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I bought my r34 a couple if weeks back. First thing I did was changed the front brake pads. Was easy enough. I got like bendix general pads for it. They're fine most of the time. But when I get heavy on them, they scream like a woman giving birth >.< how do I stop it?

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This has been answered many times - try searching for it.

lol why is it whenever a question gets asked on this forum the response is "its already been asked, go search for it" and then you do and your question isn't completely answered so you ask it there and get "gg on bringing up a thread from 2006". 9 times out of 10 it would be just as easy to answer the question as it would be to tell someone to go and look for the thread from 3 year ago.

If the question was that common, it would be stickied - its not so I don't wanna go searching for an old thread, I just want to know why my brakes are screaming.

lol why is it whenever a question gets asked on this forum the response is "its already been asked, go search for it"

The reason I do it is that I cant see the point in repeating the same advice over and over again.

and then you do and your question isn't completely answered

Yeah but at least we then know that you've bothered to do your homework, and been through the obvious/usual problems. Typically the question *will* be answered.

Have you considered the possibility that you might not be asking the question well?

so you ask it there and get "gg on bringing up a thread from 2006". 9 times out of 10 it would be just as easy to answer the question as it would be to tell someone to go and look for the thread from 3 year ago.

Easier for who?

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

If the question was that common, it would be stickied

I disagree. Very little is stickied. Have another look.

- its not so I don't wanna go searching for an old thread, I just want to know why my brakes are screaming.

You cant be bothered to do the simplest thing to help yourself?

I'm not going to give you a fish, but here's how you can learn to fish


lol why is it whenever a question gets asked on this forum the response is "its already been asked, go search for it"

Probably because it has?

I put "squealing" into the search

1st page returned 10 threads, some of them are 3 pages long.

It's one thing to put one word into the search and give up, it's another to try a 2nd word and find a dozen results.

Whilst i can understand it's upsetting for newbies to have their threads closed, have a think about the people who've answered the same question over, and over. Do them some justice for giving their time/advice for free.

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