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If anyone wants a taxing cardio circuit, i did this last night:

Jumping Jacks

Mountain Climbers

Knee Tucks


Skipping Rope

Do back to back for 20secs each, then rest 90secs and repeat for a total of 10 rounds. I was dead after 6!

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I've recently started running again and trying to bring down my times for long distance runs. I did a half marathon in 1hr 59mins, what kind of training do you guys recommend to bring down my times to about 1hr 40mins mark.

So far my routine is just to run 5 kms each second day at an average pace of just under 5mins a km. Then on the weekend do a run of 10kms. The routine definitely needs work, what do you guys recommend?

As with what Joey said...train harder...well smarter anyway. 5km and 10km runs are better than nothing and still good for you, but if you're planning on doing half marathons regularly in competition, then nothing is going to beat training for that distance by doing it or exceeding it. When I was training for the Puffing Billy train race, which is only 13km (pretty darn hilly though), my regular run at the time was 3km...more of a sprint than a run. Had I gone straight to the race from that I think I would have died in the ass very early and I would have no ankles. Instead I started doing laps of my run, gradually increasing it to 4 laps so that my body would adapt to the idea of doing 12km. Wow, what a difference it made. Long distance and short are totally different styles and the body will adapt to them in different ways - pressure on joints, breathing, sprints and lactic acid etc. Even body fat is more likely to drop with long distance running than short sprints. So yeah, start running long or if that's too time consuming, try doing your current 5/10km runs faster so that the half marathon can be run at a slower pace and your body has plenty of go to get through the extra distance easily.

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  • 6 months later...

Back into running after a 3 month hiatus to introduce squats into my gym routine. Now that my squat is 10 x 100kg, I'm confident my legs are used to them and can cope with the load of running too.

Started running last week; got a 12min30sec for my hilly 3km - about the average time I was getting before I stopped running. Guessing whatever I'm lacking in cardio at the moment was made up for by extra leg strength from squats. Prolly pushed myself a bit hard for getting back into it...my ears felt like they wanted to explode and the head was very light.

So, not learning my lesson, tonight was no exception for being hard on myself. I feel a little less sick this time, but I clocked 12min20sec, which is a decent improvement already. My PB (from years ago) is 11min59sec and my life goal is to get a 10min30sec!

How's everyone else eating the pavement at the moment? Training for any races?

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Good times birds, if you can manage a 10:30 that will be fairly quick

Last run session I did was on Monday..

The session was 3x 2.4km with a 3 min break in between, times were

9.27 min

9.38 min

9.44 min

Could have probably shaved 30 seconds off the first run but the idea was to try and run an identical time each run, was well buggered afterwards

Edited by GTR_JOEY
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Yea for sure, down to around 87kg from 96ish.. It's not just the weight loss though, I've changed my diet as well.

Not to start preaching vego or vegan but I've cut alot of animal products out Inc red meat, cows milk, eggs etc.. I only really eat white meat now and it's definatly helped my cardio. My body just feels so much more efficient when running. A mate told me who does a fair bit of running that long distance runners who don't wanna give up meat will go vego a month out from a race as it helps them become more efficient.

It's not as if I've lost strength either. Just the other day I PB'd in deadlifts making 200kg while in the next session I managed

4 sets of 10 at 130.. Anyway (end vego rant)

The track was pretty flat I must say though it was easily off set by having to do 3 full 180 degree turns every 600m as the track is marked out that way. I imagine have a hilly route doesn't exactly help your times but at least u have a bench mark to reference

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Yeah I run the same route all the time so that my times are useful to me. Pretty useless comparing them to other people unless they run the same route, but you can get an idea based on distance. I'd love to get out on a flat track some time and see exactly what kind of difference it would make.

Good to see someone else hitting heavy weights and running...no shortage of people doing one or the other, which sucks, when both can compliment each other depending how you go about it. Now if I can add a martial art to my lifestyle, I'll have a triumvirate of useful strength...

Don't have FB but you can PM me on here if you like.

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As I've found on the forum, most people either go for the bodybuilder look and just pump weights, or just wanna be lean so they do alot of cardio.I hate looking skinny and I hate running out of puff on a run. I also do 2 strength circuits a week which would improve cardiovascular endurance as well. Like yourself I like to have a good all round ability.

Idealy I'd like to have the fitness and strength that is comparable to that of a rugby league centre or winger.. Maybe a Justin Hodges or a Mark Gasnier would be good.

Martial arts would be good, I was doing BJJ and Muay Thai for about 6 months but there's just not enough time in the week to work full time and be doing all these other extra activities

In terms of running do you do much longer distance stuff? More towards 5km and over?

I find once I'm past 5km my pace drops off a touch.

I'll PM you the link now

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah I run the same route all the time so that my times are useful to me. Pretty useless comparing them to other people unless they run the same route, but you can get an idea based on distance. I'd love to get out on a flat track some time and see exactly what kind of difference it would make.

Good to see someone else hitting heavy weights and running...no shortage of people doing one or the other, which sucks, when both can compliment each other depending how you go about it. Now if I can add a martial art to my lifestyle, I'll have a triumvirate of useful strength...

Don't have FB but you can PM me on here if you like.

Im doing a Begginer BB program- Squat, Bench, MP, Deads, BB curls every second day, Muay thai 3 nights a week and aiming to be back to 5 nights a week within the next month and also triyng to fit in 5km runs.

Its hard to find a good balance between martial arts and heavy compound lifts i think, Though i do agree they compliment eachother. But doing both with running i find can almost have a negative effect, especcialy on the gains and recovery- Though i have been able to add 5kg per week to my squats for the last few weeks.

im currently dropping weight to 80Kg to get ready for a few bouts before taking off for Thailand to train again. but 2000 cals per day @ 190P 100C and rest fat really takes its toll- Mind you the weekend re feeds help- But i think its better to expend calories through training then eating less.

Edited by sydking
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  • 2 months later...

So, not learning my lesson, tonight was no exception for being hard on myself. I feel a little less sick this time, but I clocked 12min20sec, which is a decent improvement already. My PB (from years ago) is 11min59sec and my life goal is to get a 10min30sec!

12 minutes and 1 motherf**kin second! Gahhhhh...so bloody close! Still rapt with the time though - closest I've come in a long time and on one of those days where you're tired as shit / expect to do worse than normal.

Loving the effect boxing and squats have had on my running. Highly recommend them to anyone training for a running event.

Also loving Kayano 18!

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  • 1 month later...

12 minutes and 1 motherf**kin second! Gahhhhh...so bloody close! Still rapt with the time though - closest I've come in a long time and on one of those days where you're tired as shit / expect to do worse than normal.

Loving the effect boxing and squats have had on my running. Highly recommend them to anyone training for a running event.

Also loving Kayano 18!

3km hills @ 11min 46sec FUCK YEAH!!!

Come at me 10:30!

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Good work!!!

I just started doing some longer running again, did 4.68 around FTG/ Boroina, pretty easy landscape just the way i like it, those hill climbs are a killer. But im working on them in the gym running on treada with a incline.

Been thinking of maybe hitting a fun run something small to start with for some fun.

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Do the Puffing Billy race! 13km, so a bit of distance to work towards...but it's hilly so very rewarding/advantageous to people who run hills. Great inspiration for training.

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Puffing Billy is always a week after my birthday - pain in the ass for training. So early May from memory.

I'm not far from Boronia/FTG, so if you want a good run you can hit me up...it's a farkin killer!

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Just started running again. Was 105KG now down to 85KG. Goal for April Canberra marathon is 75KG.

Cant do any more than 10ks without injury at the moment as I'm too heavy still (176cm).

5Ks takes just under 30 mins. Long way to go but I've got 3 months.

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