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A bunch of beeps and HDD noises coming from your computer tower :P

I agree with you, the P plate restrictions are ineffective and most hoons aren't driving anything special. But you do need to carefully weigh up whether it's worth challenging the laws in your own personal way, at the risk of your licence and your car, or holding out for a couple of years (the time goes quick) just like everyone else. I've heard some horror stories related to people saying f*** it to the P plater laws :(

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I dont know if its hooning but it is speeding, Speed limit thru a controlled intersection, IE: roundabout is 40kph

Well you truely do learn something new everyday! Do you have any proof of the above?

I do not believe the above to be correct - according to that we all have to slow down to 40kph while driving through a set of traffic lights and I really don't think that would be safe in an 80zone do you? To my knowledge the speed limit in a 'controlled intersection' is the same as the limit applied to the section of road it is on - of course this doesn't apply if you need to stop or face a give way sign. It is however common sense to slow down approaching either traffic lights or a roundabout to allow you time to stop or avoid an accident.

Afaik, you have to approach a round-a-bout at a speed that allows you to stop safely if required. I'd assume the same applies to give way signs.

Cool just as i thought, he was having a quiet night and just wanted to try and dick me for something. Still have no idea where he came from lol, see this car speed up behind me and follow me for 400m then slap his lights on. Seemed pretty adamant he was going to get me for speeding and give me a nice defect. Probably just trying to scare me because after looking at my car for 5 min and then sitting in his car for another 5 he hands me back my licence and lets me go :D

Looks like i should get a falcadore so i can't turn corners and i won't need to be worried about getting done for "hooning"

ILBW8N: Even before the blanket ban you wouldn't have been allowed to drive a GTR. Was above power to weight ratio... & don't like to judge until I really know someone but you sound like the typical young'n who thinks they're above the law.

As mentioned if the worst was to happen insurance will not cover you even if they have agreed to take your money.

topher_: Should have pulled into your driveway if you were right outside your house.

not 100% sure in Vic but I know in some states being on private property makes things more difficult for police. Was watching that RBT show (not sure what state it's in) & they tried to pull over a bike. He took off, they chased him & followed him to his house.

He was obviously drunk but as he was in his driveway they could not breath-test him.

He got charged with suspicion of being drunk (& running, speeding, etc) but it did make things more difficult for the police

can someone please fix the thread title the spelling is fkn ridiculous.

penertlys? seriously?

For once i agree with you, it is quite annoying how many people spell the simplest of words phonetically, i think its fair to assume that the majority of people on here are over the age of sixteen and should know this shit by now!

ILBW8N: Even before the blanket ban you wouldn't have been allowed to drive a GTR. Was above power to weight ratio... & don't like to judge until I really know someone but you sound like the typical young'n who thinks they're above the law.

As mentioned if the worst was to happen insurance will not cover you even if they have agreed to take your money.

topher_: Should have pulled into your driveway if you were right outside your house.

not 100% sure in Vic but I know in some states being on private property makes things more difficult for police. Was watching that RBT show (not sure what state it's in) & they tried to pull over a bike. He took off, they chased him & followed him to his house.

He was obviously drunk but as he was in his driveway they could not breath-test him.

He got charged with suspicion of being drunk (& running, speeding, etc) but it did make things more difficult for the police

Nah they can still get you in your driveway, have heard of someone waking up to a yellow sticker on his car one day lol. Can't dick them for trespassing either unless you are home to tell them to get off your property. Unless they jumped a locked gate / fence to get to your property. As for the drinking, for some reason this came up when i was doing my security course. If you are involved in an accident, go home and have a couple of drinks and the police come knocking asking for a breath sample and you read over, you're screwed even if it was a couple of hours later. Can also be done if you're drunk and sitting in your car in your driveway with the keys in the ignition. Sometimes all you can just do is facepalm lo.

http://www.vicroads....Roundabouts.htm Found that so far for roundabout rules, trying to find something else related to speed and entering roundabouts but no luck yet

edit: http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/Domino/Web_Notes/LDMS/PubStatbook.nsf/b05145073fa2a882ca256da4001bc4e7/36E852AA5A0D62CACA25761E001F5FF1/$FILE/09-094sr.pdf dunno if anyone can find anything there, i read through the roundabout section and it seems the only time i have to giveway is if someone is already in the roundabout, which TO ME seems that if the speed limit was 40 and i saw no car in the roundabout i can go 40 through it without having to slow down, but if i do that and have an accident i can get done with reckless driving or not paying attention or whatever the hell it's called.

Edited by topher_

I dont know if its hooning but it is speeding, Speed limit thru a controlled intersection, IE: roundabout is 40kph

I'm sure there's laws about driving to the conditions of the road. Would love Graeme's input. The speed limit might be x but actually doing that through a roundabout in say a truck, van or 4WD isn't going to have a nice outcome...

But who are they to say wether young people have experience or not how do they know if some has had experience in the racing industries before they got there lisence

And they only brought out the turbo laws coz of a bunch of idiots doing stupid shit

Just because of these idiots all of the people who are carefull and sensible have to suffer

These stupid law wount stop me from driving my gtr

While I do agree there should be some differentiation between P Platers who have done defensive driving courses and the like to be less limited in car selection, the current rules split the idiots from the smart ones in regards to driving turbo cars such as yourself, how's your insurance.. or lack of it lulzzzzz

Edited by Borci88

topher_: Should have pulled into your driveway if you were right outside your house.

not 100% sure in Vic but I know in some states being on private property makes things more difficult for police.

as far as i know, down here they can approach you if for instance you've got a freely accessible driveway or you are standing on your front lawn. if they have to actively enter your resident (like opening a gate or something) then they cant approach you. i read that on here somewhere a while ago so im not sure if its right or not.

I know someone has said this before but after my second strike I would just buy a VN V6 and start doing hoops out front of the cop shop at 2am in the morning :banana:. Not gonna hurt anyone and they can crush the bloody thing into a cube I couldnt give a fark. No f**king way are they getting their hands on my good car just because I spun my wheels a bit in the wet and some cop has a small dick and needs to feel big. Hell I remember driving my dad's EA Falcon auto that thing would easy get wheel spin in the wet if you werent careful.

I'm sure there's laws about driving to the conditions of the road. Would love Graeme's input. The speed limit might be x but actually doing that through a roundabout in say a truck, van or 4WD isn't going to have a nice outcome...

If they had to write a law for every instance of the above, the road rules 'booklet' would be as thick as the manual of how a woman works :P The speed limit around a roundabout would read something like "For a light passenger vehicle the speed limit around a roundabout less than 10m in diameter, is 40kph. However if the roundabout is greater than 10m in diameter then the speed limit is 50kph. For a truck of less than 3 axles and under 4 tons, the speed limit....etc etc". Instead of that, the rules simply state that your speed approaching a roundabout shall be of a speed that will allow you to stop safely and judge the intersection correctly. As a result, YOU the driver needs to choose the correct speed for the size of the roundabout, the weather conditions, the traffic level and the vehicle you are driving. It also gives the police the power to pull you up if they judge your speed was inappropriate for any of those.

This does not change the fact that the speed limit for that roundabout is the same as the section of road it is placed on.

Of course, all of this is my opinion, but if anyone knows of a rule that states a set speed limit on a roundabout or the like please post it up.

Problem with defensive driving courses is that for some drivers it just makes them more sure of their driving ability and only makes their driving in the street more dangerous.

Sorry but I have to call BS on this one. That is the same line used by politicians to explain why these courses aren't compulsary when getting your license and what they say is ALWAYS right isn't it?? I would like to see the evidence of the above if it exists. Have you actually done one of these courses? I did when I first got my license and I can assure you that nothing they taught us made us feel invincible or able to do anything on the road - in fact, in my experience it did exactly the opposite.

Plenty of cars running already, normally from divy vans on the HWY... I even remember once a white mitsubishi GTO (must of done something at noble maccas), took off, passed me and a couple other white colored cars in front, pushed thru the pack, then lights off and into some resisdential street, seconds later a divy comes up with its light on hammering to catch up with the car but looks around the pack, jumps behind a white supra (must of thought they looked the same at night) and pulls him over into that kabab joint further up... I didnt know any of them, just hoped that the supra didnt get mistaken for the other driver and got his car impounded!

But the penalties for running arnt that great compared to excessive speeding, I know dumb people that have ran a couple times, got caught, cop a 3 year (or less) license suspension in court, appeal it, and get 1 year or less!

Sh*t system really

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