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Go HERE and Listen Guys... SAU makes the radio! (SEA FM 101.3)

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Hey Guys,

Well with the show and shine fast approaching our first lot of club Air time has swung into gear on the SEA FM radio station (101.3).

I must give a BIG THANK YOU to Lozza150 and the team at SEA FM for putting this package together and supporting the club for a pretty damn good deal! :)

I will try and post the MP3s of these super professional ads put together so that you know what to listen for!

I was able to get this station LOUD AND CLEAR when I tuned it into my car sterio... and then the same at home... MAN YOU HAVE GOTTA HERE THOSE SCREAMER PIPES WITH THE VOLUME UP! :uh-huh:

So tune in and listen... no radio at work... go for live streaming here!


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