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Hi Guys,

For the sake of Turbo Science I have decided to undertake an experiment. Yes I know this might be stupid to some but I have searched for hours on end and have not found anything about modifying a blow off valve to sound different. If done successfully you might be able to flutter using your BOV's instead of your turbo lol.

Flutter (Compressor Siege) happens when there is no way for compressed air to escape through a blow off valve once the throttle body is shut so it travels back through the intercooler piping through your compressor housing and out your compressor wheel. The escaping preasure cuts the blades of your turbo and generates Flutter. There have been millions of threads and discussions about doing damage to your Turbo. There have been people who blown up there turbos doing this in 10 minutes with 100hp cars and there have been 1000hp cars that have lasted for years doing this.

Yes I love the flutter sound sadly I find it amusing. The problems I have is I have a Surge Slotted Turbo and for good reason GTX lol. Also having this flutter means when ever you change gear you will have to build back boost since you would have lost this with it coming out of your turbo not in a recirculated or atmo fashion.

Searching away I did find a sigh of hope. The HKS SSQV has inserts that modify the sound of there BOVs. SIlver, Purple and Gold make significantly different sounds but the one that intreged me the most is the Gold Insert. It makes the BOV flutter and is in the shape of blades (Turbos don't make high pitched flutters like this example lol).

So reading through a VLT forum learning the different ways making your car "DOSE" lol why couldn't this science be applied to a blow off valve. Attached is a pic of a turbosmart kompact 34mm Dual Port BOV. Welding up the holes on the trumpet and welding a 38mm 90 degree pipe to the blow off valve would in theory make the blow off valve sound deeper. The next stage to obtain the flutter effect would be to cut in half a compressor wheel and grinding out the blades to allow more air to pass. You would then weld the modified compressor housing at the beginning of the pipe close to the trumpet so when the compressed air passes it will cut the blades and generate the flutter affect, as the valve will close the air will not have anywhere to escape bouncing back and forth generating the flutter. This should have no affect on the car what so ever as any air that comes in the bov by any change would be VERY minimal and would either go back through the manifold or come out your turbo in my case the surge slots lol. There are so many ways of doing this and I will be doing different methods until I find the right method.

If accomplished I will post a vid of my results and the different methods used. I would appreciate any input from anyone including any BOV companys or mechanics as I would assume they have done this type of stuff before in testing. Since I have seen one 1 minor use of this in the HKS SSQV BOV. Something like this would be a real niece in the market (How nice am I been indulging this information out lol :P)

Thanks guys for making the effort of reading this :)



1st of why bother?

2nd One important thing missing is even if you have a compressor wheel welded in the bov pipe its not rotating, having air pass through a fixed comp wheel with do nothing. I'm pretty sure flutter has alot to do with air been forced onto a rotating comp wheell which cant slow down due to exhaust gases keeping it moving, even if it were rotating I'm sure it would sound nothing like you want it to.

Credit for going to the effort but I'm sure if it were that easy then hks or whoever would have made one by now.

Whats so good about flutter anyways? I thought that was only cool on vl's and other hektic cars.

hahahhaha :P,

Yes I know it is stupid, very stupid, EXTREMELY stupid but I've been watching to many Mythbusters and I want to bust this case lol hahahaha.

You have a very valid point with the compressor wheel rotating. By testing with a compressor wheel welded and checking the result and by testing having the compressor wheel rotating by an electronic motor I might be able to achieve the result lol.

I'm assuming why HKS and other companys wouldn't do this is for 2 reasons. Cost and CBF doing something this stupid lol.

Sadly I am a sucker for the low pitched flutter that sounds like a rattle snake lol.

You are talking about a turbo spinning anywhere from 40,000rpm up to 150,000rpm due to exhaust gas driving it.

You'll never come close to this with what you are proposing and a gross waste of time.

Moving out of FI as this is not performance.

mate, you're just a dickhead.

Good luck attracting the cops, and I am sure women will strip off and dive into your car when they hear it instead of thinking you're just another wanker that drives around in a car that sneezes.

mate, you're just a dickhead.

Good luck attracting the cops, and I am sure women will strip off and dive into your car when they hear it instead of thinking you're just another wanker that drives around in a car that sneezes.

Whats with the attitude mate!!!! I think your the dickhead, show some respect towards the fellow members here at skylines australia, I suggested an idea and a theory behind it and all you can really say is I'm a dick head, I bet you don't even know what the difference is between a ratchet and a ring spanner. How about a smart answer not a smart ass one. R31Nismoid thank you for input into this, yes I see where your coming from with this a motor will no where near spin up to 140000rpm to 150000rpm. Ok it has been confirmed this idea will not work so back up and keep the negativity off the forums.

I put this on the forum to receive feedback not dumb comments. Just proves how bad skylines australia is. (Note to admin!!!)

If you got nothing good to say don't say it at all.


I think your wrong.

This site is on a more seious note then ALL the others that are out there.

Sorry to crush you and your inventions champ but maybe take them over to boostcruising and

get some serious input from those guys. They are the real deal and can assist you in every

aspect possible.

Cheers Jesus

Whats with the attitude mate!!!! I think your the dickhead, show some respect towards the fellow members here at skylines australia, I suggested an idea and a theory behind it and all you can really say is I'm a dick head, I bet you don't even know what the difference is between a ratchet and a ring spanner. How about a smart answer not a smart ass one. R31Nismoid thank you for input into this, yes I see where your coming from with this a motor will no where near spin up to 140000rpm to 150000rpm. Ok it has been confirmed this idea will not work so back up and keep the negativity off the forums.

I put this on the forum to receive feedback not dumb comments. Just proves how bad skylines australia is. (Note to admin!!!)

If you got nothing good to say don't say it at all.

Skylines Australia is the best place to go if you want real, and decent information. If you want shit, that will attract cops, and give the nissan skyline a bad name, then you will be told how stupid you are.

And, about your comment regarding me not knowing the difference between a ring spanner and a ratchet.. Well, I built my own RB25\30 hybrid engine from the ground up. Yes, I am saying no engine bulders what so ever. I even tuned it because I tune PowerFc's, Links, and Vipecs.

So, jam that into your blowoff valve and smoke it.

Once again, good luck with the ladies hearing your BOV and getting naked and throwing themselves into your car.

I ran 430rwhp at 18psi, with a Garrett GT3076, my own engine build and tune, and still had a stock standard BOV.

Edited by The Mafia

Its on utube, guys stuck a duck whistle into a bov on a wrx. Teh lulz.

i have a few duck callers. put one on my 33 for a laugh.

Whats with the attitude mate!!!! I think your the dickhead, show some respect towards the fellow members here at skylines australia, I suggested an idea and a theory behind it and all you can really say is I'm a dick head, I bet you don't even know what the difference is between a ratchet and a ring spanner. How about a smart answer not a smart ass one. R31Nismoid thank you for input into this, yes I see where your coming from with this a motor will no where near spin up to 140000rpm to 150000rpm. Ok it has been confirmed this idea will not work so back up and keep the negativity off the forums.

I put this on the forum to receive feedback not dumb comments. Just proves how bad skylines australia is. (Note to admin!!!)

If you got nothing good to say don't say it at all.

ok 2 things, 1st is that he was talking about the turbo spinning at that speed, not the engine, and he is correct.

secondly, you are getting feedback. the feedback you are getting is that it's a stupid idea

Wtf is wrong with you all, if you don't like it don't read it, he wants to make his car do something, it's not possible to get a off the shelf solution so he is experimenting, it's not your car so what do you care??

Anyway good on you for trying something new mate!

Goodluck with your ideas, keep trying and hopefully you will get the result you want. Alot of people on here/other performance car drivers in Australia are kinda over the whole 'dose/flutter' thing due to cops and such

they can get a little touchy on the subject because we remember bad encounters with police/epa etc

Goodluck with your ideas, keep trying and hopefully you will get the result you want. Alot of people on here/other performance car drivers in Australia are kinda over the whole 'dose/flutter' thing due to cops and such

they can get a little touchy on the subject because we remember bad encounters with police/epa etc

i don't think it's stupid because of police attention. i think it's stupid because the flutter is air travelling backwards through the turbo, slowing it down and increasing spool time (and decreasing response) when you get on the gas again.

Hi Guys,

Sorry about the late response. My account simons987 has been hacked so I'm using my backup account.

I appreciate the positive feedback from some of the members, as for the rest of the members that decided to slag this topic yes I do understand some people are touchy about the Flutter BOV topic yes I had canaris before but I don't go around ruining peoples threads and hacking peoples accounts!!! I tried my best to put it in a way that wouldn't offend anyone and wanted peoples input in to this yes I knew I would of received some negative feedback but not to be slandered. Because your in front of a computer screen doesn't give you a right to give a person shit. If you don't like what your reading don't read it at all.

Yes Skylines Australia does have some handy information but receiving feedback like this is the NUMBER 1 reason why I avoided SAU for many years and with feedback like this gives SAU a bad rep

I'm not going to post the results of my findings and I'm not going to respond to this topic. I hope the administrators of SAU can get my simons987 account unhacked.

No hard feelings to anyone.


Yes Skylines Australia does have some handy information but receiving feedback like this is the NUMBER 1 reason why I avoided SAU for many years and with feedback like this gives SAU a bad rep

Well, you know what? Anyone I have spoken to has said that SAU is a very good site. I have never heard any of this crap about "SAU having bad rep".

Maybe if you're some tosser going on about "fulleh sic dose" or a "BOV that makes the women get naked and dive into your car or makes some stupid f**king noise" you'll cop lots of shit..

Here, we build high horsepower engines, race cars, we tune cars, and share information. We don't talk about useless shit like making BOVs flutter. Where is the benifit of that? Does it gain high HP? no. Does it make your engine \ turbo last longer? no. Does it attract police attention? yes. Does it ruin the Skyline experience for people that obey the rules because of cops cracking down on tossers like yourself? Yes.

Have a think about what you have said etc and then you might understand that this is a site of people that do real things. Not stupid useless things.

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