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I wonder if you could get to that physique naturally.

Apparently his stats are 95kg, 185cm. BF 5.8%

This puts his Fat free mass index to about 26-27. Research shows about 25 to be approaching the upper limit

Paid athelete and competes in the IFBB. Too hard too tell these days!

yeah i have wondered how natural he is.

he claims to be completely natural as most of them do. I actually think with him its possible because on the off season he isn't overally cut unlike people like Jeff Seid who seems to always be show ready.

But am also on the fence.

^^^ especially when you consider what his ratio of upper body mass to lower body mass would be, given he's not a "bodybuilder" but more a "fitness model". His legs probably aren't anything spectacular...so can you manage that much lean mass on your upper body without AAS

^^^ especially when you consider what his ratio of upper body mass to lower body mass would be, given he's not a "bodybuilder" but more a "fitness model". His legs probably aren't anything spectacular...so can you manage that much lean mass on your upper body without AAS

he has decent quads. not huge but decent


edit - not body builder huge but big

Edited by -FIGJAM-

Maybe he gets off the stuff in the off season?

I was reading about how people said Jeff said was so much smaller in the offseason compared to a show. Where in the show he was magically alot bigger and leaner.

Me no know, i'm no expert

Easier to assume they are. If you're competing in an elite federation that's untested, along with the best in the world who can freely use, you'd be stupid not to. Even in tested federations, people do cycles off season.

I think it would be possible to get that physique naturally, but you would need some pretty freak genetics for it and a long, long time. Or you could spend a couple of years on roids. I think most people aiming for that kind of size and physique would have no issues taking the quicker and more guaranteed way about it (and before anyone pipes up and says roids are still a lot of hard work, we know that, but try getting there naturally and see which is harder), plus mixing in with crowds of people who regularly use.

I know of a particularly strength training gym where the question thrown around isn't whether you are on roids, but who you get them from. Which is why a lot of these people/gyms don't really like the natty/juice question because A. if you're serious about competing you will use, and B. the stigma surrounding the topic leaves people open to criticism from those who don't use / discredits the hard work in the eyes of people who don't understand what you still have to put in to get there.

The problem is, even if you got there naturally, most people would assume you were on juice anyway...in which case there's no point doing it natural unless you're on some quest to prove it to yourself or are very anti-steroids.

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or have a heart condition.

id say the main reason as to why they dont admit to using is due to sponsorship's from the supplement companies and then the stigma.

each to their own. I know a couple guys who did a few cycles. Got bigger and stronger on a shit diet. Killed it in the gym and trained like beasts. Got off the gear and lost all their gains. Made me lol

Edited by -FIGJAM-

Easier to assume they are. If you're competing in an elite federation that's untested, along with the best in the world who can freely use, you'd be stupid not to. Even in tested federations, people do cycles off season.

I think it would be possible to get that physique naturally, but you would need some pretty freak genetics for it and a long, long time. Or you could spend a couple of years on roids. I think most people aiming for that kind of size and physique would have no issues taking the quicker and more guaranteed way about it (and before anyone pipes up and says roids are still a lot of hard work, we know that, but try getting there naturally and see which is harder), plus mixing in with crowds of people who regularly use.

I know of a particularly strength training gym where the question thrown around isn't whether you are on roids, but who you get them from. Which is why a lot of these people/gyms don't really like the natty/juice question because A. if you're serious about competing you will use, and B. the stigma surrounding the topic leaves people open to criticism from those who don't use / discredits the hard work in the eyes of people who don't understand what you still have to put in to get there.

The problem is, even if you got there naturally, most people would assume you were on juice anyway...in which case there's no point doing it natural unless you're on some quest to prove it to yourself or are very anti-steroids.

Well said

Personally I have no issues with people who take steriods.

What I have a pickle with is those who 'may' take and claim they are natty. Which leads to hundreds of thousands of misguided followers who believe they can look like them, then buy the supplements they use, train and eat like them. But it reality will never come close

I was at the Arnold Classic on the weekend, and one of my mates was like man that Simeon Panda guy is so big for a natty. I was like you wot m8? FYI Simeon Panda markets himself as a Natural bodybuilder

Pic for reference:


hahahahaha yeah. Natty. lol. f**k off.

That first pic showing his legs makes his physique MUCH more desirable imo. Actually looks strong, rather than clinging to consciousness while your body demands you just go to sleep coz you've run yourself that hard into the ground prepping for the stage lol

No way panda is natty. Maybe just uses short esters in the off season like most natty lifters. And yes i know for a fact many do it.

Pretty easy to tell when someone is on the gear. Delts are the biggest give away! more so the way they pop. Not many "natty" bodybuilders can achieve this

In keeping with the topic I've followed Matt Ogus for a while. I think he has a good physique

Is he natty? No idea. Is his physique attainable probably. I think he is 166cm about 75 to 80kg and about 10-12%bf off season


Well said

Personally I have no issues with people who take steriods.

What I have a pickle with is those who 'may' take and claim they are natty. Which leads to hundreds of thousands of misguided followers who believe they can look like them, then buy the supplements they use, train and eat like them. But it reality will never come close

I was at the Arnold Classic on the weekend, and one of my mates was like man that Simeon Panda guy is so big for a natty. I was like you wot m8? FYI Simeon Panda markets himself as a Natural bodybuilder

Pic for reference:


That was the busiest expo I've ever been too. Couldn't believe the crowds and lines out the door, not to mention lines just to try samples of protein lol. Were you watching the IFBB?

Another thing with steroids is, even people not that big can be using them and you won't know because the size isn't a giveaway. The people we see on roids and proclaim/question it are usually just the ones who have gotten huge with them. Plenty of users, in fact most I would say, only get to a size that is questionable but not obvious...unless you know the person and have seen how quickly they've gained size. Hell, a gym newbie could hop on a cycle and in less than 6 months be as big as me or bigger...then just maintain that size. That's exactly what happened when I was 19 and had been going to the gym for a few years...a mate at uni did a cycle and within 3 months was already as muscular, if not more lol...made me a little pissed off!

Also lol at that guy being natural - I also agree with sentiment here; I can see why people keep it secret or try to claim they are natty, but it's f**king annoying and gives natty people or supplement suckers a lot of false hope. The business of that expo and people queuing for the next best thing is he perfect demonstration of how much money is in an industry that preys on quick fixes and people wanting an edge in something they're passionate about...or claim to be.

That was the busiest expo I've ever been too. Couldn't believe the crowds and lines out the door, not to mention lines just to try samples of protein lol. Were you watching the IFBB?

Another thing with steroids is, even people not that big can be using them and you won't know because the size isn't a giveaway. The people we see on roids and proclaim/question it are usually just the ones who have gotten huge with them. Plenty of users, in fact most I would say, only get to a size that is questionable but not obvious...unless you know the person and have seen how quickly they've gained size. Hell, a gym newbie could hop on a cycle and in less than 6 months be as big as me or bigger...then just maintain that size. That's exactly what happened when I was 19 and had been going to the gym for a few years...a mate at uni did a cycle and within 3 months was already as muscular, if not more lol...made me a little pissed off!

Yup a bit of a misconception that your only only steriods if your big. Some people just take it too get enough lean mass and stay shredded.

Didnt watch the IFBB, but did wait an hour in line to say hello to Jay Cutler and Phil heath :/

Was it worth it? I didn't see them. My visual experiences were limited to zyzz's little brother and some douchebags walking around the show topless with glitter on them

Was it worth it? I didn't see them. My visual experiences were limited to zyzz's little brother and some douchebags walking around the show topless with glitter on them

Chestbrah? There's something not quite right about him? For someone well known on the gear seems small and flat in person and he looked so tired and out of it in the face.

Jay Cutler was more of a touch n go. But Phil Heath you could chat to a bit and also got a signed photo thingy so it was ok :)

I only really wanted to go see a few stars Phil, Cutler and Marc Lobliner. Marc Lobliner is real nice in person and had the time to chat with every person from what i could see

Was it worth it? I didn't see them. My visual experiences were limited to zyzz's little brother and some douchebags walking around the show topless with glitter on them

We saw the strong men at the expo too. I saw Dan Macri, he's one of my faves. Edited by L33SH

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