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Import Monster Sau-Vic Deca - Round 2 2011 Wrap Up Thread


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Thanks again to all who made this an awesome weekend. Looking forward to round 3! Hope I didnt make too much of an ass of myself last night :whistling:

Pics etc to be posted here, Gogogo!



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ah awesome day was AWESOME.

wet skid pan in the morning was fun but annoying at the same time lol.


if anyone has pics of the chasers pls shoot me PM and ill send you my email for high res pics :D

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I'm now thinking of if I should use my skyline or get a second car just for DECA and track days...

Also... ...I've got over 4 hours of stuff to go through for SAU Vic TV... ...But what I didn't get was any of the morning sessions on the skid pan or any in-car/on-car video... ...If anyone has any that they wouldn't mind me using in an episode please PM me and we'll work out when I can come and get it off you... :thumbsup:

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1stly - Thanks to all people who helped out at various points during the day

2nd - Fk that Porka is faaaaast

The rest: Top weekend, Sat night fun has certainly returned with the trip back to Taco's... Hilarious night.

I was much faster this DECA, hot on the heels of you faster blokes now I'm working out how to drive this GTR business.

Except the first morning sessions, was struggling to concentrate :D

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I'm now thinking of if I should use my skyline or get a second car just for DECA and track days...

Also... ...I've got over 4 hours of stuff to go through for SAU Vic TV... ...But what I didn't get was any of the morning sessions on the skid pan or any in-car/on-car video... ...If anyone has any that they wouldn't mind me using in an episode please PM me and we'll work out when I can come and get it off you... :thumbsup:

Could I grab some footage of Luke's burnout from you if you have it? I only got it on my phone and it is dodgy.

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Could I grab some footage of Luke's burnout from you if you have it? I only got it on my phone and it is dodgy.

Can do... ...That's a 33 with black hood... ...NURR-33???...

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Lol ash iv never seen such a serious look on aarons face before when you two were battling (was his passenger for that run). Was trying so hard not to laugh after your first round battle with him and him yelling "f**k" as he pulls in to the garage before you but hits the cone hahahaha

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That also goes for anyone else... ...I basically got everything for the Long Wang... ...You could almost check you times by it... ...I did miss the end of some runs... ...but that's only if you hit any of the cones near me... ...Because I had to go and rest them... >_< ...It also means I may have unfortunately missed the start of the car after you...

I'm still going through everything... ...So if you want a copy of your run on the Long Wang PM me your number on the day and what you were driving... ...Eg, "Car No. 32 Midnight 33 GT-R" or "Car No. 41 Silver Series 2 R33"... ...A full HD version might be a bit big to send online... ...So I'll have a think about how to get them out to everyone that wants them...

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Laith I got some incar footage. Will pm you once iv seen th if they are decent enough or not.

Thanks man...

There was a green Silvia that had one on the outside of the drivers side window... ...And the big white Subaru had a GoPro hanging of the back as well... ...I'd love to get a look at what they recorded...

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Can do... ...That's a 33 with black hood... ...NURR-33???...

That's the one :) If you have winzip or something I can unzip it here?

I'll dm my email - no rush!

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Thanks to the organisers and volunteers who officiated, had a great time - my first SAU DECA in around 3 or 4 years I think (last time I sent my wrx's gearbox to the great gearbox graveyard in the sky :D)

The GTR is a very different beast to drive, am still coming to grips with it and a wet skidpan made things very interesting in the morning.

Next time, I'm staying Sat night as well for sure ;)

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Again, Thanks to the organisers for putting on a good day and to the volunteers for all their help.

It was a big learning experience, now its rwd. Looking forward to next one. Already making changes for better grip.

If anyone's got footage or pics of the Subi Forester car 49, Im interested. let know and we can work something out.

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Thanks to the organisers and volunteers who officiated, had a great time - my first SAU DECA in around 3 or 4 years I think (last time I sent my wrx's gearbox to the great gearbox graveyard in the sky :D)

The GTR is a very different beast to drive, am still coming to grips with it and a wet skidpan made things very interesting in the morning.

Next time, I'm staying Sat night as well for sure ;)

Must say Aaron, loved the launch on your second long wang timed run, thanks for listening to us :thumbsup:

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I had an awesome weekend at Deca, so much fun! I will definitely be back for the next one :)

It was worth staying the weekend and hopefully next time I can stay out longer on the saturday night and enjoy more drinks instead of having to go back to the motel at 10 or whatever time it was :( lol

Was good to hang out and meet the members of SAU, they are a friendly group of people.

Thanks also to the organisers and volunteers for making it a very enjoyable weekend!

Hopefully somone has some footage of my car - Car 42, White S2 R33 GTST with the white rims.

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well I got a few pics:





All pics found here:


Happy to email High res copies to anyone, Just send me an email on

mfsull at hotmail.com

Don't stress if you don;t get straight away tho, I'm currently uploading around 9 gig of video from the day so will email out after that is finished.


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