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Any chance of maybe making pamphlets that we can throw under wipers of skylines that don't have Sau stickers that we see about or something. Whether it be giving them heads up on forums or letting them know we want to start a club with details? Boost Tas member numbers? Just an idea :closedeyes:

FYI - here in Victoria we made a Spotted Card (business card size) that you could leave under a windscreen wiper and small enough for existing members to chuck in their wallets and hand out if they saw skylines around the traps.

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If you guys are going to organise an official club – then realistically you must have CAMS affiliation, which is very cheap and you get no limit of permits per year and instant insurance. So its very worthwhile.


The Public Liability Insurance for any events that comes with CAMS affiliation.

What do I mean by events?

Be that a social movie night, group ‘car fix it’ nights or cruise.

As the way things are going in Australia, if you organise something and heaven forbid – something bad happens. You as the organiser will be potentially in a world of strife.

Issue with this?

You need to form a Club Committee, register a non profit organisation/bank accounts, have a Club Constitution, annual reports to the ATO etc etc.

It’s quite a bit of work and unless you get 50 people, IMO it’s realistically not a viable option simply due to workload. Also you must look longer term.

In 5 years is there still going to be the same “drive” as there was in the first 12 months? Will people still own skylines in 3-4 years?

If you are questioning the issues then you are far better off joining a club that is already CAMS affiliated and strengthening their numbers as a single larger group is FAR more effective than smaller splinter groups. More resources, better funding and so on.

Larger states are obviously luckier than you blokes as we are mostly dense coverage within 80km of each other.

Vic alone for example has had 812 members over the past 6 years. We currently have 280 active. So there is a high turnover rate due to the skyline ownership demographic. 100 members don’t even own a Skyline these days :thumbsup:

And even with 280 members, we still struggle to fill Committee roles each year come election time.

Happy to help you guys with more info/thoughts if you wish as I was a founding member of the SAU-Vic club so I’ve been there/done it and I’ve learnt a thing or two over the years :)

Not saying SAU-TAS is a bad idea, just that there really needs to be a solid Committment as the amount of work that goes into something like this a lot of people grossly underestimate. If i had to estimate how many days p/yr i spent doing SAU-Vic stuff - I'd say at least 60 full days of my time each year for nothing more than the love of the club as it's not a paying job other than seeing others smile :)

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