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i have searched but not all my questions were answerd. i got a yellow on the vl tonight for being to low does this mean they will check just whats on the paperwork or everything if everything what would be the go with a rb25det into a n/a and getting it over the pits its just a stock rb25det with stock turbo and just front mount

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They check everything. I got a yellow a couple of weeks ago for my blow off valve (which happens to be the standard one.. But when I told the young hero cop that it is the standard bov, he replied "bullshit, skylines don't come standard with a bov" to which he was confronted with a few choice phrases, but let's not get into that.. -.- )

So I can't help with the other half of the question, but I can say that the pit inspector told me they don't care what the cop wrote on the slip as they don't know what they're talking about half the time so everything is checked.

you shouldnt of told him it was a BOV, or agreed that its a bov, its a ABV, air bypass valve, or recirculation valve...he cant sticker you for that!! he has to be able to prove, to a reasonable doubt, to himself and his partner, that it is illegally modified and not doing its job, as the manufacturer intended!

if he did proceed to yellow sticker you after that, i would of taken a video of your engine bay, the 'bov' in question, then to the window where the sticker is/was....then called up the head office and gone spac....9/10 times they'll remove the sticker at their own cost!

in terms of the OP's issue, he WILL check the engine number, then depending on what kinda mood his in, how you have presented yourself and the car he may just change the engine number, or he may make you pay to change the engine number(cheap as from memory) or he may question the fact its turbo, to which i'd say, the original motor blew a headgasket, and then the water destroyed the bearings after it mixed with the oil, so i found a replacement motor and slotted it in...it was the only motor i could find without modifying the car to get it in!

rb30 is larger capacity (duh) and the rb25 is smaller (again duh) but turbocharged, he may just overlook it, since it sorta makes up for it!

Edited by woggin

unless it looks really modified, they wont look for things like a carbon canister...as long as its all neat n tidy, it should be ok....post a pic of your engine bay...

in cars like the aristo, the carbon canister is inside the FL corner, above the wheel arch plastics, but out of the engine bay, u cant see it from the bay..

Hey I have a set of stock springs if I need em u can have them they just taking up space

unless they are for a vl they wont do haha ride hieght is fine its the wheels in the guards that were the problem

with the carbon canister you can see that there isnt one because the metal pipe from the fuel tank is in the engine bay with nothing on it haha

Damn, that's so unlucky for you, Joel. The fact that it happened after easter long weekends when there's more chance of that happening.

Good luck with the whole process.

Edited by VNS 24

Well if you have a work order on your car, you obviously did not apply to have these modifications approved before doing them to the car. This is required for any modification done to any vehicle (exhaust, intercooler, bla bla bla)

Mind you, not very many people do it haha

thanks vic, yeah the worst thing about it it was a cop that used to pull me over all the time before it had the conversion so he just wanted to pick on me some more. im hoping i can just get away with a change of engine number form due to the R.A.C horsepower rating is exactly the same as the rb30. im more worried about having to get all the zorst changed due to the cat has been welded in and it has been gutterd.

Well if you have a work order on your car, you obviously did not apply to have these modifications approved before doing them to the car. This is required for any modification done to any vehicle (exhaust, intercooler, bla bla bla)

Mind you, not very many people do it haha

yeah i know jason. i got jason to send me your number on saturday but he didnt. what are your thoughts on this would i get away with a change of engine number seeing tho they are the same block and same R.A.C horsepower rating

dare i say it - Jason... in this instance...

the survey says... you're.... WRONG... BBBBoooooommmmm

you don't have to get it engineered. you dont have to do SHIT.

do on the work order what YOU beleive needs fixing.

does it say your tint is too dark? be honest. is it? if so - pull it off.

does the work order say your car is too low? IS IT too low? then lift it.

if you beleive in your heart of hearts that it's NOT too low... then don't change it..

here's what you do:

take the car to the pits having fixed what YOU beleive is a necessary fix - take it to the pits n say "hey heres my car, i fixed this that n this, but with this i just wanted an inspectors' opinion because it's YOUR say which matters"

he will give you a work order - and you will then complete THAT

dont run around organising engineers certs if you don't physically need to.. just see what the inspector says n take it from there - there's no point getitng your motor engineered and your brakes confubulated and your flux capacitor enhanced...

...if the inspector is just going to not even bother looking at it and then ping you for having a wobbly gearknob that requires a screw to be put back in... know what i mean?

so yeah - (not to say jason is wrong here) but why create extra stress.. just get it inspected after fixing MOST of your work order... THEN start from there.

LOL no. It's a different motor, different capacity and it's turbo-charged.

You would have to have it engineered and provide an engineers certificate.

well not necesarrely on a change of engine number form it asks R.A.C horsepower the formula for that is cylinder diamter x2 then x the number of cylinders divided by 6 in this case both the rb30 and rb25det R.A.C horsepower equals 27.744 exactly the same

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