion quests and am up to the last thieves quest after doing like 5 main quests (the last one i did was when i found that big wall that told my prophecy as a super duper dragon pwner), i now am a level 14/15 with these really cool weapons that will become drastically underpowered later in the game.

Are all unique weapons "levelled"?

Are there any weapons that arnt levelled, maybe from missions you have to be a certain level to unlock

Cant beleive none of you f&*kers have mentioned anything about the vampyrism curse. IT GIVES ME THE SH*TS! Yes i just used caps!

I love the game i refer to it as fallout 3 on steroids, BUT the vampyrism is really pi$$ing me off. Have seen there is a way you can cure it, but i was level 4 which means you cant go anywhere near anyone without them attacking you. So i had to reload a game that was about 4 hours worth to get my vampyrism back to a controllable level. So i have to feed off people at the moment until i start the cure vampyrism quest.

Other than that, yeah this game is going to take me about a year to finish.

Am still running my 5870 GFX card, waiting for an add on for this game to give me an excuse to buy the new range of 7000 series AMD cards in a month or so.

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