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I train 6 times a week, cardio 6-7 times (best way is to play ps3 while brisk walking at 7% incline on treadmill for an hour) and my diet revolves around healthy eating:


I take in around 3500 calories. I take a mulitvitamin, amino acid tablets and glutamine each day.

The only time I ever cheat is if I'm drinking alcohol maybe once every couple of months.

I'm in between 7.5-8% body fat and weigh in at 84kgs. I do this as my hobby and the fact I have type 2 diabetes (through genetic inheritance)

Nice work! You must be burning those calories through training.

I've got no idea how that person survives on 1500 calories a day without muscle loss, but then again they might only be interested in short term weight loss or they're very lightweight :)

There is a guide here: http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=186074 not sure how accurate it is. I've never counted my calories.

How are you estimating your body fat levels? An electronic measure or a skin fold test?

Also, I thought only type 1 diabetes was genetic inheritance :(

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Nice work! You must be burning those calories through training.

I've got no idea how that person survives on 1500 calories a day without muscle loss, but then again they might only be interested in short term weight loss or they're very lightweight :)

There is a guide here: http://www.nissansil...howtopic=186074 not sure how accurate it is. I've never counted my calories.

How are you estimating your body fat levels? An electronic measure or a skin fold test?

Also, I thought only type 1 diabetes was genetic inheritance :(

I used skin fold calipers using a 3 point test performed by a professional, and yeah diabetes type 2 was unfortunately genetic related as I'm not obese lol. Affects less than 10% of the population.

There's no chance I could survive on 1500 calories but you would lose muscle regardless as you mentioned.

Speaking from personal experience mate, I used to eat whatever I wanted before going to bed and I picked up a lot of weight doing it. Cut it out and I saw the effects immediately.

Your example of bodybuilders. You do realize what the aim of bodybuilders is right? To stack on as much weight as possible in as little a time as possible? I could give you a very effective workout/diet plan that will get you bigger than Charles Sipes in 30 days. But most people don't want to look like that. If all you are after is a toned, athletic, healthy body... Do not follow what bodybuilders do, it won't get you what you want.

Maybe, but not eating a proper meal including complex carbs after 3pm is folly. It may have worked for you, but it isn't the best approach.

Bodybuilders get bigger and leaner than anyone else on a strict diet, that was my point. And good luck if you think you can acheive that sort of body with diet alone and without proper know-how.

Hanaldo has it all right. +1 to all of that. And I don't care what PTC say, situps will develop your abs. It's muscle just like any other muscle, you give it some form of resistance, break it down, it will rebuild itself stronger. Visibility is another thing, you need a relatively low body fat content for them to show through your stomach, but that doesn't mean you can't shape or build your abs by doing situps regardless of your body fat. It's also a very good hip exercise and works obliques at the same time. When I stopped doing situps, I lost visibility of my abs, when I started again I got them back, when I stopped I lost them again, when I started again I got them back...so on and so forth. Coincidence? No.

Eps just do what you did before. Cut back on some shitty foods and friggen run. No need for technical talk, breaking down calories and so on...just do it and use common sense.

Your anecdotal evidence means nothing brah.

So situps gave YOU abs, it won't give 99% of lardos the same results.

Other core exercises work your abs a lot harder than situps though....;. But hey if it works for you stick to it, that's the main thing.

That it does brah, that it does. I didn't say they were the best, all I said was that they work. Yes there are other exercises like pulldown crunches, but I can guarantee anyone a rock hard set of abs if they do situps the way I show them to do it. Yes they won't work for people who can't actually complete a situp because their gut gets in the way...but they shouldn't be doing ab exercises in the first place, they should be cardio-ing and dieting to death.

six packs on skinny dudes are like big tits on fat chicks - they don't count!


VspecIInur - with a diet like that you must be CUT AS ALL f**kERY. that is incredibly lean eating to maintain - good for you, man!!!

erm - not to turn this into an "i know more than you do mate" meat head thread a-la gym and supplement discussion... but for your diabetes - do you take psyllium husk? i've read that psylillililiyunfom husk can regulate the effects of diabetes and control your sugar spikes..

matter of fact - i got it now *drinks psyllium husk - BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES*

mmmmm tasteh.



umm - cant remember the screen name - but the first poster with the trainer mate - thanks for that! i totally forgot about cottage cheese.. i used to eat it all the time for protein but forgot about it becuase i'm a full warm blooded retard.

by the way thanks for the advice to you all - beleive it or not i AM taking advice from all of you..

so none of this is falling on deaf ears..

my eating today:


1/3 cup porridge, didn't finish it - didn't have time

protein shake - pure WPI - unflavoured, non sweetened, no sugar just protein - tastes like your dads farts.

a multivitamin and 2 fishoil caps

morning tea:

a carrot / a celery stick




celery stick


steak n salad + 2 fishoil caps

AND what.

oh right and tonights' gym is half hour chest workout, then half hour abs, then an hour of kickboxing straight off the back of that =/

to give an idea of my "workout"

ride from work to home, grab boxing gloves

ride to gym

2 mins rowing challenge to warm the fk up - challenge is do 500m in 2 minutes, whatever comes last, so if 2 minutes hits, stay on until i've rowed 500m... if i've done 500m, tough tits. stay till 2 minutes

warm up bench press just bar no weights

1 set bench press, then 10 pushups

2 set bench press but do 4 full range fast - then 4 bottom halves, then 4 full range slow burners.... then pushups

3rd set bench press - as above

incline bench - as above with pushups on knees (for incline)

decline bench - again pushups but palms facing downwards ish for a decline isolate

cable crossover

then core time:

On Fitball:

15 fitball crunches, 15 fitball oblique crunches left, 15 right, then "lift up" on the ball - and raise one leg at a time - 15 of each

then go back to start

on mat:

back on mat, feet on fitball - crunches again - this time pulsing upwards. / "climbing the rope"

hold fitball between feet - bring legs up to lift up fitball - pass fitbal to hands in crunch position, hold fitball in hands, open up, extend out, pass back to feet, do this until death, then repeat

use the fitball as a roman chair and work my lower back

then do 5 minutes of planks / hovers alternating between floor and feet on fitball / hands on fitball

THEN go back to the very very start and start again - that takes a half an hour. chyeah.

I love the rowing machine :wub: I do the 2 minute 500m thing too, but i do it 10 times with 2 minute breaks in between.

Your diet and exercise looks really pretty good, the only way that wouldnt succeed is if your thyroid condition held you back to be honest. Get that rechecked and do what you can for it and the results will come

Im trying to cut at the moment,

limitting myself to 1,800 calories with 50/30/20 split of protein/carbs/fat (see attachment). I spent about an hour putting together my menu and i still managed to come under!

is 80 calories going to make that much of a difference? I opted for the food approach of getting nutrients as opposed to too many supplements.

Diet Plan.doc

Cheers Rich I'm fine with that song long as it's not the standard PT response which is usually "bump up your cardio man"

If you wanna get my gym schedule involved while were at it - one hour a day workout:

Monday - chest biceps n core

Tuesday - one hour kick box-ercise

Wednesay - legs

Thursday - shoulders n triceps

Friday - back and core

^^ this is no talking no breaks no frittering about. If I'm not doing a bench press, I'm doing pushups. If I'm not doing a squat - it's high knee runs.. Etc etc

I also ride my bike to n from the gym..

And walk / ride to train station to get to my work

I'm just saying I do a fair amount of exercise.. More than what most couch potatoes do ... Most personal trainers just tell everyone to "ramp up your cardio man" and it's fkn annoying. None of them will listen to what you are already doing!!!

seeings you live in Perth, you should be swimming at least twice a week in the Ocean. Best thing you can do for your body.

Hey pal well done on your weight loss, what an inspiration! That's amazing. How long did it take you?

Would you consider adding pieces of fruit to your diet? perhaps some quinoa to your soup? edamame is also good, I know it was suggested before.

What about putting some grilled mince inside big lettuce leaves as a snack? it's nice.

Best of luck and well done, sounds sustainable and clearly works!

I eat KFC for breakfast

KFC for lunch

and KFC for dinner

and I'm fat??? Do not understand?? Help pls.

nah the prob is he's not ordering the pepsi max!!that one or two calorie max will take care of any 3000 kilojoule meal.......:nyaanyaa:

umm - cant remember the screen name - but the first poster with the trainer mate - thanks for that! i totally forgot about cottage cheese.. i used to eat it all the time for protein but forgot about it becuase i'm a full warm blooded retard.

no worries row,i did the same thing when looking at cars to buy.was looking at a mildly worked xr6t when a workmate mentioned that lust for the 'R' i used to have.bingo.any more q's pm or post em up.my mate won't bullshit ya,just pass on what he's learnt and what has worked for him in the past.and er RAMP UP THE CARDIO MAN haaaaaaaaa.then you'll look like this below.


Lol WTF!!


Macdog - where have you been lately? You realize Perth sau guys still have yet to have a bike ride together :)

I can't go swimming in the ocean man.. Live in near Morley, not close to beach.. And work till 5 and have meals to prep and workout and shower and stuff and stuff so haven't got time to head to beach..

Portia - again as above the bulk of the weightloss took about say ten months.. Maybe a year... Since then I out seven kilos back on from my lowest weight..

So still not fat but I no longer look "tight" as I once did..

Many people believe different things about fruit.. Personally my opinion is fruit is good in very small doses.. I'll have an apple once a day and with my porridge I cut up half a date n sprinkle it on my porridge but me personally I don't really go for the sweet foods... My weakness is Chilli!!!

As for adding quinoa to my soup / goji berries / lsa mix / strumble berries to my meals... As stated above.. For this to be truly sustainable in the long run - it needs to be fun.. It can't control my life Abd with my other things that I "do" from day to day, I haven't got time to be making San Choy bow when I feel like a snack...

For me, it's grab lettuce leaf or celery stick. Close fridge. And eat while I'm working on a car...

Adamskills diet would work for girls yes but a girls' version of that diet would require alteration :)

Girls don't need to double up on protein Ie if your dinner is a slice of chicken breast then you don't need an egg.. Or spinach...

Same as if you're having spinach - you don't need the chicken breast too :)

Oh right, for what it's worth - since Monday I've lost nearly a kilo and my face and neck look a bit skinnier.

Heck yeah

Lol WTF!!


Macdog - where have you been lately? You realize Perth sau guys still have yet to have a bike ride together :)

I can't go swimming in the ocean man.. Live in near Morley, not close to beach.. And work till 5 and have meals to prep and workout and shower and stuff and stuff so haven't got time to head to beach..

Portia - again as above the bulk of the weightloss took about say ten months.. Maybe a year... Since then I out seven kilos back on from my lowest weight..

So still not fat but I no longer look "tight" as I once did..

Many people believe different things about fruit.. Personally my opinion is fruit is good in very small doses.. I'll have an apple once a day and with my porridge I cut up half a date n sprinkle it on my porridge but me personally I don't really go for the sweet foods... My weakness is Chilli!!!

As for adding quinoa to my soup / goji berries / lsa mix / strumble berries to my meals... As stated above.. For this to be truly sustainable in the long run - it needs to be fun.. It can't control my life Abd with my other things that I "do" from day to day, I haven't got time to be making San Choy bow when I feel like a snack...

For me, it's grab lettuce leaf or celery stick. Close fridge. And eat while I'm working on a car...

Adamskills diet would work for girls yes but a girls' version of that diet would require alteration :)

Girls don't need to double up on protein Ie if your dinner is a slice of chicken breast then you don't need an egg.. Or spinach...

Same as if you're having spinach - you don't need the chicken breast too :)

Oh right, for what it's worth - since Monday I've lost nearly a kilo and my face and neck look a bit skinnier.

Heck yeah

how about weekends then??

Do some crossfit then??

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