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EVERYBODY its all ok. We'll all be dead soon. Humanity is degrading it wont be long till we kill ourselveds off and the planet will return itself to normal in 5000 years

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EVERYBODY its all ok. We'll all be dead soon. Humanity is degrading it wont be long till we kill ourselveds off and the planet will return itself to normal in 5000 years

So in the year 7011, the only survivors will be cockies, crocodiles and catfish?

OMG, no wonder buddhists want to come back as animals!

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f**k the catfish, only gropers buddy ;). But in all seriousness how long do you really think Humans have left? The thing we seem to be best at is killing each other. We've invented so many different ways to kill each other, torture, maim. Yet we struggle to develop efficent renewerable sources of energy. I mean the most commonly used source of energy is only around 15%-20% efficent. The most efficent engine we have made is the Wartsila-Sulzer RTA96-C which is around 50% efficent. Yet we seem to be able to make a single weapon to kill millions in one strike?

Edited by beemae30
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Russia has pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol commitment today > and will also renege on the billion dollar penalty!

I hope our government pulls out before it's too late.

10% of our carbon tax (yes, from Oz), will be distributed by the UN to developing nations - like who? Like China - that's who! WTF!

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Hahaha awesome, lets do nothing, it will be fine! Im sure it will because Alan Jones said so. If thats not credible enough, Alan Jones's mates say the same thing, so its gospel for want of a better statement.

Thank fark, I was getting worried there for a second.

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No what we need to do is stop pissing about and do the thing right not the best thing to keep votes. Invest heavily in renewerable resources, If Australia really wants to be the one to lead the world, maybe it should stop bandaiding the problem by reducing the amount we produce. And start eliminating the things we can and planting more forestry or absoratory materials. I work in the heavy diesel industry and i would rather we eliminate half of the busted ass trucks on the road that spew diesel because their owners have no need to care about pollution. Instead we should develop better, more renewerable resources. Most of the country doesn't even understand what most of the discussion is about. Maybe we should start discussing it publicly and informing the greator majority of people with the real facts/figures. The media should use its power for telling the truth for once but then again. Thats not what makes us human is it.

Edited by beemae30
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Russia has pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol commitment today > and will also renege on the billion dollar penalty!

I hope our government pulls out before it's too late.

10% of our carbon tax (yes, from Oz), will be distributed by the UN to developing nations - like who? Like China - that's who! WTF!

Can I see a link for that Terry because if it's true, its truly f**king retarded.

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As an atheist I pray that labor gets dropped in the next election and in a big way (It's looking this way anyway)

looks to be the defining issue of the political landscape for the next few years, sad really , when there are more important things to worry about, like healthcare, education, and continued economic growth, not to mention border protection.

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Just goes to show eh that eons reveal all > not seasons, decades or centuries.

When the major ice occurred 650,000,000 yrs ago, CO2 sank to the bottom of the oceans as ice reached the 30th parallel ie a tipping point of 'no return' > voila an ice age

Did it last for a decade? NO

Did it last for a century? NO

It lasted for 25,000,000 yrs.

Q. And what pulled the globe out of it?

A. Volcanoes and mid ocean rifts > CO2 - needed for life

And I'm not perturbed about CO2 emissions coming from cars. SO2 is much worse for our planet.

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Russia has pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol commitment today > and will also renege on the billion dollar penalty!

I hope our government pulls out before it's too late.

10% of our carbon tax (yes, from Oz), will be distributed by the UN to developing nations - like who? Like China - that's who! WTF!

Without getting right into it all, can anyone tell me why "developed" nations are subjected to the updated Kyoto Protocol whereas "developing" nations supposedly are not.

Hmm... yeah, I'm sure that China and India contribute less environmental damage than Japan or Australia.

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Without getting right into it all, can anyone tell me why "developed" nations are subjected to the updated Kyoto Protocol whereas "developing" nations supposedly are not.

Hmm... yeah, I'm sure that China and India contribute less environmental damage than Japan or Australia.

You make an interesting point but to be fair to the developing nations they are mostly yet to industrialise, so therefore their per capita emissions are actually quite low. Its not very fair that we in the developed world get to have 2 cars, electricity, our massive amounts of electronics and other consumer goods while those in developing nations would be lucky to have even the most basic electricity. It comes down to the governments of developing nations wanting to provide a decent western style quality of life, which is hardly unreasonable. For this reason emissions reductions in the developed world are possible with Emission trading schemes etc, but would ultimately make literally no difference considering China and India still have more than half their populations living in mostly pre-industrial condtions. That doesnt even begin to consider the possible implications of the industralisation of Sub-Saharan Africa either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love how we as humans have only been engaged in heavy industry for 200 years or so and yet have the conceit to think that we're a danger to a big blue and green ball happily floating around the sun that has been here for 4.5 billion years.

It has been through a lot worse than us during it's time.

When we die out and finish killing eachother in the name of religion this lovely little planet it will shake us off like a bad case of the fleas.

Edited by jimmyr31
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Nobody said we are a danger to the planet? We are a danger to everything that lives on it. We are having an effect on the climate in one way or another by all accounts, I mean we made a hole in the ozone? Pretty sure that counts as an effect we created. Human's are very much capable of damaging this planet so that life is non-existent as we know it. Imagine if we set off say 10 nuclear weapons? Massive change to the planet.

Yes it has been through much worse then us. But most of it has taken hundreds of millions of years to fix or adjust to and i don't know about you but i don't think the human race is going to be able to live in underground huts for that long while the planet rebuilds. Its not being conceited as much as trying to sustain our way of life. If you don't think we are capable of changing this planet look at this picture and then think, each of those lights have to be powered, built, maintained then think about what those are lighting up. Those have to have all those things as well. Shit we are taking millions of litres out of the water cycle by building massive concrete structures everywere. Your being ignorant and so are most humans. At the end of the day we are the dumbest form of life in 1 simple way. We are the only creature which had to destroy its surrounds to live, Every other creature adapts.


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Not really fair to say that...every other creature dies a long time before us. There are few creatures in the animal kingdom that live longer. They fail to adapt where we can, which is why we are number one and the smartest. The only thing they have on us is that they don't live long enough to have much of an effect on the world...thus spend most of their time breeding and feeding. If they could truly adapt to every environment like we do, do you think they would do anything different? In the end that's all humans are...the species that survived long enough to evolve into something special.

I'd love to go back to ye olde days of farming. Amish the whole world I say. But technology won't go backwards...people refuse to let it. As long as the incentive is to build the bigger, faster, more energy consuming thing...we will never say "that's good enough".

Whether you beleve in the effects or not, I say better safe than sorry. I just think it's a subject that should be void of politic argument/influence. Taxes and the like...just make the public not want to believe in it so they have reason not to pay a tax. The worst of the worst are those using it to make a name for themselves or get in power...thus making people take it less seriously, thinking it's just a political tool. And it may well be. Oh look, it's already happened to me.

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Not really fair to say that...every other creature dies a long time before us. There are few creatures in the animal kingdom that live longer. They fail to adapt where we can, which is why we are number one and the smartest. The only thing they have on us is that they don't live long enough to have much of an effect on the world...thus spend most of their time breeding and feeding. If they could truly adapt to every environment like we do, do you think they would do anything different? In the end that's all humans are...the species that survived long enough to evolve into something special.

I'd love to go back to ye olde days of farming. Amish the whole world I say. But technology won't go backwards...people refuse to let it. As long as the incentive is to build the bigger, faster, more energy consuming thing...we will never say "that's good enough".

Whether you beleve in the effects or not, I say better safe than sorry. I just think it's a subject that should be void of politic argument/influence. Taxes and the like...just make the public not want to believe in it so they have reason not to pay a tax. The worst of the worst are those using it to make a name for themselves or get in power...thus making people take it less seriously, thinking it's just a political tool. And it may well be. Oh look, it's already happened to me.


There are a number of animals/creatures/species that have longer lives than humans.

I think you'll find that most species have a shorter life expectancy than humans because they have to fight to survive.

The only reason we have such an extended lifespan is because Humans have the combination of physical and mental attributes allowing us to create tools in which to eliminate threats to our survival and make "hunting" effortless.

Ironic that by doing so, we are dooming our species.

Oh, and I completely agree with your last two paragraphs :thumbsup:

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I dont' think i'd want to go back to ye old days of farming. I quite like modern medicine.

Modern medicine is alright...it has definitely extended our average life span. But at the same time, so much of the need for modern medicine is caused by our modern lifestyles themselves. When you simplify the lifestyle, you simplify everything that goes with it. At least you would get to work outdoors lol. Modern technology hasn't really freed up our lifestyles...supposedly we're more stressed and working more hours than ever. Even if we had more free time, we'd just fill it up with shit to do.


There are a number of animals/creatures/species that have longer lives than humans.

I think you'll find that most species have a shorter life expectancy than humans because they have to fight to survive.

The only reason we have such an extended lifespan is because Humans have the combination of physical and mental attributes allowing us to create tools in which to eliminate threats to our survival and make "hunting" effortless.

Ironic that by doing so, we are dooming our species.

Oh, and I completely agree with your last two paragraphs :thumbsup:

Yeah there are animals, off the top of my head all I can think of are tortoises and whales, but on the whole...most in the animal kingdom don't live anywhere as long as we do.

Well one could make the point that our supreme physical and mental attributes are our adaptation to our environment, being Earth. I mean, other cunning animals such as lions use their cerebral thinking to catch prey and sit atop the food chain...hence they are the kings of the jungle.

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