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i don't mean "normal" money... i mean diddy DURTY money.

THIS CAR however goes up for auction Wednesday... and i won't lie it's pretty much EXACTLY how i would style a car.. white body. BBS RG GMG rims... mmmmmm :wub:

for compliance you'd prob need to swap bonnet n seat over.. someone could lend you theirs :) but that car is boooodiful

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It looks very VIP for a GT-R which is supposed to be the exact opposite, its not bad but I probably wouldn't do it to mine.

In my opinion there are very few kits that actually make a car look better, and they are usually Factory options or a closely related tuning house.

Unless your talking about those soarers which look x 10 better with that kit.

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omfg that black one, only if i had an extra 50k lol

if it was a GTT i wouldnt mind having it like that white on with doluck kit. its doluck wing and kit right?

but like the standard front bar and only would consider any other if it was either the optional nismo front bar or ztune one :)

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....white GTT ...are you talking about woody's old EastBear GTS-R???


either way... a gtr will come up eventually - i guess if anything that's working against your favour is that ... right now in 2011.. it tends to get to slim pickings...

in that most cars are over 10 years old... when a car gets 10 years old in japan - it sorts out ownership from the men and the boys...

many owners will sell their cars as they come up for ten years of age because too much headache to own with the tighter shaken, and they get bought up by generally more hardcore enthusiasts...

being that most cars have been "gotten rid of" by now... their popularity in sale goes down a smidge...

go have a look and see how many 2001 Z40 soarers are being auctioned off right NOW it's crazy.

this time 1/2 years ago there was HEAPS of GTR's being bought n sold ... that will have slowed down a little bit..

...but - put it this way... there are millions and millions of people in japan. and millions of them drive cars... millions drive Nissans

thousands drive skylines

hundreds drive skyline GTRs... and of those hundreds of people.. every week.. about 15 of those people will sell their GTRs...

...and of that 15... a handfull will be sold at a USS auction house...

...and of that handful... will be your PERFECT GTR that you always dreamed of..

it may take a while for that one to come up... but this time next year - you will read this post...

...look down at your hand and see the "R" key...

go outside... and start the car.. you'll get that tingle down your spine.. a smile will come across your face as you let out a sigh of releif

...as you pop a boner.

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well the first movie came out ten years ago so it is possible that colours may have faded, or even had a respray... besides... how can you EVEN tell that the colour is different..

like - between seeing a movie released ten years ago, and seeing a dodgy grainy japanese auction house picture in a shed under fluro lights... how can you tell if the colours are different? i am reporting your post and calling for your banning.


it didn't have the carbon bonnet before but as i said, it is possible that they may have changed the bonnet...

i dunno - my jury's out.. but still... looks interesting?

i mean - you look at how much YOUR car has changed in the last 6 months..

imagine that process over ten years...

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The wing is wrong too dude.... It looks like a replica.

The movie car was a targa top was it not....

It looks as though that one isn't although I may be mistaken.

My car hasnt changed in the last 6 months, except the turbo oil seals blew out. Lol.

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you know why that is though rait?


and yes you're right - movie car is a targa

but at the end it's a hard top

don't beleive me? go watch the fkn movie.

shit even if you DO beleive me go watch the fkn movie - it's excellent

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