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The entire reason I started the post was because I'm not interested in building a RB24. I have searched for builds, and there are some out there, but if you bothered to read the post that I started, I clearly mentioned that I am not chasing a 2.4 Litre. The reason I started this build is that I wanted to know some information about whether the parts i mentioned would fit.

However I have found that skylines australia, is essentially a useless site, as it contains pretentious f**kwits like yourself, who believe they are gods, when they are merely little dicked faggots, with their keyboard warrior beliefs. As I'm a mech eng, i'm more than capable of working out the efficiency of an engine that is less than 3 litres and can thus make the conclusion that 3 litres will always ultimatly make more power than a lesser volume engine. This post was about what I had already, and what i can do with it.

Please block my IP address as I'm at an internet cafe, I won't be using again ;). I look forward to our next encounter, with my new account, at my new ip address. Look forward to more Bearforce1 top bloke.

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The entire reason I started the post was because I'm not interested in holding a BBW. I have searched for BBW's, and there are some out there, but if you bothered to read the post that I started, I clearly mentioned that I am not chasing a BBW just holding. The reason I started this is that I wanted to know some information about whether the penis i have mentioned would fit.

However I have found that skylines australia, is essentially a website, as it contains BBW Lovers like BOZ, who believe they are BBW gods, when they are merely giant little people, with their keyboard warrior skills. As I'm a little dicked top bloke, i'm more than capable of working out the efficiency of an penis that is less than 3 inches and can thus make the conclusion that 3 inches will always ultimatly make me frustrated and i will end up alone. This post was about what I had already, and what i can do with it.

Please block my IP address as I'm at an internet cafe, I won't be using drugs again ;). I look forward to our next encounter, with my new account, at my new ip address. Look forward to more Bearback faggotry.


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to op

suck multiple dicks homo

to r31nismoid.. <3 yewww :wub:

Hey Charizard

I could have a dick in each hand and one in my mouth and still not be as gay as you, <3 nismoid? f**kn top bloke...

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