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Here be a thread to discuss the activity of running. The good news is that it can't fail and sink to page 2 because we don't have a page 2 yet :happy:

Some topics to kick us off...

What kind of running do you do?

How far do you run and in what time?

Running for fitness or to compete?

Upcoming running events?

Run Melbourne is on the 17th of July...who is going? Why the **** not?

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Just started running again after taking 2 months off from it... Legs are still sore lol.. Did 5k in just under 25 mins which is about my goal pace, though the aim is to build to 9k in 45 mins.

Hoping to do the bridge to Brisbane this year, missed it last year with the flu.

You guys use a heart rate monitor in your running?

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Yeah, I have a Suunto T3C... it's and older one now, but it works fine, logs all the data and you can review it later and compare your sessions. It can display in either beats per minute or as a percentage of your max (max is worked out using the 220 minus your age formula or you can enter it manually if you know it) so you can see how hard you are pushing yourself pretty easily. Can use mine for interval training (I think just about all of them do this these days), though to be fair the beep is pretty quiet so the interval beeps can be missed with traffic noise etc.

I got mine last year when I was training on a tight schedule - wanted to make sure I was getting the most out of each training session.

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What's keeping you down at the moment?

second round of ankle surgery completed yesterday

screw removed

2 weeks till im fully walking, 2 more or so till im running

gota wait for the hole in my bones to heal

all my soft tissue damage has healed hopefully

(tore most of the ligaments in my ankle :S )

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Did C2S last year, want to do it again this year... just coming back from a injury though, think I upped my training/distance too quickly.

Used to do 30-50km a week, but i'm starting off easy again.

It's an awesome feeling

edit: I use all the gadgets.. heart rate monitor, GPS, cadence foot pod.. I just love the stats, loading them into the software and using it to compare runs and how i'm progressing.

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second round of ankle surgery completed yesterday

screw removed

2 weeks till im fully walking, 2 more or so till im running

gota wait for the hole in my bones to heal

all my soft tissue damage has healed hopefully

(tore most of the ligaments in my ankle :S )

Ouch, how'd you do that injury?

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Ouch, how'd you do that injury?


i 'rolled' my ankle playing basketball

turns out i tore most of the ligaments in the ankle, as well as doing damage to what holds the leg bones together, therefore requiring the screw to hold the bones together so i could heal properly.

been walking around the last couple of days pain free, so things are looking up atm :D

means i dont have to take my crutches when i go out on the town anymore XD

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2 weeks till im fully walking, 2 more or so till im running

Good luck with the recovery, take care with it...

So what's everyone's reasons for running? As much as I enjoy running, the main reason I run is to boost/maintain my fitness for the sport I play....

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That's pretty cool how soon you're allowed to run. Sport can be scary like that sometimes...sometimes ya gotta wonder if it's worth doing it when stuff like that happens!

yeah tell me about it, its the second major injury ive ever had, so cant complain too much i guess

physio keeps telling me ill be able to run in around 3 more weeks, at first i was skeptical, but ive been walking around pain free for the past few days (which i couldnt do with the screw in me) so i guess the signs are good

Good luck with the recovery, take care with it...

So what's everyone's reasons for running? As much as I enjoy running, the main reason I run is to boost/maintain my fitness for the sport I play....

cheers :)

and thats why i run, i actually dont like running at all, but it helps with the sport i play, so its a necessity

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Helps you get through workouts at the gym, also maintains a toned appearance by keeping the fat off. I don't eat many fruits or vegetables so it's probably a good thing to counter all the carbs/fat, get the blood pumping and clear out the arteries.

Other than that, call me paranoid, but I've always thought it a handy skill to have in case you ever need to get away from something, e.g someone try to roll you with a knife. I would say that at least 95% of the population don't do it, so odds are tipped in your favour that they won't catch you.

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I run 5k's at a time right now, currently three times a week but I'm trying to push it to 4/5 times. I've been getting too sore to do it the last couple weeks so I had to back off but I'll keep trying.

I run for fitness, health, and because I really really enjoy listening to some good tunes while I'm pounding the pavement :cool:

I've been steadily getting into weights training also, I've heard it's really bad to do that without a healthy heart. If your heart is too small/weak you can work it too hard.

Of course everyone loves the satisfaction/endorphin rush from pushing yourself that little bit harder and being able to do it! :)

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