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I have noticed since getting my skyline that I have developed a certain amount of paranoia about other cars on the road, particularly plain looking commodores and falcons following, and my impact on general traffic.

some of it would almost undoubtedly be linked to the fact that I couldnt afford to have the time, hassle and mostly the expense associated with getting yellowed. And I'm acutely aware that legality isnt necessarilly a factor in canary receipt.

ditto my concern about whacking other cars and never being able to get insurance again.

I'm also aware that as driving records go, mine aint that bad. I don't hit trees that jump out in the road (touch wood. haha), havent lost my license before, and only have three demerit points. (i.e. Ive got 9 left).

I'd be interested to know what others in WA felt on this matter - particularly in relation to their driving record. I dont care if you think you're a hot-dogger, those people with shitty driving history know who they are. if you sit there for ten minutes rattling off your fines history for inurance, or when the insurance quote consultant leaves a deadly silence after you've described your phou pahs - it's bad.

is a paranoid driver a safe driver? am I paranoid about being paranoid? is cautiousness next to godliness?

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im not paranoid i cant spend my life looking over my shoulder ..... these days if cops drive past and im over the speed limit whatever im not going to jam my foot on the bvrakes and look like a tool...... i was in the wrong i got caught and im sorry ..... and i think thats the attitude that gets me out of my fines ....... oh a good pair of legs helps :)

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" I am relatively carefree and have a good driving history"

Yeah I give double glances to all new cars and slow down at everything on the side of the road.... But I would like to think in the most part I know when and where it is more appropriate to enjoy the fruits of my automobile :)

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easy to spot undercover from normal commies tho

*mobile antenna present

* no dealership stickers/advertising on car (govt cant be seen to make preferences so any stickers on the car relating to dealerships are taken off before delivery)

* ya really stock/ pursuit rims

If in doubt just crawl up beside it and have a peak.

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I'm uber cautious and have a good driving history

I have been court few times one for driving offence... few times for work.

I am no worry at all, I've Won every case I have been charged with, reopresented by me, myself and I.

so I am not scared of court, if you know the law you get some understanding ot the process...

but i tell ya It wont be good idea be Smart ass when cop pull you over for what ever the reason :)



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Good pair of legs? does that really help?.......... oooooh :nowigetit: i thought u were doing a runner. :run:

Ive had the bad luck thing, no insurance for me now. Well not for under 2.5k for a 4k car.

I honestly reckon u can tell a cop just by the way they drive, all trained the same all drive the same. Still its kinda harsh when u fly by one and get whiplash looking back thinking Egads was that a cop??!!?!

Just cause ure paranoid doesnt mean people are'nt following you.

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easy to spot undercover from normal commies tho

*mobile antenna present

* no dealership stickers/advertising on car (govt cant be seen to make preferences so any stickers on the car relating to dealerships are taken off before delivery)  

* ya really stock/ pursuit rims

If in doubt just crawl up beside it and have a peak.

All police cars in WA are leased from NBM Fleetcare. If you see a fleetcare symbol which is a blue box with diagonal yellow stripes on it chances are it is a cop car. The crawl up and do a peak is definitely a good strategy.

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I wouldn't consider myself a nutter and have never had an accident, but have had some definite bad luck with the driving history.. Those camera things always seem to be there when I'm doing about 10-15 over on a clear stretch whilst I'm not looking for them... must just be unlucky I guess.. Am hoping for better luck on the next round... :D

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im sorta carefree, although when i do see a blue or white commodore (or sometimes when its night and i cant make out the colour just the headlights) im cautious, i tend to slow a lil and find out if it is a coppa or not, although depending what mood im in, i might just take off slowly, speed up to 5-10km over till theyre far enough away then just let rip n get away from em

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All police cars in WA are leased from NBM Fleetcare.  If you see a fleetcare symbol which is a blue box with diagonal yellow stripes on it chances are it is a cop car.  The crawl up and do a peak is definitely a good strategy.

Really? :confused: When i was with the Government (i used to manage govt. dept fleet) they just changed from NBM to Commonwealth Fleet Lease ..... maybe that was just that particular department but i i assumed CommFleet wouldve been the obvious choice government wide.

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well hahhaa - I have had one accident that was my fault and one that wasnt my fault... which was a nasty write off. I am very paranoid in cars and I think its due to the last accident. I never think cars are going to stop in time, or I think they are going to pull out. I am a very very bad passenger... I even have heart palpitations, I am that nervous and scared. I am fine when I am driving though - prolly cause I am in control.

As for police... I have never had a problem and I am not concerned about them at all! I like to think our police try to be fair. *ducks from abuse*

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All police cars in WA are leased from NBM Fleetcare.

Especially if you get the f*ckstick copper-wannabe's that cruise around with pursuit rims, two mobile aerials, and lowered suspension in thier VX-equipped VT Commonwhore's.

To everyone out there with VX-VY's with Pursuit rims. It looks GAY, get them the f*ck off.

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Oh yeah, I've been caught for STUPID offences like foglights left on by accident, and speeding fines at 9km/h over the limit. Hence my lack of points.

No matter how civil/sorry I act, I get slapped with a yellow and/or fine. I'm paranoid as hell these days, hence my hatrid for commo's with pursuities.

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Hey Niz I got nice legs too but it never helped me. :(

Anyway I'm allways attentive and spot the undercover cars pretty easily.

The other night I had an odd experience as I could see a car behind me weaving in and out of traffic to catch me. They then sat in the lane next to me and tried to bait me into a run. I couldn't see what type of car it was but knew by the lights it wasn't a Dunnydoor. All down riverside drive and onto the freeway they sat left of me and to the rear three quarters speeding up and slowing down again. I got a really bad feeling about it and refused to go above the limit. They eventually gave up and took off then I saw it was a dark blue Astra turbo. Despite it being a different undercover car (if it was) I had really strong feeling it was cops up to no good.

Anyone else seen one of these Astras used or was I paranoid?

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