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just going through the sup regs and it says that vehicles need to have a dashboard. does my one count as its not a factory thing?


also, how strict are they on the seats? mine has no CAMS/FIS tags on it (Cheapo copy seat)

First update wont be until the end of the week as we have to rely on Renew for this one (their name is on the booking for this one, ours is next after this one)

Paid and sent for off today.

I have entered in street class as most of the day will be done on street tyres. Will it be a problem later on in the day if I change over to some full slicks if I am feeling game? Or does that then change the requirements to needing a harness and a full roll cage? I don't mind if the times don't count. Just entering for a bit of fun with my car.



Transferred funds and faxed off form today, I will again endeavor to do a sub 1:10, I'm sure the car would do it easy, its the dodgey driver that's holding her back.

Probably the last outing for my current set of semis too, I'll be needing to win lotto to pay for the next set, or I'll buy them from the good old US of A as the dollar is still looking bloody good.

Because it is being run as a super sprint (timing) / track day RENUW have used SOME rules from a standard type of super sprint reg sort of ? ! .

SAU track days will be back to normal after this little comp, and will be more focused on driver training and taking a mate for a spin, as pointed out there are lots of clubs to do sprints and/or door to door style of racing, SAU is more about having fun in a low risk enviroment with mates where you can go as fast as you like (as long as your speed matches your ability).

Still for a small outlay you can have piece of mind that if your car, someone elses car or if your mates hair catches on fire you can put it / him / her out and save your s hit from burning to the ground.

$20 could save so much.

I have 1.5kg in the car, .900kg in the kitchen, 2kg in the garage, you may say overkill, I say my sh it wont burn down.


In car fire extinguisher required?? Seriously??

Is this something that will be more and more prevelant for Track days, or just something special for this one?


They're $50 and could save you from watching your car burn while you're powerless to do anything about it. Ive got one in each of my imports just to be safe, for $50 why would anyone not have one?!

I think you'll find over time more and more days will require this basic safety item but for now as we are running with renew we seem to be one of the first :)

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