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This post is a bit late but relevant to the thread if anyone is still reading it even....

I got defected new years eve as a happy new year C#$NT! gift from the NSW cops. I have my car engineered for its mods, ( by an RTA approved Engineer) I gave the half wit the engineers certificate, i gave him the EPA accepted Noise report to say it also complies ( as do the other mods) I gave him the updated code from the RTA to also say the car complies after being RTA approved.

There was not one more bit of paper or certificate that exists that one can have for a car. Yet... despite all those certificates he still defected the car for being too loud. On the EPA cert it comes in at 90db which shows a pass. The halfwit writing the defect says, " how do i know u didn't change the exhaust and that these certificates aren't for another exhaust, therefore u have to get it checked and cleared" .... how the F$%K does that make sense? So in effect every engineer cert is ineffective and hold no meaning.

You need to get your car cleared despite having it engineered in line with the law because it can still be defected....... whats the point of having a car engineered at all. The mechanic who cleared the defect looked at my engineers certificates ( all of them) looked at the car, and said " yup it all complies" and passed it. Even to listen to the car, it isn't loud, so to be obvious, was it noisy ... not even in he slightest.

I don't get how you can get defected for a car that HAS all its paper work and does comply. Cost to clear defect $59.60 which was to review engineers certificates and inspect car. Someone earlier up in the post said..... " register a car interstate then they can suck on their defects" which i think is the best advise ive read!

In reply to recording cops as someone said in an earlier post. A mate of mine has a bunch of in car cameras always on... he was recently threatened by a cop also for no reason (no tickets issued in his case) it was just a Mobile RBT but the cop got agro and didnt realise the car had cameras in it, so the cop gets recorded making threats, using language like this F#$%R$! do as i say you F#$%Kn C$%NT and so on and so on, its ALLLL on DVD now.

So my mate goes to the cops to make a formal complaint and says here it is on DVD and this charming officer needs sacking! So instead, the cops say ' did you tell the officer he was being recorded and obtain his permission first, my mate says 'no the cameras are always one and he just begun making threats, it was the last thing I was thinking about' so the cops say lose the DVD or we will charge you under the NSW surveillance ACT for breach of the privacy which carries a fine of up to $150,000.00 and OR 5 years in prison.

Soooo my mate 'lost'... the DVD. This country is f**ked up big time, its laws dont make sense, the half wits who enforce them dont understand them, your told to comply so as to avoid tickets/confusion yet when u do comply u can still be issued with tickets and corrupt coppers cant be filmed because you didnt warn them first they are being filmed..... WTF is up with Australia.... seriously!

Edited by nathanau

A few years ago, the Police Force in NSW had a name change > "Police Service".

A few years later, with the premise of kicking more butt, they changed back >"Police Force".

When you Nathan call a mate "a mate", the Police call their mates "comrades".

When the culture within the Police Force takes on a 'them vs us' attitude rather than a 'we' attitude, something is wrong with society at the top level; and this is despite the spruiking spin that comes out of the mouths of superintendents/commissioner on TV

This all leads to a general distrust of the police, and not want to talk to them unless something desperate is going on.

But then, they can have a hard job determining which of us are reasonable, constructive and credible unless they go halfway themselves to talk to us earthlings.

I'm talking about attitudes here - not about stereotyping all coppers.

For instance, one time when I went to check my tyres in a 2 Hour Zone, my Honda Prelude daily was brushed on the corner of the bar by some other car.

I could recall that there was an olive coloured Aurion parked there earlier.

The dude had moved his car a little way further on after our tyres had been chalked.

And there was some of my blue paint on his bumper.

Angry as hell, I walked up to Penrith Cop Stn to report this farkin idiot. I'd taken down the carpark positions of the two cars.

Halfway up there, I'm thinking, "What the hell is he/she going to do anyway?"

Whilst reporting it, the young copper said, "Give me your phone number and I'll take a walk down there during lunch".

He called me back and said, "That's definitely your paint on his car, and I can see some of his on yours too. Now I left a note on his windscreen to the effect that he should come up to the Stn and see Constable XXX to discuss accident damage to his car. Now he may deny it: he may not. If he doesn't well, you may be in luck"

Later that afternoon, the Aurion driver rocks up to the Constable who gave him a blast and got his details for me to contact to organise reparation to my Prelude.

I'm talking about attitudes here. I hope one day that he makes a great detective; because he even went to the trouble of taking a tape measure to check the heights of the scrapes off the ground on both cars. Brilliant!!!!!

PS There in the NSW Subforum, there's a "Traffic Lawyer" thread on who to contact if one needs representation to handle police matters. One of the lawyers used to be SAU.NSW Prez.

i see 2 problems with australian roads/law enforcement.

1: in NSW at least, there is no ultimate authority.

you get your car engineered, take reports to the RTA, they say, "no worries", put it in their system, all good.

get pulled over by the cops. "nah, still think its a defect, get it checked anyway."

so get it checked again, still all good.

and around and around it can go.....

2: we have ADR rules that all cars must comply too.

why dont we have australia wide rules for engineering?

that way, you would know the rules, if your car is engineered, you should be ok no matter where you travel in our great country...

my 2 cents anyway.

1: in NSW at least, there is no ultimate authority.

you get your car engineered, take reports to the RTA, they say, "no worries", put it in their system, all good.

get pulled over by the cops. "nah, still think its a defect, get it checked anyway."

so get it checked again, still all good.

and around and around it can go.....

2: we have ADR rules that all cars must comply too.

why dont we have australia wide rules for engineering?

that way, you would know the rules, if your car is engineered, you should be ok no matter where you travel in our great country...

my 2 cents anyway.

Makes sense...

Re #1. What you're saying outlines that "current standards by which a policeman can defect a car, are in themselves, defective"

That is horrible, you have to keep in mind the system is designed against you, IMO it's all revenue raising full stop.

+1 with there being an ultimate authority....I actually called up the AUVIS station in Penrith or thereabouts and spoke with a manager there...basically as joey said, its officer discretion. I had been pulled over before by HWP and they just looked at my exhaust and said it was too loud.

I asked the officer by how many dB is it too loud?

What test made you come up with that conclusion?

This isn't an approved test site! etc etc...

When I questioned the manager at AUVIS Penrith, I asked the same things...he said RTA make the rules but its up tho the officers to enforce them as they see fit.

IT SUX!!!!!!

"officer discretion"... the two ugliest words in the traffic law handbook

I dunno about that. It's saved my bacon numerous times. I'd charmed my way out of three speeding tickets because the officer had the discretion to not fine me.

That said, I also got done for a burnout because an officer had the discretion to fine me with no evidence. So it can cut both ways (I'm still pro-discretion at this stage).

What's also interesting is my three let-offs were all in Vic and my burnout was in NSW. The HWP in NSW are notoriously cun7awful.

I dunno about that. It's saved my bacon numerous times. I'd charmed my way out of three speeding tickets because the officer had the discretion to not fine me.

The HWP in NSW are notoriously cun7awful.


  • 4 weeks later...

A few years ago, the Police Force in NSW had a name change > "Police Service".

A few years later, with the premise of kicking more butt, they changed back >"Police Force".

When you Nathan call a mate "a mate", the Police call their mates "comrades".

When the culture within the Police Force takes on a 'them vs us' attitude rather than a 'we' attitude, something is wrong with society at the top level; and this is despite the spruiking spin that comes out of the mouths of superintendents/commissioner on TV

This all leads to a general distrust of the police, and not want to talk to them unless something desperate is going on.

But then, they can have a hard job determining which of us are reasonable, constructive and credible unless they go halfway themselves to talk to us earthlings.

I'm talking about attitudes here - not about stereotyping all coppers.

For instance, one time when I went to check my tyres in a 2 Hour Zone, my Honda Prelude daily was brushed on the corner of the bar by some other car.

I could recall that there was an olive coloured Aurion parked there earlier.

The dude had moved his car a little way further on after our tyres had been chalked.

And there was some of my blue paint on his bumper.

Angry as hell, I walked up to Penrith Cop Stn to report this farkin idiot. I'd taken down the carpark positions of the two cars.

Halfway up there, I'm thinking, "What the hell is he/she going to do anyway?"

Whilst reporting it, the young copper said, "Give me your phone number and I'll take a walk down there during lunch".

He called me back and said, "That's definitely your paint on his car, and I can see some of his on yours too. Now I left a note on his windscreen to the effect that he should come up to the Stn and see Constable XXX to discuss accident damage to his car. Now he may deny it: he may not. If he doesn't well, you may be in luck"

Later that afternoon, the Aurion driver rocks up to the Constable who gave him a blast and got his details for me to contact to organise reparation to my Prelude.

I'm talking about attitudes here. I hope one day that he makes a great detective; because he even went to the trouble of taking a tape measure to check the heights of the scrapes off the ground on both cars. Brilliant!!!!!

PS There in the NSW Subforum, there's a "Traffic Lawyer" thread on who to contact if one needs representation to handle police matters. One of the lawyers used to be SAU.NSW Prez.

I've received your PM Nathan about this post of mine - pursuant to yours earlier.

Many thanks for your constructive comments too.

We shall talk further, I know.

Cheers, Terry

This post is a bit late but relevant to the thread if anyone is still reading it even....

I got defected new years eve as a happy new year C#$NT! gift from the NSW cops. I have my car engineered for its mods, ( by an RTA approved Engineer) I gave the half wit the engineers certificate, i gave him the EPA accepted Noise report to say it also complies ( as do the other mods) I gave him the updated code from the RTA to also say the car complies after being RTA approved.

There was not one more bit of paper or certificate that exists that one can have for a car. Yet... despite all those certificates he still defected the car for being too loud.

IMO that's a valid circumstance to make a complaint about the officer. If that ever happens to me, I'd make an appointment to speak to a senior officer at the station and make an informal complaint.

In reply to recording cops as someone said in an earlier post. A mate of mine has a bunch of in car cameras always on... he was recently threatened by a cop also for no reason (no tickets issued in his case) it was just a Mobile RBT but the cop got agro and didnt realise the car had cameras in it, so the cop gets recorded making threats, using language like this F#$%R$! do as i say you F#$%Kn C$%NT and so on and so on, its ALLLL on DVD now.

So my mate goes to the cops to make a formal complaint and says here it is on DVD and this charming officer needs sacking! So instead, the cops say ' did you tell the officer he was being recorded and obtain his permission first, my mate says 'no the cameras are always one and he just begun making threats, it was the last thing I was thinking about' so the cops say lose the DVD or we will charge you under the NSW surveillance ACT for breach of the privacy which carries a fine of up to $150,000.00 and OR 5 years in prison.

Soooo my mate 'lost'... the DVD. This country is f**ked up big time, its laws dont make sense, the half wits who enforce them dont understand them, your told to comply so as to avoid tickets/confusion yet when u do comply u can still be issued with tickets and corrupt coppers cant be filmed because you didnt warn them first they are being filmed..... WTF is up with Australia.... seriously!

Put it up on youtube and point some media to the video. You do not need to notify them, as they do not notify you that they are mic'ed up and have in car video on all highway cars. As long as one party is aware of the recording, there is no need to notify them. It is a public place and no form of privacy is expected.

Put it up on youtube and point some media to the video. You do not need to notify them, as they do not notify you that they are mic'ed up and have in car video on all highway cars. As long as one party is aware of the recording, there is no need to notify them. It is a public place and no form of privacy is expected.

Ya right, one of these days an entire collection will find its way to the net im sure of it. Especially when this is happening http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-08/nsw-police-pay-out-245m-over-officer-assaults/3817964?section=nsw

So my mate goes to the cops to make a formal complaint and says here it is on DVD and this charming officer needs sacking! So instead, the cops say ' did you tell the officer he was being recorded and obtain his permission first, my mate says 'no the cameras are always one and he just begun making threats, it was the last thing I was thinking about' so the cops say lose the DVD or we will charge you under the NSW surveillance ACT for breach of the privacy which carries a fine of up to $150,000.00 and OR 5 years in prison.

Soooo my mate 'lost'... the DVD. This country is f**ked up big time, its laws dont make sense, the half wits who enforce them dont understand them, your told to comply so as to avoid tickets/confusion yet when u do comply u can still be issued with tickets and corrupt coppers cant be filmed because you didnt warn them first they are being filmed..... WTF is up with Australia.... seriously!

The NSW WORKPLACE Surveillance Act 2005 ( http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/wsa2005245/ ) ???

It's directed at employers monitoring their employees, not the public monitoring the public.

I hope he didn't "really" lose it - he could take it to a lawyer for a professional opinion.

Who knows: the officer in question might learn some manners, and your mate could be one of

those people that gets paid a handsome sum to shut up by NSW Police. And the more money this

officer costs NSW Police, the less likely that they will remain employed. Win/win/win.



Edited by saliya

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