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myofibrillar or sarcoplasmic hypertrophy ^.

Best bet is to do both. Do some heavy days with the main compound lifts (myofibrillar), then do bodybuilding style high volume training during the days in between where you can isolate better (sarcoplasmic)

Firstly, what kind of weight are you trying to gain? Muscle or fat? If the latter, it's as simple as eating fast food every couple days and watch the scales go up. If the former, drop any cardio...train for hypertrophy and eat even when you're not hungry. You'll likely put on some fat too, but at least the fuel will be there for muscle gains.

fark i'd be happy to gain anything, but ideally its muscle

As it stands now im 6'4 and 97 kilo's and thats while eating like a monster and training 3 days a week. If i took a week off, i'd drop 2kg easy... EASY. God help me if i go on holiday and i dont eat regularly

Have to walk to very active dogs every week so i cant trim cardio out all together

To the guy trying to gain size, have you ever considered that it may not be you diet holding you back?

Yes, I'm saying you don't train right to gain mass

everything i do at the gym is 4x6, or something very close to it. Very rarely get to 8 for anything

could squat and deadlift more often, but i had back issues a while ago, the thought of re-injuring myself does scare me off going too heavy

If you have suggestions, im totally open to it

In most of my 'off days', i do chin ups and push ups just to burn off energy otherwise i get real agitated

Well i guess the other question is what are you training for?

strength or hypertrophy... both will build mass, just looks different


I feel real skinny all the time, but it maybe because im filling out such long limbs

Edited by ctjet

What on earth do you want to gain weight for? 6'4 @ 97kg is a big guy, even if you're 16-20% bf. I'm 6'3 at 80kg, granted very low body fat, but I'm not what I'd call "skinny"...lean athletic perhaps.

Suppose you'd have to see me to understand... i LOOK tall. I know that sounds stupid, but my height is exacerbated (in my opinion) by my lack of mass/fat. If you use this pic as a guide im probably JUST under 15%bf


I did temporary solve this issue with protein powder last year, but after i stopped taking it, i lost 5 kilos in 3 weeks. Which was a gigantic waste of money and the 'work milk'. It did fill me out well, especially in the shoulders. But ultimately its fake weight

But im looking for a longer term solution

Potatoes is a start

Edited by ctjet

Yea hybrid training is what I've been doing for a bit and its working well for me..

For your big compound lifts ie dead lifts/ bench/squats/overhead press I do strength (5x5) 2-3 min rest

I start my sessions with compounds

Then I move to higher reps for the rest of the routine ie 8-10 reps. The key here is intensity, it doesn't really matter how much your lifting as long as your flogging the muscle 60-90sec rests between sets.

To Finnish I would say you need to work out 4 -6 times a week. Eat right with plenty of sleep you'll be right ;)

also to contribute:


92kgs (27%) left 72kgs right (5%)

Im confused by this, are you saying this is you?

If so, props, how long did it take you to get there?.

If not what is the relevance of this picture?

Edited by Mitcho_7

What on earth do you want to gain weight for? 6'4 @ 97kg is a big guy, even if you're 16-20% bf. I'm 6'3 at 80kg, granted very low body fat, but I'm not what I'd call "skinny"...lean athletic perhaps.

Im not taking anything away from you birds, but you're small for your height from everything I've read and learnt. You're happy though and that is what you want.

Single digit bf and muscle saturation is usually around height minus 100

I am small, but I was 63kg at the same height, before I hit gym. When I ask people what they think I weigh, the guess is always between 85 and 90kg. Another 17kg on top of my current weight at the same bf is a very big person. Have you seen a legitimate 90kg @ 10% bf in real life? It's a tank...let alone approaching the hunj.

He shouldn't be worrying about gaining weight for the scales, as much as he should be swapping out the fat for muscle. He's getting plenty of food IMO, albeit possibly not the right types...there's something up with the exercise routine here I suspect. You don't want to enter old age weighing over 100kg...very difficult to shift that weight off later on in life when exercise slows down but caloric intake doesn't.

everything i do at the gym is 4x6, or something very close to it. Very rarely get to 8 for anything

could squat and deadlift more often, but i had back issues a while ago, the thought of re-injuring myself does scare me off going too heavy

If you have suggestions, im totally open to it

In most of my 'off days', i do chin ups and push ups just to burn off energy otherwise i get real agitated


I feel real skinny all the time, but it maybe because im filling out such long limbs

If you just want to look bigger, train for hypertrophy. Higher reps (8-12) and a slow tempo 4:4 will lengthen your set times and therefore time under tension for your muscles.

I have long limbs too, especially my legs, so I know the feeling. If you were to shorten your limbs you would probably look tanked, but that's why most guys with larger frames look far better than others once they pack on some size.

1. Start with hypertrophy, then move on to hybrid training later as me and Joe explained.

2. Stop doing chin ups and push ups in your "off days". Those off days are there for a reason... your body requires that time to rest and repair. If you keep breaking down fibres when do you expect them to repair?

3. Increase your number of training days. This will allow you to double up on body parts. Try something like a 4-day split (upper and lower body). No, this won't be too much because if you train for hypertrophy you will relieve your body of the CNS stress associated with strength training.

4. Squat and deadlift. Build these up slowly to avoid re-injuring your back

I guarantee you will build some size doing this while you eat big. I have an equally hard time gaining muscle weight. You could easily just gain weight as other have said by lowering calories expended. I'm not lean, but at least I'm gaining muscle as well as fat. Last I checked I was about 89kg @182-183cm. I'll check tonight and re-post.

Im not taking anything away from you birds, but you're small for your height from everything I've read and learnt. You're happy though and that is what you want.

Single digit bf and muscle saturation is usually around height minus 100

Lol... Birds, doyoueven...... :whistling:

As it stands now im 6'4 and 97 kilo's and thats while eating like a monster and training 3 days a week. If i took a week off, i'd drop 2kg easy... EASY.

I feel real skinny all the time, but it maybe because im filling out such long limbs

Reality check is a good idea before you go training and eating towards more mass.You say you ' feel real skinny all the time'. Would you say you were very slightly insecure about being too skinny for your height?

Could be lots of reasons for this. Maybe you go to a gym with a high proportion of roided up 300 pound dudes so you look relatively small. Maybe you always wanted to look like Arnie. Often people in this situation spent a large part of your life as a tall skinny dude and found it unconfortable, lots of tall blokes probably relate to that.

Once you figure out why you developed the insecurity, you could ,as Birds has, associate your body shape and size with a positive body concept like 'athletic' then you might not have to do anything more at all. Then enjoy your life as it is? You certainly seem very active.

Im not taking anything away from you birds, but you're small for your height from everything I've read and learnt. You're happy though and that is what you want.

Single digit bf and muscle saturation is usually around height minus 100

Small relative to what? The average male or the average bodybuilder/ cricket player / golfer / sumo? Compared to you?

Birds is 'big' by society standards / average male. I am pretty sure he would be getting the comments from people that he lifts.

I assume he's talking in terms of hypertrophy gym goers, in which case I'd agree with him...but that's a good point rev - what matters more to you? How people in the gym see you? Or how people outside the gym see you?

For me, it was always about female attention and I'm yet to meet a female who has thought I could do with more size (let's not take that one out of context!), which is why I'm happy with what I have. Shape and proportion are much more important at making you look good than size/weight, IMO. I'm nearly the same height as ctjet, but 17kg lighter and feel far from undersized in the eyes of the people that matter to me.

Small relative to what? The average male or the average bodybuilder/ cricket player / golfer / sumo? Compared to you?

Birds is 'big' by society standards / average male. I am pretty sure he would be getting the comments from people that he lifts.

seeing as this is all about gym and physique....

Compared to me he is huge. compared to what he could be if he wanted to be, he is 'small'

But like I said, he is exactly how he wants to be and is happy with that, which is what matters. Wasn't taking anything away from what he has achieved and maintained.

Edit: I gave up worrying what people in and out of the gym think. I'm small and get told that by people wearing smaller shirts that can't lift their bw.

Edited by jangles

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