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S A U N S W - Private Wsid Drag Racing Day


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I'm sorry but that is a disgrace........

If I did that to my customers I'd be out on my @rse so fast my feet wouldn't hit the ground.

It's no big deal to me as I was only down as a spectator but I feel for the organisers and the guys that made arrangements to race on the day.

3 and a half days notice of cancellation on an event that was booked 7 weeks ago is utter contempt or incompetence or both.

Quite frankly I would write a letter of complaint to their governing body, presumably the state government. The person in charge may at best get a rocket up his ........

Sorry for the rant but as someone who has run a Car Club and organised events for a number of years I find this totally unacceptable.


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Bob...the track has been completely redone in order to rectify a number of issues. There have been many other events and private days cancelled due to the delays in getting the track ready to race on, so this is not new and was always a possibility. I am sure that it will be rescheduled in the next few weeks.

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Well, it seems you guys were getting better communication than the organisers. We received the following email this afternoon from WSID:

We are disappointed that at no time did WSID suggest this event may not be possible, and that we had no warning until this afternoon of the cancellation.

That's the part I find inexcusable..............


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The new management at WSID is honestly doing wonders with the place. They have been doing anything and everything in their control to make the track right so we can hardly blame them for not saying something till now. Unfortunately bad weather has been a problem :(

I have no hard feelings at all. I actually commend the new management for trying their hardest to make this day happen. I am actually happy that they waited till now as it shows to me that they were trying to get the track ready. for waiting till the laI know this sounds really selfish but i am kind of glad its not going ahead as i wanted to test the car properly and i dont believe that a fresh surface was going to let me do that properly.

I guess we need to wait and see how quickly they can re schedule the event. Lets all hope its not proposed to have it the same weekend as WTAC!!!!

Edited by ido09s
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Agreed Bob, and the committee will take up our concerns about communication with WSID. Plenty of hard work from the comittee is wasted, and no doubt lots of competitors will have plans messed up to. No doubt some people are financially impacted by the late cancellation.

Unfortunately we have 0 alternatives to deal with on Drag events. And track events aren't that different these days...there are 2 possibilities in NSW and Eastern Creek (also government owned and a "service" to NSW Taxpayers) was over $18k per day to hire.

However, our club's members want these events, and we will keep working professionally with the venue operators to deliver them as best we can. We are also actively working on "alternative", non-traditional locations to run our motorkhanas, track days and sprints because of the difficulties in booking and dealing with venues.

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Well, the rains we had since the event was booked, meant it was going to take longer than expected to get the track back to a satisfactory racing condition.

The crew have been busting their asses to get track ready, with the volunteers repainting the startline on sunday. Last weeks TnT had to be cancelled because it wasnt ready.

So i'm sorry that WSID has been trying to provide everyone with the best possable surface to race on.

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Oh Man, that sux, organised to have a day off work on saturday and just spent most of today stripping weight off the car, removing anything that wasn't necessary. :mad:

Do you think a rescheduled day will be sooner rather than later? or do i need to start putting the car back together. :wacko:

I'm sorry but that is a disgrace........

If I did that to my customers I'd be out on my @rse so fast my feet wouldn't hit the ground.

It's no big deal to me as I was only down as a spectator but I feel for the organisers and the guys that made arrangements to race on the day.

3 and a half days notice of cancellation on an event that was booked 7 weeks ago is utter contempt or incompetence or both.

Quite frankly I would write a letter of complaint to their governing body, presumably the state government. The person in charge may at best get a rocket up his ........

Sorry for the rant but as someone who has run a Car Club and organised events for a number of years I find this totally unacceptable.


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Guys........The original booking should always have been subject to the completion of the "schedule of works".

Failure to advise that this was a possibility is what my rant is about. Sydney has had record rainfall for over 12 months so they should have advised of this risk accordingly.

As I said initially, it's not a big deal for me but when you are catering for 200+ people with all the efforts that have been put in I really think it's pi$$ week.

Anyway, I've had my say so I'll shut up now.


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the day could have had the same result if it were to rain, its just drag racing.

yes i guess SD could have given more notice, but they are doing there best and i cant ask for anything more from someone.

atleast now i can have time to get my bike remapped

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Thanks for posting asap, I was just booking accomdation when I thought to check. There was this little niggle that maybe this might happen.

Great work by the organisors, I hope to be able to attend the next date.

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Yeah, thanks Duncan, know you will do your best.

Make it soon eh, then i wont have to put the car back together. :merli:

Ron (and everyone!) we will discuss alternative dates at the exec meeting tomorrow night and come back to everyone ASAP.

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Good to see some level heads in here :cheers:

I am sure that Sydney Dragway management will do their best.

Who wants to run a a green track anyway?

I'd rather have 3 days notice then none...and as mentioned earlier, if it rained, it would be cancelled as this is what happens in drag racing.

Duncan, be sure to get SD to also pencil in a rain date as well...

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I am also grateful for 3 days notice that the event will be postponed due to the track not being ready.

Last week I damaged my ARC intercooler and have spent the week replacing it and getting the car retuned. Some extra time will allow some other related issues to be sorted out and bedded in before we run.

If it had of rained on the day it would have been cancelled with no notice - that is drag racing.

We just need the executives to work out a new date with WSID and all work towards the new date.

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Agree Charlie, its great to see :D

The crew have been busting their asses to get track ready, with the volunteers repainting the startline on sunday. Last weeks TnT had to be cancelled because it wasnt ready.

I think some people need to take notice of the above.... volunteers, unpaid people giving their time to try and give us a track to race on. I think we all need to cut them some slack. They could have simply turned down the booking and people would have been just as pissed at them, but i guess your damned if you do and damned if you dont hey

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I dont think anyone is having a go at the volunteers, its frustrating about the late notice though, this was going to be my first time at a "real" drag strip.

Still, you cannot complain about the rain days, I build roads in my job (plant operator) and the Hwys are still being built, these things are factored in when you are in the planning stage of a job, still it will be finished at some stage in the future and I will get my chance to go fast in a straight line.

And thankyou to the volunteers for there help, I hope WSID pays them back in kind.


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Cancellation due to weather happens all the time, it's to be expected. I guess with track work going on the weather must have also slowed down things. the WSID management would want to cancel a lucrative track day even less than we want it cancelled, donlt worry about that!

Looking forward to the reschedule.

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